(Solution) Avado Level 5 CIPD 5HR01 Employment Relationship Management


Table of Contents

Task 1- Briefing Paper 2

Introduction. 2

1.1            Recommendations on REBU Improving Approaches to Employee Voice and Engagement 2

1.4 Interrelationship between Employee Voice and Organisational Performance. 2

1.3 Surveys, Suggestion Schemes and Team Meetings. 3

1.2 Employee Involvement and Participation and Building Relationships. 4

1.5 Conclusion. 5

Task 2: Training Session (Presentation Pack and Supporting Notes) 6

Introduction. 6

2.1 Differences of organisational conflict, misbehaviour and meaning of informal and formal conflicts. 6

2.1 Formal and Informal Conflicts. 7

3.2 Key Causes of Employee Grievances. 8

3.3 Handling Grievance Skills 9

3.3 Importance of Grievances Handling. 10

2.2 Official and Unofficial Employee Action. 11

2.3 Trends in Conflicts and Industrial Actions. 12

2.4 Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Differences. 13

2.5 Main Legislations for Unfair Dismissal Laws. 14

Task 3- Email to CEO.. 15

4.2 Employee Bodies, Unions and Non-Union Forms of Employee Representation. 15

4.1 Collective Employment Law.. 16

4.3 REBU Collective Bargaining Process. 16

References. 17

Task 1- Briefing Paper


This briefing paper offers an outline of how REBU can improve employee engagement. This is with the interrelationship of employee voice and performance evaluated.

1.1Recommendations on REBU Improving Approaches to Employee Voice and Engagement

Recommendation 1– In the 6 phases of REBU employee lifecycle, there lack relevant approaches of employee voice and engagement. Hence, within a timeline of 12 months, employee voice and engagement would be part of their employee lifecycle. Specifically, as noted in Heinane (202), this can be integrated in induction and retention phases. For instance, the turnover of the organisation has increased to 5%, this would be lowered to upto 75% with gig economy improved.

Recommendation 2– Quarterly, REBU can implement performance management strategy by leveraging on the use of 360-degree feedback. Operating in gig economy, working conditions impacting employees voice and engagement has significantly been affected. According to Mowbray et al. (2022), through an increase in performance management approaches, a successful organisation employee voice and engagement would be promoted. The current 54% of the transportation and food delivery services globally would be increased with 80%.

Recommendation 3– Within a period of 6 months, REBU need to adopt technology which is currently in use in Gig Economy to increase the level of employee voice and engagement. For instance, Wilkinson et al. (2018) evidence the need for the organisation to use different social media platforms, reviewing platforms and organisations systems to engage the employees. This would mean strategies such as the transition to electric cars is in-depth discussed and considered. This would increase employee turnover with more than 40%.

1.4 Interrelationship between Employee Voice and Organisational Performance

Considering available research, employee voice has a direct correlation with employees/organisation performance. In Ullah et al. (2020), through an investment in employees voice, it is possible to harness the organisations performance. This is associated with the high-performance work practices which are identified in Della Torre (2019) as the EV leading to employees achieving a feel of high-value, immense trust and influence on entity practices. The outcome of this is high-level job satisfaction and managing all performance challenges.

Secondly, the Employee Voice and organisation performance influence high-performance work practices including career growth, total rewards, recruitment and selection and coaching/mentoring. This has a direct link with high-performance work practices. In REBU, through their practice, this has a significant approach in facilitation of high-performance work strategy with employee voice ensuring prompt feedback is attained. For the increasing turnover levels with 5% in REBU, this can be managed by ensuring that the recommendations from the employees voice feedback are appropriately adopted.

Adopting the definition of Shahzad et al. (2019), High Performance Work Systems include all practices established to improve an organisation capacity for attracting, selecting, hiring, developing and retaining highly performing individuals. For the REBU organisation, since the organisation is expanding to include the use of electric vehicles, by embrace of technology and innovation, they would capitalise on their market with competitive advantage achieved.

Additionally, considering the psychological contract, this has a positive implication in promoting the employee voice in the scope of the capacity for promoting their commitment, expectations and appreciating their relations (Armaroli, 2022). In REBU case study, this has a positive contribution on encouragement of open-practice and mutually recognising offered input. Considering REBU case study, the organisation can end up being positioned in what Lewis (2020) identify as Sunday Times best companies to work for.

1.3 Surveys, Suggestion Schemes and Team Meetings

Surveys– The surveys can be noted as being research-based, standard approach for sourcing data pertaining employee voice. As evidenced in Singh and Vanka (2019), this practice is not linked to the input of the researcher hence not affected by biasness. The surveys data are sourced online or by use of counts/physical approach. For example, considering REBU organisation, operating in Gig economy, online surveys could be used to identify effectiveness of strategic rewards, wellbeing initiatives, flexible working and work scheduling. From the findings of survey, relevant recommendations for implementation are made.

The merits of use of surveys entail an increase in employee engagement. This is since the data sourced informing on areas of employees motivation and other challenges. The disadvantages include intense rate of responses and time consumed. The outcome of this is what is Bizfluent (2022) identify as incentives required to be given to the employees to answer these surveys. Also, information obtained could not be accurate. This is due to the immense control of the researcher who is the employer on how the questionnaire is answered.

Suggestion Schemes– These are noted in Jabeen et al. (2020) as inclusive of sourcing of ideas suggestion to solve issues or improved working environment. For instance, in the case of the REBU organisation operations, as a best practice, they can use Japanese Kaizen event which guide generation and implementation of best ideas on staff.

The strengths of this method for REBU organisation would include immense time saved and resources in its implementation. This is while improving the overall employee relationships which have been established to affect their motivation. Further, an immense control is attained as the suggestions schemes are in a position of promoting how the employees respect each other. Conversely, the disadvantages are immense expectations from parties involved. The method is taken as one-point solution to all issues affecting an entity. Also, inappropriate guidance facilitated by management trams is not possible on employees issues.

Team Meetings– Considering the definition in Winchester-Seeto and Piggott (2020), the need to prioritise increased collaboration and teamwork is essential. This can be harnessed through harnessing cohesion and ability to implement the organisation functions. The result of this is positive outcomes from people professionals in their capacity for improving performance and productivity.

The main strength of this as identified in CIPD (2022) include open communication pursued with entire challenges noted. On the other hand, the participants of the meetings can fail to understand each other. This is since each member have their independent expectations and requirement. This has a direct impact on the overall employees productivity.

1.2 Employee Involvement and Participation and Building Relationships

The employee involvement is a process which focus on employees and intended to improve their commitment with their outcome being an efficient organisation operation (CIPD, 2021a). This is in line with Classical Motivation Theory which note employees involvement as making sure intense efforts are exerted and efficient working when a holistic control of their operations is evident.

Also, in Hussain et al. (2018), employees participation has been identified as a set of practices and measures put in place to engage employees to participate in collaboration with an aim of attaining set goals. The definition is aligned with the McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory identifying the employee involvement as influenced by achieving needs, how they are affiliated and power held.

One of the difference oof employees involvement and participation is that while the latter identify scope of employees participation in set organisation strategy, involvement entail the inclusion of employee in all phases followed in goals implementation.

Another difference is that while employees involvement influence how decisions are made contrary to engagement of representatives, participation guide the process of establishing the best practice for employees execution of their functions, performance reviews and career growth.

To build employee relations, REBU working in Gig Economy would need to harness employment relations. To achieve this, all issues on favouritism and objective practice amongst stakeholders would be prioritised.  In García et al. (2018), increasing employees involvement and participation positively impact on reduced turnover. REBU has been suffering on increased 5% turnover.

1.5 Conclusion

In a report focusing on achieving appropriate quality of workplace, this is identified as being linked with good life (CIPD, 2019). Through the provision of appropriate opportunity to attain skills development and career growth, a relevant sense of fulfilment amongst the employees is attained. Considering REBU, for attaining mental and physical work wellbeing, the most appropriate strategy would prioritise on employee voice, mental health, work-life balance and supportive environment.

In CIPD (2019a), for REBU features, trust-oriented strategy can be established to implement good workplace change. Specifically, amidst COVID-19 pandemic, health and wellbeing of the employees has significantly affected the organisation. This is at the same time encouraging consideration of all raised issues and concerns in the organisation.

Therefore, designing the best working lives in contemporary entities would influence engagement of various policy makers, employer, employees for performance improvement. This is particularly the case for REBU organisation working in Gig Economy.

Task 2: Training Session (Presentation Pack and Supporting Notes)

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