Assess the way your organisation resources talent to meet its vision, mission, values, goals and objectives.
- Identify 3 organisational benefits of resourcing and retaining a diverse workforce. (AC 1.1)
- Consider the organisation’s overall business objectives and economic environment, identifying 4 factors that may impact on resourcing talent. (AC 1.2)
- Examine the legal and ethical issues that may arise during this process. Describe the factors that affect your organisation’s talent resourcing policy. (AC 1.3)
- Recruitment and Selection are critical components of resourcing talent within an organisation. Describe and contrast 3 methods of recruitment. (AC 2.1)
- Describe and contrast 3 methods of selection. (AC 2.2)
- A description of the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment: what you knew about resourcing, recruitment and selection before you attended module 1; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing the presentation.
You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your findings. Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a reference list provided.
Introduction (50 words)
This paper focuses on Emirates Driving Company which had been established in 2000 focusing on drivers training and road safety institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE. EDC can be identified as a public joint company partially owned by the Abu Dhabi government. The organization workforce characteristics have been evaluated in length.
3 organisational benefits of resourcing and retaining a diverse workforce. (AC 1.1, 150 words)
A diverse workforce is a practice in an organization that involves sourcing services from individuals of different backgrounds through a target of delivery of tangible and intangible benefits of an organization (Podsiadlowski et al., 2013). EDC is characterized by the presence of a diverse workforce.
- Harnessing organization Productivity
The diverse workforce in EDC has facilitated them in building strong partnerships, working through a client-oriented approach, and teamwork focused. This has been translated to the number of students that have successfully passed through the institution.
- Greater innovation and creativity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Please contact us to receive this assessment in full based on your organisation background
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