3MER Part C


Write a report on the approach taken to termination of employment in your own organisation. You should briefly explain:

  • The differences between fair and unfair dismissals with examples for each
  • The importance of exit interviews to both parties
  • The key stages to be followed in managing redundancies.


Fair and Unfair Dismissals

Basically, an employee can be removed from their employment position through retirement, individual decision to resign and retrenchment (ACAS, 2017a). hence, the dismissal can either be fair or unfair. In regard to fair dismissal, both the employer and employee are in a common agreement on the issues informing the necessity of dismissal. On the other hand, unfair dismissal is evident where there are disagreements on the removal from an employment. The fair dismissal is characterized by a depth consideration of all factors leading to the dismissal and mitigation of all aspects that could resolve the issues leading to dismissal. According to CIPD (2017), upon informing the employee on the pending dismissal, they are supposed to revert with an agreement or dissatisfaction with the process where the process is implemented if they fail to respond at the end of the dismissal notification.  In the unfair dismissal, there is normally no notice or opportunity offered to the employee to make their submissions.

A good example of unfair dismissal is where an employee is dismissed from an entity through hearsays that he has been engaged in practices that exposes them to their competitors. This is even after working in the organization for more than 9 years. In addition, when an individual is dismissed due to being sick and failing to inform their employers. In such a case, the employee is not given any funds as a send-off.

Secondly, a good example of fair dismissal involves an employee who has been contravening with an entity was, having misconduct issues hence affecting their competence. First, such an employee is warned and informed if he does not change actions would be taken against them. Later after several months, they fail to change and a second warning is offered of impending summarily dismissal. Ultimately, when no change is witnessed, such an employee is dismissed with all his gains and remunerations.

Importance of Exit Interviews Adopting the definition of Editor (2017), ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Please contact us to receive this assessment in full based on your organisation background and any other expectation

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