(Solution) Discuss models for how change is experienced. (AC2.4)

Kübler-Ross Change Curve Model
It hypothesizes that individuals experience change through a five-stage process, although some people may take longer time at a particular stage compared to others. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, the stages can overlap and individuals may experience multiple feelings simultaneously (Aktas, 2021). Individuals in denial do not want to participate in the change process; they may delay simple activities like attending meetings or responding to emails. Leaders’ role in this stage is to increase awareness. If this is not done, employees may enter into the anger stage. They will be angry at colleagues, customers, and managers. Leaders should try to listen to employees and identify best ways of managing the anger. Stage three is bargaining: employees attempt to amend the plan as they want things to remain the way they have been. Some may suggesting that the change be implemented in stages, while others would want it delayed. The leader here has to reinforce the need for the change and highlight its benefits (Malik, 2022). Some employees may lose motivation and enter a depression stage. This usually affects people who have stayed with the company for long, hence getting used to the status quo. Depression is marked by complete loss of motivation or interest in the things taking place. Leaders ought to monitor employee progress, be empathetic and avoid judging employees negatively. Acceptance, the last stage, occurs when change is embraced by employees. They now understand the need and are willing to take part in making the change successful. Leaders should give employees enough space together with time to be involved. All required information and support must be provided (Aktas, 2021).
Limitations The Kübler-Ross Change Curve Model relies on observations and may not be so helpful especially for medical professionals. It also ignores the fact that people respond to situations differently, hence may affect planning as well as time management (Aktas, 2021).
Bridges transition model
It argues that transition takes place in three stages in the human mind and is slower compared to change. Stage 1 is all about letting go, which acknowledges that every transition starts with the coming to an end of something (Ciopages Staff Writer, 2022). Employees acknowledge that they must let go of the norm because if they do not, they are likely to reject changes. Clear communication of the purpose and merits of the change is necessary. Stage 2 is known as the neutral zone and it is where adaptation to change takes place. To aid in this stage, leaders must communicate clearly and fast to clear any frustrations together with confusion. The final stage comprises new beginnings; employees have accepted the change and have new responsibilities to fulfill (Ciopages Staff Writer, 2022). Limitations Whilst the Bridges transition model offers an understanding of change from a human side, it still has weaknesses. For instance, it only provides guidelines instead of step-by-step rules on how change should be implemented. It is also very narrow given that change management entails much more than the human aspects (Reiling, 2022).  
Assess the importance of wellbeing at work and the different factors which impact wellbeing. (AC2.5) Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 350 words.

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