CIPD Level 7 7LMP Leading, Managing and Developing People Assessment 3


In the CIPD exam you have three hours to complete the paper. Section A is a case study and in Section B you are required to answer five questions. The two sections are equally weighted – so you have roughly 1.5 hours to answer Section B. There are five questions on this paper, so aim to complete it in 1.5 hours. There is no word limit.

These questions have been taken from recent CIPD exam papers for this module:

  1. In 2011 the results of an international online survey about employee attitudes were published. These demonstrated that UK employees are less impressed by their managers than is the case anywhere else in the world. Here, only 10% describe their manager as ‘brilliant’, while 73% say that their manager ‘fails to invest properly in staff development or training’. Only 18% believe that their managers are more capable than they are, while an astonishing 41% of UK workers describe their manager as being ‘almost totally incompetent’.
    1. What are the consequences, from an HR perspective, of a situation in which managers are viewed negatively by large numbers of their staff?
    2. What steps can the HR function in organisations take to address these issues?
  2. Daniel Goleman has famously argued that however determined, decisive and technically brilliant individuals are, they can never be truly successful leaders if they do not also possess a great deal of emotional intelligence.
    1. What exactly is the meaning of the term ’emotional intelligence’?
    2. Drawing on your own observations of leader figures, both in and out of work, state how far you agree with Daniel Goleman’s view and why.
  3. Some leaders are born into their roles, for example taking control of family businesses when their parents retire. Others are appointed into leadership roles as a result of competitive selection processes. A third group, known as ’emergent leaders’, are thrust into leadership roles when people look to them to provide leadership as a result of a crisis, an entrepreneurial opportunity, or an unexpected event.
    1. Which of these types of leader, in your opinion, is most likely to lead effectively? Justify your answer with reference to well-known leader figures.
    2. What qualities are emergent leaders more likely to have than those who are born or appointed into their roles?
  4. In recent years, several influential pieces of research have been published on poor leadership and on the reasons that some leaders turn out to be very unsuccessful in their roles.
    1. Drawing on published research and your own experience, identify the major reasons that lie behind failed leadership episodes.
    2. What steps can newly appointed leaders take to help ensure that they are not unsuccessful in their roles?
  5. Some argue that good leadership in organisations only occurs when their leaders are assisted by ‘good followers’ who are supportive but also prepared to engage in ‘constructive dissent’ from time to time.
    1. What, in practical terms, might be meant by the term ‘constructive dissent’? Illustrate your answer with an example.
    2. What steps can organisational leaders take in order to encourage ‘good followership’ among their teams


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Please contact us to receive support, guidance and tutorial services regarding all the sections of this assessment based on your overall expectations and background

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