Assessment brief/activity Assessment
You are asked to develop an electronic professional portfolio which includes the Criteria following sections that respond to the following four tasks:
Activity 1
Assessment criteria 1.1: Write an evaluative summary which identifies at least three current practices, trends and at least two emerging roles in L&D.
Assessment criteria 1.2: With reference to the CIPD Profession Map and/or other appropriate framework, identify some of the key knowledge, skills and behaviours required by any L&D professional, irrespective of role. You should include a minimum of three examples for each i.e. three for knowledge, three for skills and three for behaviours and indicate why they are important.
Activity 2
With reference to a recent or current project which you have led (or been part of a project team):
Assessment criteria 2.1: Provide evidence of using project and self-management techniques in the course of the project.
Assessment criteria 2.2, 3.3: Explain how you applied techniques to analyse and resolve problems encountered during the project and how you used different methods to influence, persuade and negotiate with others.
Activity 3
Write a short account in which you:
Explain and analyse the concept of group dynamics. 3.1
Discuss political behaviour in organisations and how it can impact on the 3.2 achievement of organisation and L&D objectives.
Activity 4
Undertake a self-assessment against the L&D and behaviours sections of the 4.1 CIPD Profession Map at Band 2 (or other appropriate framework) to identify your professional development needs.
Select at least two development options to address one activity and one behaviour 4.2, 4.3 in order to meet your development needs and devise a personal development plan (PDP) with justified objectives, activities and timeframes to achieve the objectives. Please you cannot submit this last part of the assignment below until you have completed the whole course, Certificate or Diploma, as this last part below is a reflection on the whole learning.
During your programme, reflect on your performance against your plan and record progress. You should also identify any future development needs and revise your 4.4 PDP accordingly.
Evidence to be produced/required
Activities 1 – 4 An e-portfolio of evidence which includes responses to each of the four tasks, equating to approximately 3000 words in total.
You will find templates and examples of PDPs on the CIPD website:
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).
The CIPD Map Professional Map: To get the best out of people, CIPD’s professional Map provides guidance on the kind of qualities which are important for a HR or L&D. There are 8 Behaviours, 10 Professional areas (2 core areas in the centre and 8 technical areas) and 4 Bands (Here each of the 10 professional competencies with the required behaviour at each Level/ Band is mentioned).FigureA1.1 – 1
Assessment Criteria 1.1
Current practices and trends in L&D
Current practices in L&D include Integrating L&D practices with organizations Business Strategy, Importance of measuring matrix, the effectiveness and evaluation methods. FigureA1.1 – 1
Effective evaluation of learning requires, understanding of learning needs in line with the broader L&D strategy and how L&D programs support the strategy from start to finish. The new measuring style as cited in CIPD Evaluating L&D (2016) – Speed to competency, Attrition rates, Employee engagement, External customer engagement etc. Refer- FigureA1.1- 4FigureA1.1- 5FigureA1.1- 6.
There are various trends in coaching and mentoring – Internal activities are most popular and expected to increase, formal programs will play a key role in L&D, A greater use of user generated content is expected, Use of technology – Virtual class rooms, webinars, mobile based learning, Apps, MOOCs ( Massive Open Online Courses), E-learning and Blended learning in larger organizations. FigureA1.1- 7
New Emerging Roles in L&D
We see a shift in direction of the roles and responsibility of L&D and these roles must be, Business and context savvy , Affecting and aligned to the needs of the business, Versatile and adaptive and Ubiquitous throughout the organization.
CIPD L&D: evolving roles, enhancing skills (2015) [PDF] FigureA.1- 8
Digital Learning Specialist as cited in CIPD Digital learning (2016), ‘Inclusive’ Definition: it includes the use of distributed technology products that don’t require the user’s computer to be connected to a network, for example, downloaded materials. An ‘exclusive’ definition would cover only learning delivered through the Internet or an intranet (which could be termed ‘online’ learning). e.g.: using a website, eBook’s, online lectures, webinars, podcasts or blogs, gaming technology to support learning, artificial intelligence, virtual reality. FigureA1.1- 9
Organizational Development Business Partner, Steward and Rogers: Developing people and Organization (a) has mentioned that the Primary function of L&D is to support an organization by responding to organizational development (OD) needs and becoming an enabler of performance to achieve strategic objectives, Flexibility and agility to position L&D as business partner and Focus on whole organizational needs than individual needs.
Assessment Criteria 1.2
The Key Knowledge, skills and behaviors required by L&D with examples
Behaviours – CIPD Professional Map: The behaviours describe in detail how a HR professional needs to carry out their activities. Contra indicators would illustrate the negative manifestations of the behaviors. There are 8 behaviours and they are described at four bands of the Professional CIPD Map
Assessment Criteria 2.1
Project and Self-Management Techniques used in the course of a project
I have used them for my CPD project, Techniques and tools used to plan and implement the projects were taken from Mr. Chris Croft – 12 Step Process, Gantt Chart
My Plan for CPD – “Continuous Professional Development” – Please refers Appendix – A.1 Table – A.1 – 1
More details on the same has been illustrated in Figure A2.1 1, Figure A2.1 2 (Croft, 2013) (Croft, 2012)
Further Reflection
“Project Management is about getting the on-going task and the One-off task complete on time and on budget.”
Self-management skills are those abilities that allow an employee to feel more productive when doing daily routine regardless of the working environment. Well-developed self-management skills will help you efficiently communicate with co-workers, management and customers, make right decisions, plan your working time, and keep your body healthy. (Linman, 2011). More details please refer – Figure A2.1 1
Assessment Criteria 2.2 and 2.3
Project Management techniques specifically used to analyze and resolve problems include the core tool used in six sigma – DMAIC ( Figure A2.1-7- DMAIC Model), Based on the key competencies with reference to the behavior traits as per CIPD Professional Map as mentioned in Figure A2.1-3, different methods can be used to influence, persuade and negotiate with others.
We see in Figure A2.1 4,Figure A2.1 5 and Figure A2.1 6 the various problem solving steps and the cycle along with how to make use of office politics in a positive manner. (Mind tools Team, 2017)
The Cohen-Bradford Influence Model (Mind Tools Content Team, 2017) was felt to be very useful for seeking to influence and persuade others in work context particularly because of its focus on goals, relationships and compromise, amongst other things. This model bases itself on the law of reciprocity, or the belief that all positive and negative things done pay back over time, or that one good or bad thing deserves another. Figure A2.1-8
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