(Solution) 7CO03 Personal effectiveness, ethics and business acumen


For a people practice professional, pursuing a self-assessment is important as it assists in understanding strengths and weaknesses. This is while boosting their self-confidence by offering with an opportunity of course correction and essential data for improving their performance. According to Sridharan and Boud (2019) through self-assessment, a people practice professional is able to evaluate themselves professionally and granting a chance for setting their future growth goals. In line with this background information, this report intend to integrate theory and evidence to a self-assessment on 6 different areas. These areas are in broad topic of personal effectiveness, ethics and business acumen. My current placement is in AI Projects- Arabian Industries (AIP) as a people practice professional. This report will be based on this area of practice.

Learning outcome 1:   Be able to model principles and values that promote inclusivity aimed at  maximising the contribution that people make to organisations.
Question 3- To be able to self-evaluate personal and professional integrity in relation to ethical practice, professional courage and influence, and valuing people CIPD (2019) which is an appropriately done research report, inclusion is linked with the employee satisfaction, creativity and lowered absenteeism. In modelling principles and values for promoting inclusivity, the areas of interest would need to include employee behaviour, line manager capability, senior leadership, policies and broader people management practices, organisation culture, climate and values. Further, Gormley et al. (2021) report focusing on the S&P 500 companies introduced the Culverhouse inclusion model noted that principles and values which harness inclusivity are anchored on capacity for people with visible and invisible disabilities leveraging on similar opportunities as those advanced by their co- workers. Hence, the outcome of this is maximisation of contributions of people to their organisations. To this effect, in by CPD, I have identified review global organisations which are highly ranked as having the most progressive culture and behaviours (S&P 500 companies) as shown in my CPD Plan. In the subsequent paragraphs, I intend to use Utilitarianism Approach (Romani et al., 2019) to critically evaluate the principles which I possess for self-evaluating personal and professional integrity in light of ethical practice, professional courage, influence, and valuing people. Consequentialism I have managed to introduced a performance review through an embrace of an online system and discuss the overall performance together (see evidence 12.00). This is to ensure that if good or bad is dependent on their outcomes. This relate to the actions which produce honesty, keeping all promises, professionalism, caring for others, accountable and avoidance of conflicts of interest. For instance, after COVID-19 pandemic emerged, in AIP, since the organisation was not performing in optimum, a need arose for making some of the employees redundant. By adopting this strategy, the decision I made had a direct impact on all the engaged people wellbeing holistically. I introduced what Ombanda and K’Obonyo (2019) identify as with lower profits leading to short-term losses hurting stakeholders, job-loss costs would impact employees and family. Hence, I introduced a small percentage to be a retainer for the employees in order to remain in the organisation for a long time. This demonstrated by capacity of embracing high-level personal and professional integrity. Welfarism As evidenced in Otaye-Ebede et al. (2020), this concept evidence that welfarism is the view that only the welfare (similarly identified as well-being) of people determining the value of an outcome. In order to improve welfarism, as a best practice, through different memos, I am in a position of disseminating policy of the anti-harassment and bullying (see evidence 01.00). My practice is also similar to CIPD (2022) which identify the professional courage and influence as critical in today world where truth, justice and being right is distorted and weaponised. Impartiality Considering the CIPD HR Professional Map, professional courage and influence is a core behaviour for the people practice professionals. It entail showing courage for speaking up and skilfully influencing others for gaining buy-in. This is evidenced in CIPD (2022) Working in AIP, I tend to adopt Social Cognitive Theory (Voo et al., 2018; Trivena, 2019) which form a basis for evaluating the reasons people adopt specific behaviours. It is in this regard that I have managed to promote consistent professional and personal integrity and role-modelling (see evidence 03.00). Aggregationism This is based on the view that the value of the world is the sum of value of its parts with  the parts representing local phenomena including experiences, lives and societies.  My practice is guided by case study (CIPD, 2022a) which offer an appropriate framework to listen and respond to voice to understand all the phenomenon. For the 1,240 employees, approximately 700 are craft characterised with a low employee engagement index is at 30% a major issue of concern. During the process of site visits, employees are well positioned to explain best practice of compliance with the identified practices (see evidence 07.00). This was occasioned by AIP encountering issues with employees engagement. In particular, in early 2022 after resumption of fully operations, the engagement was all time low at 40% with a 70% turnover. These findings had been obtained from the employee and line managers evaluating performance review by use of online system and discussion of the entire performance collaboratively (see evidence 12.00). After going through a short-term course on best practice in implementation of innovation, I managed to establish relevant insights of harnessing employees engagement (see evidence 12.00). This involved harnessing the overall employee voice which was hugely positive.
Word Count 733 words
References CIPD 2019. Building inclusive workplaces. Available [Online] https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/relations/diversity/building-inclusive-workplaces [Accessed on 14th October 2022] CIPD 2022. Professional courage and influence; Core behaviours. Available [Online] https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/profession-map/core-behaviours/professional-courage-influence#gref [Accessed on 14th October 2022] CIPD 2022a. NIE Networks: power to the people. Available [Online] https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/get-started/case-studies/nie-networks [Accessed on 14th October 2022] Gormley, T.A., Gupta, V.K., Matsa, D.A., Mortal, S. and Yang, L., 2021. The big three and board gender diversity: The effectiveness of shareholder voice. European Corporate Governance Institute–Finance Working Paper714, p.2020. Ombanda, P.O. and K’Obonyo, P., 2019. Critical analysis of ethics in human resource management and employee performance. Int. J. Sci. Res. Publ9, pp.580-595. Otaye-Ebede, L., Shaffakat, S. and Foster, S., 2020. A multilevel model examining the relationships between workplace spirituality, ethical climate and outcomes: A social cognitive theory perspective. Journal of Business Ethics166(3), pp.611-626. Romani, L., Holck, L. and Risberg, A., 2019. Benevolent discrimination: Explaining how human resources professionals can be blind to the harm of diversity initiatives. Organization26(3), pp.371-390. Sridharan, B. and Boud, D., 2019. The effects of peer judgements on teamwork and self-assessment ability in collaborative group work. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education44(6), pp.894-909. Trivena, C.B., 2019. Designing Feedback Using 360-Degree Feedback for Era Ascot. Available [Online] https://twasp.info/public/paper/4.%2036-52%20Designing%20Feedback%20Using%20360-Degree%20Feedback%20for%20Era%20Ascot%20(1).pdf [Accessed on 14th October 2022] Voo, I.C., Soehod, K. and Long, C.S., 2018. Applying Social Cognitive Theory to HRM Practices, HR Roles, and Firm Performance. Bandung, Indonesia: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society International.  
Learning outcome 2:   Be able to achieve and maintain challenging business outcomes for yourself and organisations.  
Question 5 To be able to reflect on levels of self-awareness, self-management and continuous self-improvement, leading to improved organisational success and career progression As stipulated in CIPD and expounded in Kalenda et al. (2018), in the highly challenging business outcomes, having a reflective practice for developing an individual and organisation performance. Hence, through self-awareness, it is appropriate to deliver good solutions customised to clients and stakeholders interest as opposed to lamenting what is inappropriately made. By use of CIPD guidance, informative, instructive tutorial on self-reflection with Kalenda et al. (2018) evidencing on relevant input for pursuing it further. My ability to reflect on levels of self-awareness is clearly evidenced by how I have managed to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses and areas of my development to manage the weaknesses to improve my strengths (see evidence 33.00; see evidence 57.00). This has been initiated from my practice of pursuing Level 7 CIPD course which I am fully funding myself and spending my time on it juggling in midst of my job roles. Also, after COVID-19 pandemic emerged, the HR department was mandated with a responsibility of ensuring after 3 months, a capacity development program is offered to their employees (see evidence 57.00). Since I attended a course on “strategies to improve self-awareness) is a sufficient evidence of my self-awareness and continuous self-improvement. This is also coupled to the leadership innovation course by Bill George which I pursued (see evidence 33.00). In both courses, I was able to self-reflect, identify my best practice in my operations while leading a substantial improvements within my organisation in AIP. According to Audulv et al. (2019), the self-management is a strategy which is adopted to understand and take responsibility of my individual behaviour and wellbeing. As a best practice, working as a people practice professional, my core role is self-managing myself. The outcome of this has involved capacity to effectively and efficiently delegate responsibilities for others. Prior joining AIP, I did not know the effectiveness of use of Self-Management theory which is inclusive of context, process and outcomes. For instance, in my organisation, I ensure that I ensure that I both focus on each task at a time while setting short and long-term goals holistically (see evidence 57). Despite my schedule being tricky while working in AIP, I ensure I keep reading and listening to lectures, and attending different courses and conferences and teaching in various colleges (see evidence 57). My practice is in line with Oliver and Duncan (2019), this is a framework applied to understand conscious and unconscious bias which harness individual understanding of myself and others. Similar to Gamayanto et al. (2019) recommendations, I have noted it is possible increasing the size of the open area with less disclosure of personal information on each employees with the size of hidden and unknown areas lowered.  I have been working on Self-improvement by maintaining on my strengths, not giving in and not giving up and being close to my family and friends (See evidence 57.00). As evidenced in  Oliver and Duncan (2019) as a framework applied to understand conscious and unconscious bias which harness individual understanding of myself and others (I have used this as my future areas of personal development as noted in my CPD. In my CPD, I have noted that I need to improve on my capacity development in areas of using lean systems in my practice. For my continuous self-improvement, CIPD (2022) note that as a best practice, there is a need for identifying, planning, acting, reflecting, applying, sharing and impacting others. Since AIP is a subsidiary of Arabian Industries which is a major international organisation, they are recommending the need for adopting the Toyota Production system which is Kaizen. As evidenced in Kelendar (2020) and Wehmeier et al. (2020), as a best practice, this entail the adoption of improvements based on small incremental changes rather than major paradigm shifts, valuing employees ideas, incremental improvements inexpensive for implementation, taking ownership for improvement and measurable improvement which are potentially repeatable. For improving my self-management, I intend to work on SMART GOALS for identifying and achieving my goals which are consistently evolving and change (see reference 33.00). As I move into the future, I will at all times promote my capacity to harness self-management particularly for those people whom we work in collaboration. As evidenced in Ransbotham et al. (2020), the rationale of this is for increasing he skills and knowledge retention, generating fresh ideas and perspectives while boosting the overall morale with entire employees performance improved.  All the current problems which have been occasioned by the merger of different Arabian industries subsidiaries including AIP would be successfully managed.  

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