Assignment – 3RAI Part A


Written Assignment B (A.C. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2) 1100 words

Compile a report on your organisation’s approach to recording, analysing and using HR data and information, using 3RAI Written Assignment A as an example (1000 words)

  • Give 2 reasons why it is necessary for an organisation to collect and record HR data. (AC 1.1)
  • Identify the range of HR data that your organisation collects and how this supports HR practice. (AC 1.2) (types, usage)
  • Describe the systems used for recording the data and 2 methods of how the data was stored. What are the benefits of using these systems? (AC 2.1) (Oracle, Sap)
  • Explain 2 legal requirements that your organisation must take into account when recording, storing and accessing HR data.  (AC 2.2) (UK laws, how we are practicing against these UK lows and finding and solving any gaps)


  • Describe the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment:  what you knew about your organisation’s approach to recording, analysing and using HR data and information before you attended module 2; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing the assignment. (100 words)
  • You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your findings.  Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a reference list provided


Describe the different ways in which your organisation collects and records data and give 2 reasons why it is necessary for any organisation to do this. (AC 1.1, 250 words)

It is important for the HR in contemporary organisations to collect data for compliance with the legislative regulatory requirements such as the health and safety, pay rates, time directives (Branstetter et al., 2014). The collected data is instrumental for preventing employees requiring their workforce to work extremely long hours with implication for health and safety. Also, for the purpose of avoiding any form of legal implication in an organisation, HR data is collected.

In EDC different approaches to collecting employee data and records are used.  This is used to assist an organization to have enough information to decide about how to proceed and enhance weaknesses areas (Carter & Baghurst, 2014). The gathered information and analyzed data are generally accurate and used to protect the credibility and reliability of data and informations.  In our organization we focus in different areas stages, such as Identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data, select issues and/or opportunity and set goals, plan an approach and methods, collect data, Analyze and interpret data, and finally Act on results.

Below is the method of collection data:

  • Personnel management (SAP)
  • Time management
  • Training and Development
  • Survey
  • Personal data
  • Appraisal
  • Sick leave


One type of the organization data collection is personal information of all employees within the organization such as family member/dependents, Address, Bank Details. This is to ensure correspondence correctly will be sent to employees in regards to their payment, leave, intimation letter in case if they failed to resume their duty.

The second type of Data Collection is sickness record. This data will allow the organization to collect the accurate numbers of sickness and recorded in the system as an easy reference and will help to identify those employees who have a higher and repeated sickness.

Identify the range of HR data that your organisation collects and how this supports HR practice. (AC 1.2, 250 words) Thereis a broad range of the HR data that the modern organisation can collect for supporting their organisations in implementing their overall HR’s practices. In this case, the types of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Please contact us to receive guidance and support on this assessment in full with customized examples of your organisation of work

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