5ENG Employee Engagement Briefing paper and presentation


Your Chief Executive is committed to having a more engaged workforce and has
asked you to brief the executive team on how this could be accomplished. She has informed you that not all of the executive team understand what it means, what the benefits are and what is involved. You have been asked to develop and deliver an informative and persuasive presentation which includes:
 An analysis of the meaning, principal dimensions and components of employee engagement and how it differs, if at all, from related concepts such as organisational commitment, employer involvement, job satisfaction.
 An identification of the principal drivers and business benefits of having an engaged workforce and a signposting of some of the steps an organisation can take to create a culture of employee engagement e.g. through job design,
discretionary behaviour etc,
 A brief explanation of the need for aligning engagement practices with other corporate components.
 An evaluation of suitable diagnostic tools for measuring employee attitudes and levels of employee engagement.
 An example of an employee value proposition (EVP) to promote levels of
employee engagement making reference to what makes a ‘good’ EVP.
 Examples of relevant HR strategies to raise levels of employee engagement and address barriers.


5ENG: Employee Engagement

AC 1.1: Employee engagement – principal dimensions – components – comparison with related concepts

 Adopting the definition of Macey and Schneider (2008), employee engagement is a combination of the aspects of commitment of an entity with its values and willingness to assist others (organizational citizenship). Hence, the engagement outcomes include the performance, employer/employee brand development, motivation/commitment, enhancing learning and development and generating new ideas/improvements. In other words, employee engagement in a workplace is a strategy guiding the existence of appropriate conditions for all organisation members to give their best daily, high level commitment to the organisation goals and values and a high level motivation. The motivation is aimed at making positive contributions on an organizational success actively and eventually making positive contributions on the entire organizational success. As illustrated in figure 1, employee engagement is evidenced by distinct factors identifying overall success;

Figure 1: Employee engagement

Source: (Macey and Schneider, 2008)

For principal dimension for employee engagement, they include opinions on management, employee voice, meaningfulness of work and employee well-being. The emotional dimension is an identification of the level of involvement in employment with a demonstration of a cognitive focus on employment and physical representation of a need for working in an extra mile. Employee commitment is identified as the level in which the employees are emotionally and physically bound to their different organisations with the employee engagement identifying the level of employee passion on their work practices and co-workers commitment to the optimum benefit of their organisation. The level of engagement is equally distinct from the other concepts of job involvement as it tend to dictate on the psychological and emotional levels of an individual active involvement in participation in their work, profession and a company. For example, the highly ranked performers are actively in participate in their roles and demonstrating the existence of significant job involvement. As illustrated in figure 2, all the identified factors with a direct influence on the employee job satisfaction dictate the level in which the employees have a willingness of taking a critical role in an organisation.

Figure 2: Employer practices that influence business results

AC 2.1 Principal drivers of employee engagement – the business benefits for key stakeholders – customers, employees, managers The principal drivers include the opinions on management, employee voice, meaningfulness of work, and employee well-being. Hence, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Please contact us to receive guidance, support and tutorial services on this assessment in full based on your choice background organisation, level of expectations and summary of 5ENG

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