(Solution) New CIPD Level 3 3C002- Principles of Analytics


Section 1

1.1 Evidence-based Practice; Application within Organisation

Meaning of Evidence-Based Practice

As defined in Li et al. (2019), the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a process which is used in decision making by leveraging on supporting evidence. The evidence is used to guide appropriate business outcomes. In the CIPD HR professional map, evidence-based is categorised as a professional value CIPD (2022) and entail a process followed in making better decisions, inform action which possess a desired impact. This is by leveraging on critical thinking and existing evidence.

Application in Organisation

The areas of application are;

  • Issues identification and posing questions to be answered– According to Gill (2018), through a leverage on EBP, organisation issues are identified. This is with appropriate lessons being learnt on future practice. For instance, in Saudi Aramco organisation, after emergence of COVID-19 pandemic, evidence indicated lack of appropriate health and wellbeing. Hence, going into the future, as part of the total rewards, Saudi Aramco offers sustainable health and wellbeing program.
  • Obtaining Data– By appropriately using the EBP, it is easy to obtain data which is based on scientific research work and literature sources. Also, internal organisation data, professional information and all stakeholders. As evidenced in Lin et al. (2010) an organisation such as Saudi Aramco benefit by having a clear purpose and direction.
  • Application of evidence– Evidence is identified by Boswell and Cannon (2022) as guiding the creation of clear hypothesis of an issue. For instance, in Saudi Aramco, evidence is used to guide approach of managing risks and establishing essential improvement areas.
  • Outcomes assessment– EBP is used to assess results based on expectations. The feedback is appropriately reviewed and performance evaluated holistically.

Types of Evidence-based practices

Resourcing Approaches– Evidence-based practice guide the use of different resourcing approaches. For instance, Saudi Aramco adopt psychometric tests and recruitment centers.

Employee Recognition– The importance of this is to harness the possibility of appreciating value, improving the employees motivation and satisfied while harnessing a high-level productivity. Total rewards in Saudi Aramco informed by evidence-based is a source of their satisfaction.

Performance Management– This is identified in Novak et al. (2019) as a collective of approaches used to support employees capacity. For instance, in Saudi Aramco, this is done by ensuring organisation culture is oriented towards successful performance. This is meant to make sure the organisation is leveraging on successful performance management practices.

1.2 Importance of data; Accuracy in determining problems and issues

From a basic point of view, CIPD (2022a) identify people analytics as using data in solving business issues. The importance of data in organisations include;

Making informed decisions– Considering an organisation affected negatively by increased turnover cases, exit interviews data can be used to make informed decisions. According to CIPD (2021) this is by calculating the breakdowns of the turnover data such as redundancy-related or resignation. This guide making informed decisions on different people practices.

Finding solution to faced issues– By leveraging on the use of data, organisations are in an appropriate position to identify the problem causes. This is by visualisation of relationships of occurrence in various areas, department and systems. For instance, during COVID-19 pandemic, data on infections in an organisation was being used to determine whether to close and facilitate remote working.

Adopting strategic approach– As evidenced in Guarani de Souza et al. (2018) data has a positive impact in increasing the overall efficiencies. This is by directing resources (scarce) to areas of high demand. For instance, an organisation can decide to prioritise on training rather than staffing.

Maintaining track of all occurrences– By leveraging on the use of data, it is possible to set baselines, benchmarking and goals to move ahead. The data would also be relevant in facilitating an entity in setting their performance goals and celebrating success when attained.

Accuracy of Data

A recent report in Gartner (2018), it found that inaccurate data cost organisations 15% of their overall revenues. For instance, IBM has lost $3.1 trillion every year as a result of data inaccuracy. Hence, enhancing data accuracy has immense positive gains to an organisation both in short and long-terms. Also, time savings are achieved since there would be a need to clean data and cross-reference information. Considering Saudi Aramco, in 2021, there were issues with lack of customer satisfaction in their offshore oil refinery. After collecting accurate data, the issue was merely due to miscommunication. The accurate data was used to assist the clients in gaining high-level trust with the organisation.

1.3 Quantitative and qualitative data measurements people professionals use

Quantitative Data Measurements

As evidenced in CIPD (2022a), this is quantifiable and objective data and examples include number of employees and average age described numerically.

The measurements used include;

Retention rates– This is used to identify the number of employees who remain in an organisation for a specific time

Salary– comparing benefits issued to different categories of employees

Hours of overtime worked– The number of hours worked by each employee as stipulated in their employment contract

Age– the employees are stratified into their age groups which include millennials, generation X and Z and the elderly

Qualitative Data Measurements

This is identified as describing the qualities observed by an individual and is subjective in nature. The examples of this include the performance appraisals and exit interview notes. The measurements used by people professionals include;

The reasons why the employees end up staying or leaving an organisation

The extent in which a supervisor is used in managing their employees

If retirement benefits are worth pursuing

Comfort in an office setting

If the teamwork is successful

1.6 Application of Agreed Policies and Procedures inform Decisions

Increased awareness

To improve awareness, the employees must be facilitated with access to handbooks and other contents of the procedures. This improve the decision making and sustainable choices being taken as all stakeholders are involved (Goode, 2018). 

Also, as evidenced in CIPD (2022c), the awareness can be increased through the use of performance management data. For instance, the procedure followed would lead to improved employee engagement by progressive and open communication. The decision which is made is with a full alignment with every staff daily tasks with their core business objectives.

Capacity development approaches– The importance of this is making sure that the employees are reviewing the overall policies developed and initiatives intended to guarantee compliance with identified choices and making decisions. This is identified in CIPD (2022b) as contributing to capacity development and real-life occurrences established.

The organisation policy of capacity development inform on the learning needs analysis outcome. This guides on making a decision making on the most appropriate strategy of learning amogst the employees. The best practice would include on-the job learning, work shadowing and coaching and mentoring.

Increased accountability

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