PWC CIPD 3C004- Essentials of People Practice


Table of Contents

Task One- Briefing Paper 2

1.1 Stages of Employee Lifecycle and Role of People Professionals in the Lifecycle. 2

1.2 Information for Specified Roles can be Prepared. 4

1.2 Different Recruitment Methods and when it is appropriate using them.. 5

1.3 Factors considered in making decision on the content of copy used in recruitment methods. 5

2.1 Selection Methods and when Appropriate using them.. 6

2.4 Selection Records to be Retained. 6

2.5 Letters of Appointment and Non-Appointment 7

Letter of Appointment 7

Letter of Non-Appointment. 8

Task 2- Simulated Interview.. 9

2.2 Selection Criteria and Shortlisting candidates. 9

Short Listing Candidates. 11

2.3 Interview Process. 14

Task Three- Guidance Document. 15

3.1 Work-life balance within the employment relationship; regulations to work-life balance. 15

Regulations of Work-Life Balance. 16

3.2 Wellbeing in workplace. 17

3.3 Discrimination legislation. 19

3.4 Diversity and inclusion and importance. 20

3.5 Difference of Fair and Unfair Dismissal 21

Task Four- Briefing Paper. 22

4.1 Purpose and Components of Performance Management. 22

4.2 Factors considered in Managing Performance. 24

4.3 Different Methods of Performance Review.. 25

5.1 Key Components (Financial and Non-financial) required for Achieving Effective Total Reward System.. 26

5.2 Relationship of Reward and Performance; Links to Motivation. 26

5.3 Reasons for Treating Employees Fairly in Relation to Pay. 27

Task Five- Fact Sheet 27

6.1 Learning and Development Activities of Benefit to Individuals and Organisations. 27

6.2 Types of Learning Needs and Reasons they Arise for Individuals and Organisations. 28

6.3 Face-to-Face and Blended L&D Approaches; facilitation, training, coaching and mentoring. 29

6.4 Design and Delivery of L&D initiatives, Individual Requirements and Preferences Accommodated. 30

6.5 Methods of Evaluating L&D and its Impact. 31

Kirkpatrick Model 31

Brinkerhoff Success Case Method. 31

References. 32

Task One- Briefing Paper

DATE– 7TH September 2022


SUBJECT– Introduction of Services by Healthcare on Hand

PURPOSE– This brief to the line managers and new team is intended to offer insights regarding services to be provided by the new team.

BACKGROUND– Over the years, Healthcare on Hand has significantly grown from being a start-up and currently involved in continuing in getting involved in entire practices and formalising on multiple people practices.

1.1 Stages of Employee Lifecycle and Role of People Professionals in the Lifecycle

As evidenced in CIPD (2018) the employee lifecycle (ELC) as made of different stages as shown in figure 1;

Figure 1: Summary of the Employment Lifecycle

Stage 1: Attraction- As evidenced in SpriggHR (2020) this phase is informed by the fact that irrespective of innovativeness or strength of a product/services, without investment in attraction and retention of great talent, an organisation would fail.

For instance, in Healthcare on Hand organisation, this can be achieved through HR professionals achieving a status of an employer brand. Also, establishment of a great organisation culture which prioritise on employees needs becoming a great place of working would be put into consideration.

Stage 2: Recruitment-As part of employee lifecycle, resourcing entail the process adopted to attract and select people to enrol in a particular job role. This is instrumental for an entity demanding individuals possessing appropriate skills and capabilities for organisation goals delivery.

 For Healthcare on hand, people practice professionals would ensure that, through referrals and succession planning, it would be possible to achieve their roles. This is due to sensitivity of organisation departments which need to be filled.

Stage 3- Onboarding- This follows a successful recruitment of the most talented individuals. As noted in CIPD (2021), the initial impression an employee acquire from an interaction with an organisation develops positive image which influence success in integration of teams and overall job satisfaction.

The role of people practice professionals in this phase is to come up with a clear job description. This would detail the entire areas of consideration in a job role including responsibilities and role objectives. This is while ensuring that the process is a reflection of the organisation employer brand and the values promoted by such an organisation.

Stage 4: Development- As evidenced in CIPD (2022) development is a strategy for enabling an entity to attain their goals. For the people practice professionals, they ensure that they identify the Learning and Development (L&D) needs, interventions developed for filling gaps with outcomes evaluated. Hence, the core challenge for people practice professionals is coming up with appropriate learning and development strategies working in an entity context.

Stage 5- Retention- This stage entail ensuring that the best and productive employees in an organisation are retained for a long period of time. This is supported by SHRM (2022) which identify employee retention as the scope of having the best employees willing to remain for a long period in their organisation. People practice professionals would achieve this by ensuring appropriate culture which retains the best employees is in place. This is supported by CIPD (2021a) in quoting Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2020 noting on the need for addressing employees needs from inclusion and diversity context for sustainability and reskilling.

Stage 6- Separation- This stage in employment lifecycle include assisting an entity in defining future resourcing strategies. To achieve this, by embracing exit interviews, people practice professionals are able to identify the reasons employees left an organisation.

1.2 Information for Specified Roles can be Prepared

The success of resourcing in different organisation roles is dependent on usage of available resources. According to CIPD (2022a, the resourcing experts appreciate the market of an organisation operation, today and future resourcing needs for achieving organisation objectives. The resources are used in;

Roles definition- The resources are used to guide job analysis by developing a job description and person specifications. Accurately, a job advert is provided.

Applicants attraction- Resources are used in guiding the internal resourcing for progression in a career and succession plan, referral programs and employees external relations.

Management of Application and Selection Process- Resources are relevant to evaluate the application forms, CVs and LinkedIn profiles, candidates application management and information sharing (shortlisting and appropriateness of their roles evidenced).

Making an Appointment- This entail people practice professionals ensuring a holistic evaluation of employee suitability in working in specified labour laws and their credentials or qualifications appropriateness. The referees can be engaged at this point and also medical cover. By writing, generating appropriate documents and evaluation, the best practice is achieved.

The different methods for information in  Healthcare on hand can use the following approaches;

Using Database- There are databases which store employees CV’s and also information relating to likely qualifications to be put into consideration. Therefore, in specific job functions such as in technical department, IT specialists and Accounts, the different databases would be important and attained by searching the key words.

Social Media- By using this approach, an organisation is able to acquire detailed information on qualification, background information and salary expectations in a particular job role.

Job Analysis- Adopting the definition in CIPD (2022b) job analysis is a strategy adopted to gather and analyse information pertaining to the content and human requirements of jobs and context in which such job roles are executed. The information are sourced by evaluating a job description which highlight on core job roles, acquiring relevant knowledge, skills and capabilities and essential experience for physical job demands.

1.2 Different Recruitment Methods and when it is appropriate using them

Recruitment Agencies– As evidenced in Baykal (2020) this entail sourcing the relevant information of existence of a job position and to work with a candidate to identify the best role. In Healthcare on hand for instance, this can include managing responses offered by a candidate, holistic screening and shortlisting them. The agencies are most effective in obtaining data and information from platforms such as Glassdoor, Indeed and others with best insights gained.

Internal and External Advertisements– Through an internal and external analysis of the organisation positioning, appropriate recruitment is done. The advertisements can be provided internally (succession planning or referrals) or externally by using available media platforms. This approach is applied in an event an entity intend to save time with limited resources. In Healthcare on Hand for example, there is a need for effectively handling turnover which they currently face. This is while harnessing organisation employer brand.

1.3 Factors considered in making decision on the content of copy used in recruitment methods

Brand awareness- As evidenced in HRDrive (2018) report, approximately 40% of potential employees apply in organisations which they are aware and familiar with their brand. Brand awareness is raised by ensuring a leverage on provided opportunities, sponsorship of advertisements and organisation website. This is relevant for various job functions despite of organisation of interest. This factor is important for the HR assistants, accountants and warehouse managers.

Need to develop Great Workplace Culture-…..

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