(Solution) CIPD Avado 5C002- Evidence-Based Practice

Executive Summary

This report to the senior management at forthcoming annual meeting demonstrate how evidence-based practice approaches are applicable in informing sound decision-making on people practices. This is also on the business related matters. By using different tools including PESTLE analysis, analysis of company metrics, critical thinking models, ethical theories and financial and non-financial performance measures, relevant findings have been obtained. It is evident that evidence-based and critical thinking play an instrumental role in guaranteeing success of their operations. Through the use of data provided, appropriate recommendations for reducing employees turnover have been provided, benefits, risks and financial implication provided.

Table of Contents

1.0 Report Part One. 3

1.1 Evidence-Based Practice; Support Sound Decision-making and Judgements for People Practitioners. 3

Concept of Evidence-Based Practice. 3

Evidence-Based Practice in People Practice Decision Making. 4

Appropriateness of using Evidence-Based Practice/failure using insights for making judgements. 5

1.2 Evaluation of Analysis Tool, Method Applied by Organisations in Recognising and Diagnosis Current and Future Issues, Challenges and Opportunities  6

Analysis Tool (SWOT Analysis) 6

Analysis of Company Metrics. 6

1.3 Main Principles of Critical Thinking; Application to individual and work colleagues ideas. 7

Concept of Critical Thinking; Use in Workplace. 7

Key Principles of Critical Thinking. 8

Using Critical Thinking in Achieving an Objective. 9

Colleagues Ideas Debated by Critical Thinking. 9

1.3 Ethical Theories; Perspectives to Inform and Influence Moral Decision-Making. 10

Importance of having ethical practice in workplace. 11

2.3 Approaches by People Practitioners for identifying Possible Solutions to Issue relating to People Practice. 11

People Practice Example. 11

3.1 Approach of Measuring Financial and Non-Financial Performance. 13

3.4 People Practices Adding Value in an Organisation; Measuring Impact of Range of People Practices. 14

Report Part Two: Data Analysis and Review.. 15

2.1 Labour Turnover and Costs 15

Costings for Each Year Across 3 Departments. 15

2.2 Feedback Elicited from Employees in Production and payroll 16

Review of data, Key Themes, Trends, and Observations based on Data Analysis 16

3.2 Relevance to the Stakeholders of the Business. 19

2.4 Recommendations for reducing employee turnover. 20

Conclusion. 22

References. 23

1.0 Report Part One

1.1 Evidence-Based Practice; Support Sound Decision-making and Judgements for People Practitioners

Concept of Evidence-Based Practice

In the CIPD HR Professional Map, evidence-based practice (EBP) is categorised as professional values (CIPD, 2022). As a professional value, it entails making better decisions, informing action offering expected impact. As evidenced in CIAP (2022) the history of this concept can be traced in 1991 when Gordon Guyatt and team came up with evidence-based medicine. It involved a transition from unsystematic clinical experience to clinically appropriate research. For people practice, AIHR (2022) note that EBP entail decision making using evidence from different sources for assisting ensuring appropriate business results are attained (see figure 1);

Figure 1: Evidence-Based HR Practice

The primary benefit of using EBP in people practice is informed by ability to enhance more informed and effective decision making. This is while aligning HR practices with organisation strategic goals. For instance, in XXX organisation, HR policies and practices are informed by what works appropriately as opposed to what had been thought to work. Nevertheless, the limitation of EBP is identified in CEBMa (2022) as involving with immense time and resources invested to source valid evidence.

Evidence-Based Practice in People Practice Decision Making

Recruitment– For this people practice professional, ContractRecruiter (2022) identify EBP as inclusive of incorporating factors which are predictive of job outcomes. The decisions made entail the aspects which have a more likelihood of predicting job performance. For instance, in XXX, by using EBP in recruitment, the organisation integrate predictive factors and weights them significantly hence improving overall recruitment outcomes. The outcome of this has been the organisation reducing turnover and increasing the entire employee satisfaction.

Learning and Development (L&D)– In CIPD (2021) podcast, EBP has been noted to be a growing trend among people practice professionals in ensuring they demonstrate growth and impact. This is since lacking tangible evidence leads to issues with L&D professionals informing strategic decision making or budget considerations. For instance, through the adoption of EBP, the L&D in XXX is aligned with the different strategic goals of an organisation. As a result, figure 2 perspectives are put into consideration;

Figure 2: EBP Outcomes in L&D

Appropriateness of using Evidence-Based Practice/failure using insights for making judgements

Increasing employees retention– In CIPD (2021a) labour outlook, it highlight that organisations ought to prioritise on achieving 10% of employee turnover. Majority of organisations nevertheless fail with their turnover ranging from 12% to 20%. In such an organisation, it is appropriate adopting EMP where the areas in figure 3 are put into account;

Evidence-Based Guidelines for Retention Management  

Figure 3: Appropriateness of EBP in employees retention

Failure of using EBP insights in making decisions could lead to negative impact on the employees morale, short and long-term productivity impacted and the organisation effectiveness. For instance, in XXX, in the past, through an integration of EBP, poor work-term performance and production has been increased.

Increased Clients and employees Satisfaction– As evidenced in Esfahani and Maharati (2015) study, there prevail a positive correlation of the customers satisfaction and organisations using EBP. In organisations which do not integrate EBP, they encounter issues with harnessing their clients satisfaction. This is since they are not in a position of managing the potential barriers limiting successful development of high-level customer services. This is supported by Kang (2016) report which identify the barriers which could limit successful employees satisfaction include lack of appropriate communication, engagement and motivation.

1.2 Evaluation of Analysis Tool, Method Applied by Organisations in Recognising and Diagnosis Current and Future Issues, Challenges and Opportunities

Analysis Tool (SWOT Analysis)

As identified in CIPD (2021b), SWOT analysis is a planning tool which focuses on identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats evident in an entity or a project. Hence, the relevance of this is to match an entity goal, program and capability to environment of operation. For instance, in XXX organisation operating in oil and gas in Saudi Arabia (KSA), the SWOT Analysis is as illustrated in figure 4;

Figure 4: SWOT Analysis

In recognising and diagnosing current and future issues, SWOT analysis is appropriate in encouraging use of strategic thinking. Through this, it is possible to identify the existing strengths while building on opportunities. SWOT analysis threats include the challenges which impact on the organisation negatively. The advantages of SWOT analysis include what CIPD (2021b) identify as addressing the different business issues, ensuring it is desirable supporting brainstorming sessions. Nevertheless, this method is subjective in terms of its analysis hence limitedly desirable to the rest.

Analysis of Company Metrics

According to Githens and Githens (2003) the relevance of using the organisation metrics is ensuring measurement of performance against industry sectors for establishing effectiveness of an organisation. This is with the different metrics facilitating entities in evaluating and improving effectiveness and efficiency of their process. For instance, for XXX organisation, the company metrics particularly in people practice are as summarised in figure 5;

Figure 5: XXX Organisation Metrics

In diagnosing current and future issues, metrics such as organisation performance (revenues, profits and sales) evidence the path taken by an organisation in their operations. For challenges, the work quality metrics and efficiency would have a positive implication on identifying challenges and prevalent opportunities for such an organisation. The pros of this approach entail driving the strategy and direction of an entity while offering an appropriate focus. This is while making the best decisions, harnessing performance scope and to generate internal and external public relations. The cons entail potential inaccuracy leading to challenges in generating appropriate results. This has been evident in XXX use of business metrics relying on forecasts and estimates.

1.3 Main Principles of Critical Thinking; Application to individual and work colleagues ideas

 Concept of Critical Thinking; Use in Workplace……….

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