(Avado) Level 5 5HRO2 Talent Management and workforce planning

Task 1 – Poster presentation (strategic positioning and labour market)

The manager of the people practice team is looking to learn more about the labour market. They have asked you to prepare a poster presentation for the forthcoming monthly team briefing. Your manager wants you to research the labour market trends, focussing on the best practices of an organisation named “SAP” who won the Employer Brand Management Awards in 2019 in five different categories.

You will also need to carry out your own research into the changing labour market conditions across the UK and what different energy companies are doing to retain staff.  The following links may help you:


The poster presentation must include:

  • An explanation of how “SAP” strategically positions itself in the competitive market place. Focus on the characteristics of employer of choice, employer branding and organisational image, and how these can be applied to OcMara. (AC1.1).
  • An explanation of the changing labour market conditions and its impact in the UK. Make sure to discuss the differences between tight and loose labour market trends, focussing specifically on the energy sector. Your explanation should also include the decisions energy companies are taking in relation to retention strategies, recruitment methods and skill shortages in this sector caused by recent global crisis (AC1.2).
  • A discussion of the role of the government, employers and trade unions in ensuring future skill needs are met in the UK global energy sector (AC1.3).
Your evidence must consist of:  
Poster presentation notes should be approximately 800 words (+ or – 10%)  

Task 2 – Workforce planning and recruitment pack

Now that you have completed your poster presentation, your manager has asked you to produce a workforce planning and recruitment pack. You will present this at the next HRBPS meeting, next month.

The workforce planning and recruitment pack must include an introduction, conclusion and the following points:

  • An analysis of the impact of workforce planning in terms of forecasting demand for labour utilising both internal and external sources of supply (AC2.1).
  • An evaluation of the effectiveness of promotion/demotion rates, employee turnover rates and critical incident analysis techniques which are used to support the process of workforce planning (AC2.2).
  • An explanation of how appraisal can be used to identify who is interested in progression, managing contingency and mitigating risks through OcMara developing their own talent pools (AC2.3).
  • An assessment of the use of social media and advertising to recruit employees. An assessment of interviews and job references as methods of selection. These assessments should highlight strengths and weaknesses (AC2.4).
  • An assessment of how OcMara could introduce zero-hour and contractor contracts for the new staff it is hoping to recruit (AC4.1).
  • A discussion on the differences between express and implied terms of contracts and what is meant by custom and practice (AC4.2).
  • An explanation of how role information and socialisation can be included in an effective onboarding programme. An explanation as to the benefits of onboarding in terms of appreciation of the organisation’s culture and norms and employee effectiveness (AC4.3).
Your evidence must consist of:  
A workforce planning and recruitment pack of approximately 1600 words.  

Task 3 – Retention of talent proposal presentation pack

OcMara currently have the objective to retain talented staff. The people practices manager has asked you to produce a presentation that can be delivered at the next senior managers meeting. Produce a presentation pack with notes that will include:

  • An explanation of how motivational issues and management style can impact retention and turnover rates within OcMara  (AC3.1).
  • A comparison of how training and development and workplace characteristics can be used to develop and retain talent for individual and groups of employees (AC3.2).
  • An evaluation of how coaching and mentoring initiatives and performance reviews can be used to build and support different talent pools. (AC3.3).
  • An evaluation of two benefits that diversity can bring to OcMara with regards to building and supporting talent pools (AC3.4).
  • An explanation of the direct and indirect costs associated with dysfunctional employee turnover (AC3.5).
Your evidence must consist of:  
Retention of Talent Proposal presentation pack of approximately 1200 words.  


Table of Contents

Task 1: Poster Presentation (Strategic positioning and labour Market) 2

Task 2: Workforce Planning and Recruitment Pack. 3

1.2 Impact of Workforce Planning. 3

2.2 Promotion/Demotion Rates, Turnover Rates and Critical Incident Analysis. 4

2.3 Appraisal to identify Progress, Contingency Planning and Mitigating Risks. 5

2.4 Social Media and Advertisements- Employees Recruitment 6

4.1 Zero-Hour and Contractor Contracts for Employees. 7

4.2 Express and Implied Terms of Contracts; Custom and Practice. 7

4.3 Information and Socialisation in Effective Onboarding Program; Benefits. 8

Task 3: Retention of Talent Proposal Presentation Pack. 9

Introduction. 9

3.1 Motivational Issues and Management Style; Retention and Turnover Rates by OcMara. 10

3.2 Training and Development; Workforce Characteristics in Developing Talents. 11

3.3 Coaching and Mentoring Initiatives and Performance Reviews. 12

3.4 Diversity Benefits to OcMara Organisation. 13

3.5 Direct and Indirect Costs of Dysfunctional Turnover. 15

References. 16

Task 1: Poster Presentation (Strategic positioning and labour Market)

Task 2: Workforce Planning and Recruitment Pack

2.1 Impact of Workforce Planning

In modern organisations, the relevance of workforce planning is to align the entity needs with people strategies (CIPD, 2021b). This is while ensuring business environment and industrial intelligence offer guidance to an entity in their different challenges management, faced issue and scope of being prepared for best practice. The entire issues are managed with employees ready for pursuing long-term strategies.


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Figure 1: Workforce Planning Process

Forecasting Demand for Labour– Through workforce planning, Liu-Farrer et al. (2012) identify its capacity of ensuring an organisation such as OcMara apply internal sources of supply including available labour, talent pool and government policies. This is while prioritising on the internal factors which evidence the extent of growth and technology integration in an entity practices. As a best practice, primary data analysis by using quantitative and qualitative analysis is applicable for noting demand and supply scope. Conversely, external factors (Naik, 2019) are identified from the extent in which the employees are ready to execute their roles.

The core advantage of this approach is associated with the ability to leverage on use of internal and external sources in measurement of labour supply demand. Further, the supply gap is similarly noted in line with the amount of knowledge sourced. For OcMara organisation, success in this is to follow the strategy effectively for recruiting and attracting the best employees, highlighting and managing potential future labour gap.

Forecasting Supply of Labour–  This is used in establishing the employees number required to be resourced in an organisation to achieve specified need (Makumbirofa & Saayan, 2018). Also, quality and quantity is prioritised  on the scope of employees assisting an entity to achieve their strategies. The advantages of this include ensuring relevant position is attained for forecasting labour demand and highlighting the various indicators of supply and demand for labour. Conversely, the disadvantages of this include OcMara failure to put in place sufficient resources and successfully  pursuing Human Capital Development.

Further, for the external sources of supply, Liu-Farrer et al. (2012) identify the advantages of this as inclusive of increased opportunities, new skills and input being used, creativity embraced, improved growth, and fairness. This is while reducing the internal politics while increasing competitiveness. Conversely, the disadvantages include immense risks incurred, costly, maladjustment issues and prevalence of internal disputes with employees.

For internal sources of supply, Makumbirofa and Saayan (2018) identify the advantages as inclusive of reduced costs, retention of a high-level control and ownership, less approvals required with zero obligations. Conversely, the disadvantages include creating a gap in the team, limited application pool, inflexible culture in place and encouragement of unfair promotions.  

2.2 Promotion/Demotion Rates, Turnover Rates and Critical Incident Analysis

Promotion/Demotion RatesIn employee lifecycle, the promotion and demotion rates are relevant in noting how resourcing strategy demand, structure and design impact the process of resourcing. According to Yildirmaz et al. (2019), this strategy ensure employees are matched in their job functions and assigned roles. Also, limited time and cost are used in its implementation. The disadvantage of this is  various policies in use to implement it hence important. For OcMara, there is no detailed information on the most appropriate strategy applicable in workforce planning. They can benchmark other entities in the energy sector to come up with the best practice which suits their business environment.

Turnover RatesEmployees turnover is defined in CIPD (2021c) as inclusive of the employees who leave an organisation at a specified period. A common identifier is year-on-year plan. This is done in percentages of the entire workforce. Hence, by effective workforce planning, rates are well appreciated with capability, failure of going through probation, redundancies and violating the organisation policies among others noted. The main advantage of this approach include the capacity for initiating positive changes inclusive of engagement of new and highly qualified staff. The demerits on the other hand include potential to deceive as part of noting the exact rationale of turnover. Additionally, when the exit interviews are being pursued (CIPD, 2021b), often, employees offer wrong reasons which are incorrect of leaving their organisations.

Critical Incident AnalysisThrough a reflection of the Pedagogical Theory, this strategy for appraisal is used in identifying varying behaviours of employees in distinct contexts. It is clear as evidenced in Rissanen et al. (2018) that the process evidence the extent in which the performance is effectively harnessed and advanced. Considering the OcMara case, they would leverage from being well placed to highlight on the entire occurrence impossible when adopting other approaches. Also, a limited control is evident in their use albeit quality/richer information in different cases applied. Conversely, the major disadvantage of the process include potential of incidents inappropriate in gender reporting. According to Marinkovic et al. (2020), there are often issues with forgetting or lacking detailed or in-depth evaluation influenced by expectation and meaningfulness in implementing job roles. For the case of OcMara, owing to their active practices in energy sector, this is a relevant strategy for adoption in energy sector. The importance of this is appropriate positioning in acquiring demanded knowledge and the relevant skills. This is for improving performance of an organisation and engagement of entire stakeholders.

2.3 Appraisal to identify Progress, Contingency Planning and Mitigating Risks

Career Progression– Performance appraisal is identified in CIPD (2021d) as a core guide to attain set career goals. This is further guided by assumption that job satisfaction lead to increasing motivation and employees productivity. In OcMara organisation, they are primarily engaged in leveraging on appraisals for highlighting employees level of performance in their various subsidiaries. This is important to note on strengths and weaknesses faced. As illustrated in the CIPD HR professional Map, continuous development is instrumental as employees weaknesses are noted and managed to capitalise strengths (CIPD, 2021e).

Management of Contingency Planning– Contingency planning is defined by Burgner et al. (2020) as identifying the form of action used in guiding an entity in responding to an occurrence potential or already occurred. In the performance appraisal, to note on the best contingency planning, the plan B can be used to offer an alternative practice when issues are not executed as planned. Also, by focusing on the COVID-19, a past report in Wu et al. (2020) has evidenced on the best practice in being prepared, analysing, responses and actions monitored. In OcMara organisation case, this has contributed to effective resourcing practices in being ready to manage a particular phenomenon. Besides, the disadvantage of this include lacking the ability  in effectively developing an enormous talent pool noted as sustainable.

Mitigating Risks – Operating in the energy sector, OcMara organisation could encounter a lot of regulations and complex environment contributing to immense risks affecting capability to engage large talent pool (Lebre et al., 2020). In this scenario, by performance appraisal, OcMara can be appropriately positioned in managing entire risks associated with people practice professionals and mitigating attrition cases. The faced issues can be noted in OcMara evidenced by lacking capabilities in filling available skills gaps and understanding.

2.4 Social Media and Advertisements- Employees Recruitment

Considering the potential approaches which are applicable in employees recruitment, they are;

Social Media– This is a significant modern strategy adopted for recruitment. It is identified as affecting he achievement of an organisation brand image (CIPD, 2021f). Considering Post-COVID-19, the importance of social media in guiding recruitment process has surged promoting how creative and innovative organisations are in resourcing. The strengths of this process include being able to harness quality level of successful employees recruited. Further, it promotes the capacity to engaging a good organisation culture where immense costs end up being saved to resource. The disadvantage however entail unreliable and inconsistent in terms of representing the recruits with biasness evident.

Advertisements– This is a more traditional strategy identified by Jester (2021) to include placing an advertisement in print, TV or in Radio. The core strength of this strategy entail reaching out to a broad audience. Since it is published in daily circulating outlets, it is possible to acquire appropriate reports, on-time resourcing and easily applied. Conversely, the weakness of the strategy include a lot of costs required to implement it. Also, it is not supportive to creativity in recruitment process. Also, for smaller organisations, this can be inappropriate for use.

Further, the selection methods are;

Interviews- For this method, it is best illustrated by reference to Behavioural Science Theory (CIPD, 2021). This theory is informed by the view that as a best practice, there is a need for questioning, highlighting ideas to be clarified, rates based on performance and behavioral attributes of the employees.

The strength of this approach include good questions posed for the right likely employee. Also, it is highly detailed and all parties having an opportunity to interact with each other. Conversely, it demands immense time to be used to implement it, biasness and stereotyped tendencies.

Job References- This prioritise on identifying the personalised achievement, education qualifications, experienced employees and behaviours. In OcMara for instance, the best practice can be what HBR (2014) identify as application of referees for certifying content outline in Vitaes of potential employees.

The main strengths of this approach entail the capacity for sourcing relevant insights to people currently working with the employees under interest. Their weaknesses include likelihood of lying which can affect the authenticity of this method. Also, falsified data could emerge contributing to an employee disqualification.

4.1 Zero-Hour and Contractor Contracts for Employees

Zero-Hour Contracts– Considering the UK context, this is a form of…..

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