Level 5 CIPD 5HR02 Talent Management and Workforce Planning

Table of Contents

Task 1 Briefing Paper on Retention and Talent. 2

1.1 How SAP Strategically positions itself in Competitive Market Place. 2

1.2 Changing labour market conditions and impact in the UK. 2

1.3 Role of government, Employers and Trade Unions. 3

Government 3

Role of employers. 4

Role of Trade Unions. 4

3.1 Motivational Issues and Management Style Impact Retention and Turnover 4

3.2 Training and development and workforce characteristics. 5

3.3 Coaching and mentoring initiatives and performance reviews. 6

3.4 Benefits of diversity on OcMara with Building and Supporting Talent Pools. 6

3.5 Direct and indirect costs of dysfunctional employees turnover 7

Task 2: Written Response on Importance of Workforce Planning, Recruitment and Retention. 8

2.1 Impact of workforce planning. 8

2.2 Effectiveness of two techniques. 9

2.3 Appraisals use in identifying who are interested in progression, managing contingency and mitigating risks. 10

2.4 Social media on advertising vacancies to recruit employees. 11

4.1 Zero-hour and contractor contracts 12

4.2 Main types of contractual terms in contracts. 12

4.3 Information and socialisation included in effective onboarding programme. 13

References. 14

Task 1 Briefing Paper on Retention and Talent

1.1 How SAP Strategically positions itself in Competitive Market Place

It is clear from Donald et al. (2018) that the Higgs model is suitable for understanding the organization’s standing. In the SAP case study, for instance, the company’s performance in a number of highly competitive industries has earned it an Employer Brand Management Award for 2019. In addition, the Higgs Model’s stipulations may be given top priority by the OcMara organization.

Employer’s Choice- According to Polc (2021), an employer of choice is one that has the culture, leadership, and management strategy, and incentive to recruit and retain the most talented employees. The case study of OcMara shows that the company is a popular place to work because of its emphasis on employee appreciation and recognition.

Organisational Image– Due to the company’s emphasis on oil and gas as areas of competitive advantage, it has been able to effectively invest in roughly 2 billion barrels of crude oil annually. As a means of accomplishing this, Ansoglenang et al. (2018) advocated for a mandate for entities to invest in the image of their organizations. How? By making sure their employee value proposition is distinct and effective at communicating who they are and what they stand for.

Employer Branding– Recognizing employees, customers, and all other stakeholders is essential, as noted by CIPD (2021). Those who put this method to use in the OcMara case study would improve their chances of developing accurate models that accurately portray the company as an industry leader. This is important for lowering turnover and attracting the best possible personnel.

1.2 Changing labour market conditions and impact in the UK

According to CIPD (2022), the labor market is seen as an opportunity for various actors (employers and workers) through their cooperation. They oversee recruitment, employee development, and other HR policies in light of the company’s ethos. Newman, & Jacobs (2023) define a tight labor market as one in which unemployment is low and there are many available jobs that aren’t being filled by qualified applicants. Conversely, loose labour markets is defined in CIPD (2022) as having a high supply of labour with the market slacking with less vacancies and a lot of jobseekers.The proper labor market in the UK energy sector is characterized by low unemployment rates. As a result, the costs of providing such wages will begin to rise.

Impact in UK Labour Market

According to CIPD (2021a), businesses have reduced output and increased expenses as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. Specifically, this applies to the energy industry’s troubled job market. Its impact can be seen in the following areas:

Retention Approaches- For the UK energy industry to remain competitive, it must offer competitive compensation and benefits packages to retain and recruit top talent.

Recruitment Methods- Recruitment strategy for the UK energy sector is a process used to facilitate resourcing, with a focus on both active and passive candidates and an emphasis on referral approaches for employees. OcMara’s management is tasked with making sure their referral and remote work policies are constantly being evaluated for development.

Skills Shortages- As CIPD (2021a) points out, the energy industry in the United Kingdom is experiencing a labor shortage, which has led to wage increases. Workers’ desires to leave are mitigated by offering them a second chance to reconsider their choices and more enticing working conditions in an effort to address skill shortages, particularly in the energy sector.

1.3 Role of government, Employers and Trade Unions


Apprenticeships funding- Approximately 95% of the total number of apprenticeships at the UK case study organization are funded entirely by the government (Conlon et al., 2021). The remaining 3% is managed by the staff. Participation in apprenticeship programs is crucial for the development of future skills as a whole.

T-Levels Funding– What this entails is the technical equivalent of a four-year degree in the UK’s corporate world. Taking advantage of available L&D is crucial in today’s competitive job market. In the energy industry, education might take up to 315 hours.

Role of employers

Companies like OcMara make it a point to work with educational institutions to help their employees get the training they need for rewarding careers. Additionally, OcMara sectors guarantee they are making the most of technical possibilities to enhance operations while minimizing any potential drawbacks. Adedoyin and Soykan (2020) point out that in the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, there is a greater possibility to investigate these technical opportunities.

In addition, by helping their companies become industry leaders, they are able to better utilize the talents of their employees and provide better results. It’s clear that you keep a close eye on the staff and ask them pointed questions in an effort to figure out how to fix any problems that arise.

 Role of Trade Unions

OcMara employees should collaborate with trade unions to provide individualized training programs. The goal is to lay the groundwork for long-term success, learning what you need to know to make the most of your educational opportunities as they arise.

Moreover, in accordance with the findings of Eduqas (2023), trade unions are cited as providing an enlighten of employees to appreciate their rights and enroll in various L&D opportunity. UnionLearn (2022) shows that trade unions offer sufficient opportunities for all team members to take English and Math classes. The goal here is to help adult students achieve a higher level of literacy.

3.1 Motivational Issues and Management Style Impact Retention and Turnover

With support from the Herzberg theory of employee motivation, indeed (2022) hypothesized that investing in employees’ “holistic motivation” would lead to a high retention rate. The idea here is that happy, motivated workers will provide better results for their company.

OcMara is committed to its workers’ success and advancement through the strategic use of a variety of motivational strategies. Consistently inspiring individuals in their ideal roles is achieved through the adoption of suitable leadership and management. OcMara’s management and leadership philosophy is consistent with the facts presented by Faupel and Süß (2019) and is thus effective in their business endeavors. In the end, the goal of establishing a consistent set of duties, expected behaviors, and mentality among staff members is met.

In OcMara, the authoritative style of management is not appropriate for their Generation Z and Millennials who form the majority of their employees. Hence, success in management of turnover would include adoption of collaborative style of leadership where all the employees interests are prioritised and integrated in their practice. This is affirmed by Indeed (2022) which identify a collaborative/persuasive management style as appropriate for ensuring the best employees retention is achieved.

3.2 Training and development and workforce characteristics

Cloutier et al (2015), highlight the importance of training and development in assisting organizations to retain a larger proportion of their workforces. In the case of OcMara Industries, giving employees such an opportunity fosters a sense of belonging within the company as a whole and an eagerness to advance in their chosen field.

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