Part 1 (AC 2.1, 2.2)
- Undertake a self-assessment against a specification of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required of an L&D practitioner using the CIPD Profession Map.
- From the self-assessment, identify areas you would like to develop and
devise and submit a development plan* (no maximum word count).
- The plan should include your specific development objectives, the activities you have selected to address your objectives and your reasons for selecting these particular activities.
- A template can be found on the LMS and this initial plan should focus on the next 6 – 12 months and have 4-5 SMART objectives
- This will be a working document throughout the programme, which will be explained as you go through the programme. Your development objectives should include separate objectives for achieving each of your qualification units.
In order for you to be able to complete part 1 you will start the process by taking an initial self-assessment using the CIPD profession map. (CPD Map)
Log onto
You will need to read around the concept of the CIPD Profession Map to ensure you fully understand the idea of the professional areas, the behaviours and the bands (the concept will have been covered in overview in your Introductory Workshop). You should be clear on the difference between ‘knowledge’, ‘skills’ and ‘behaviour’;
- Click the link for ‘My CPD Map’ (you will need to have logged in using your CIPD username and password);
- Firstly, undertake an assessment for yourself in the professional areas in relation to your
own current role (or if you are not in L&D, an L&D role you aspire to)
for Knowledge and Activities.
- Each professional area assessment takes 5-10 minutes to complete. You do not need to complete all three in one sitting. The system will ‘bookmark’ where you leave an assessment to allow you to return to where you stopped the assessment):
- Insights, Strategies and Solutions
- Leading HR
- One other of your choice (we recommend you choose an area that you are less familiar with but predict may become a significant part of your HR career or role in future).
- Secondly, undertake an assessment against the behavioural areas for yourself in relation to your own current role (or if you are not in HR, an HR role you aspire to) against a minimum of three behaviours (each behaviour assessment takes 5 minutes to complete. You do not need to complete all of the assessments in one sitting. The system will ‘bookmark’ where you leave an assessment to allow you to return to where you stopped the assessment);
You do not need to print off the full report for the purposes of this assessment, but it is a robust document you can use to plan your HR career. In relation to this specific assignment you must attach a copy of the HR summary reports with your assignment submission. There is guidance on the Moodle that will support you to do this.
Part 2 (AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5) (1500 Words)
Produce a Word document report in relation to your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) and the CIPD Profession Map in which you explain:
Within your evaluation, you must cover the following aspects:
- at least three different L&D roles and titles
- the technical knowledge and skills (i.e. those relating to the specialist area of L&D) required of L&D practitioners.
- the importance of effective communication skills and the ability to transmit information in different modes for L&D practitioners
- work-management and collaborative-working behaviours, and why these are important for L&D practitioners. (refer to the Profession Map’s behaviours Collaborative and Role Model for this)
- the meaning of the term CPD (continuing professional development) and why CPD is important for L&D practitioners.
(To be submitted at the end of the programme) (AC 3.1)
During your programme, reflect on your performance against your plan, including the learning gained from each unit of your qualification. As you reflect, identify any further development needs and update your plan accordingly.
Throughout the assessment, you should refer to best practice, and include reference to appropriate literature sources to demonstrate your wider reading. Demonstrating evidence of wider reading through appropriate referencing will improve your answer and increase the likelihood of your work achieving a ‘Pass’.
Submission checklist
- Assignment Cover Sheet
- Main assignment: Part 1 – Self assessment and Part 2 – 1500 Word assignment
- Summary Reports from MyCPD
- Development Plan
- References/Bibliography
Becoming an Effective L&D Practitioner (3BEP)
Part 1: Self-Assessment
The selected professional areas for assessments included the insights, strategies and solutions, leading HR, and organizational development. It is from these areas that knowledge, skills and behaviours essential for a L&D practitioner using the CIPD profession map has been carried out………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Part 2
- Different L&D Roles and Titles
L&D represent the learning and development process that is specifically oriented on assisting individuals in an organisation in learning new skills to harness their level of motivation and productivity in their workplaces. According to Kilkelly (2009) In the learning and development process, the titles that include the training manager, training coordinator, trainer and course designer dictate the roles of the L&D process. in this regard the L&D roles include;
- Identification of training and development needs in an organisation through job analysis, appraisal schemes and regular consultation with business managers and human resource departments
- Designing and expanding the training and development programs on the basis of the needs of the organisation and involved individuals
- Working collaborative in teams for establishing programs that are satisfactory to all the relevant parties in an organisation. The titles of focus include the line managers, accountants, and senior managers
- Prioritization and assessment of return on investment on training or development program
- Development of effective induction programs for new and joining staff, offering apprentices, and graduate trainees
- A successful monitoring and reviewing the progress of trainees through delivery of questionnaires and discussions with all managers
- Doing ardent and real time research on
new technologies and methodologies essential in a workplace learning and
presentation of research
- Technical Knowledge and skills Essential for L&D Practitioners
For the technical knowledge, the L&D practitioners must possess the following knowledge. They include;…………………………………………………………………………………….Please contact us to receive guidance on the entire assessment
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