(Solution) New PWC 3CO01 Business, culture and change in context


Table of Contents

1.1 Key External Influences Impacting/likely to Impact Organisation Activities. 2

1.2 Organisation Business Goals; Importance for Planning to Achieve them.. 3

1.3 Organisation Products and/or Services and Main Customers. 4

1.4 Technologies available to people professionals; how they can be, or are, used to improve working practices and collaboration   5

2.1 Meaning of Organisation Culture and Importance in Fostering Appropriate and Effective Workplace Culture   7

Definition of Organisation Culture. 7

Importance to Foster Appropriate and Effective Culture. 7

2.2 Organisation Whole Systems, Areas and Aspects; Structure, Systems and Culture Inter-Related. 8

Positive Impact 8

Negative Impact 9

3.1 Importance of Organisation Change Planning and Effective Management 9

3.2 Roles Played by People Practice Professionals in Change Agendas. 10

3.3 Organisation Change Impacting People. 10

References. 12

1.1 Key External Influences Impacting/likely to Impact Organisation Activities

For evaluating the external influences impacting or likely to impact organisation activities, PESTLE Analysis tool can be used. As evidenced in CIPD (2021) through a focus on political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental, people professionals and senior managers make strategic decisions. For XXX organisation operating in Saudi Arabia (KSA) automotive industry, the factors impacting organisation activities would include;

Political- For KSA, in 2020, Frost (2022) report identify that the VAT for new vehicles had been increased from 5% to 15%. This has already affected business sustainability in this sector. Further, recent conflicts in Middle East will potentially impact XXX organisation operations.

Economic- As evidenced in World Bank (2022) the KSA economy is expected to accelerate to 7% in year 2022 prior levelling out at 3.8% and 3.0% in 2023 and 2024. This would potentially impact XXX ability to achieve market dominance. As evidenced in Arab News (2022), the Saudi Economy growth has remained unchanged at 7.6% despite the inflationary risks occasioned by prevalence of COVID-19 pandemic. This has an impact on XXX profitability.

Sociological- In Saudi Gazette (2020) report, it had evidenced that in KSA, children and Youth account for 67% of the Saudi population. This is an indicator of a high percentage of individuals likely to be looking to purchase new vehicles.

Technological- Today, Computer weekly (2022) note that KSA has invested and invests on $6.4bn in form of digital technology of future and technology startups promoting them. XXX can leverage on this by ensuring that they invest on modern vehicles to meet the demand of the IT significantly increasing in the economy.

LegalIn KSA, Saudisation policy means that XXX operations will have to prioritise the interests of the KSA nationals as opposed to international vehicles manufacturers and sellers.

Environmental-  As a result of the Green HR policy, XXX is expected to prioritise on investing in hybrid vehicles. This is with an intention of reducing the overall emissions impacting on environment.

1.2 Organisation Business Goals; Importance for Planning to Achieve them

 XXX organisation goals are based on making positive contributions on appraisal of cars standards, safeguard of their quality of the vehicles. Also, owing to the increased demand for Electric vehicles, XXX organisation is working on embracing modernised technologies in their operations. The breakdown of the goals are;

  • Professional inspection and detailed evaluation of vehicles quality in KSA
  • To make positive contributions on traffic related accidents and hazardous emissions
  • Creating awareness amongst the road users on best practice on maintaining vehicles, mechanical and electronic systems
  • Build-up technical-based data for validating most roadworthy vehicles in KSA
  • Lowering the environmental emissions and pollutions
  • Settling on XXX technology by attracting more employment opportunities and capacity development to players in the sector

Planning of organisation goals is defined by Valencia et al. (2019) as relevant for attaining their entire goals with proficiency. This is while reviewing entity practices, identification of areas of improvement and measurements in regard to financial goals and customer satisfaction. For XXX organisation, the importance of planning goals entail;

Resources allocation– For XXX organisation goals specifically sourcing quality data and professional inspection of vehicles require immense resources. The rationale of this is ensuring resources enable varying objectives attainment.

Establishing organisation goals– Prioritising on the goals which include coming up with a technical database and to settle down the XXX practices, they are almost similar. Through an effective planning, there is a possibility of distinguishing these goals.

Managing Risks and Different Uncertainties– Owing to the prevalence of COVID-19 pandemic, XXX has majorly been faced by issues which limit their successful practices. The successful identification of their goals make sure the organisation is successful in its operations.

Collaborative practice– For various goals noted, experts would be important and various stakeholders included in implementing the process. For XXX case study, they make sure they are leveraging on competitive advantage and dominating their markets.

For planning, examples entail;

Organisation Structure– For XXX, they have a hierarchical structure ensuring that they succeed in their practices.

Implementing policies– Various policies are implemented for ensuring organisation is success in their strategies/activities.

Allocating resources– In quarterly budgeting by XXX, they achieve this by appropriately allocating resources intended for goals implementation.

SMART Objectives– In the different identified goals, SMART objectives are implemented intended to achieve these goals.

1.3 Organisation Products and/or Services and Main Customers

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1.1 Meaning of a Professional; People Professional


This is an individual with qualifications and a certification of working in a specific profession. According to Bates and Morgan (2018) a profession is known to embrace enormous ethics and value in their operations formally and informally in an organisation. For example, an engineer is supposed to exercise human ethics and immense value of professional practice working in the engineering sector. Additionally, CIPD (2022) argued that a professional must work in line with their core behaviours and informed by their current membership and qualification. For example, in medical sector, there is the Doctors union which is used in guiding their operations. Further, they ought to demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge, social-based practice and ethics embrace.

People Professional

A people professional is identified as a player in the organisation whose roles are elaborately explained in the CIPD Professional Map. According to CIPD (2022a), in regard to their core behaviours, people professionals must work inclusively, value others and demonstrate an ethical practice. Further, in defining a people professional, Neto et al. (2020) note that they are supposed to adhere to global benchmark and use of the map to make decision and embracing change. In my position working in MNGHA people professional department, the main role entail ensuring a leverage on continuous development of possessed skills and acquiring relevant knowledge. In line with the CIPD HR Professional Map guide, skills and interest areas are activities, functions, and responsibilities tandem with needs and stakeholders wellbeing including staff.

Additionally, for people practice professionals, they recognise their personal values and include honesty, equality, fairness, mutually respecting others, trust-base relations and professional integrity. According to Sutoro (2021) operating as a people practice professional, the main area of practice include promoting good relations. Therefore, a person need to ensure that they are equally and fairly treated by the rest. In performance appraisals, people ought to be equally treated. By embracing integrity, policies and initiatives of an organisation are appropriately implemented.

3.1 Role of Professional (Generalist/specialist) evolving and Priorities in CPD

According to CIPD (2022b) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a significant people professional main area. It highlight on people progress in their competencies and proficiencies in their practice. This is to gain core skills and knowledge as an indicator of their career growth. According to Mazurchenko and Maršíková (2019) the CPD is not static but significantly growing in the overall individual career. For example, working in MNGHA organisation, coaching and mentorship is provided for success in CPD.

The various people professionals roles and practices are important for embracing to change and associated with dynamism of the HRM. Primarily, people professionals transition from administration to strategic practice as a specialist. This is distinct from the administrative roles noted in Boselie et al. (2021) as contributing to job roles of the employees in alignment with their policy and practices initiated.

In contemporary entities, people professionalism include success strategic planning to address people challenge. A major shift is to adoption of a strategy which identify people practices strategies as inclusive of strategic and systematic engagement. For L&D, this has evolved from only a single department to the overall organisation. This is with technology being core in people management. For generalists, this has evolved with the current practice inclusive of setting initiatives which mirror stakeholders interests. This is supported by evolving specialisation from chief head office, chief happiness officer and lead people data scientist. This specialism is important to evidence roles and responsibilities for individuals in their active practice.

The evolving changes impact to a person CPD entail specialising in areas for investment in the L&D process. A case example is what Mom et al. (2019) identify as the people professionals acquiring appropriate skills and knowledge in IT application. A distinct influence is the practices and timelines of CPD process. Hence, there is a need for recognising the continuous feature of the changes in the CPD and inclusion of people professionals in skills acquisition through change and knowledge for people practices and ensuring their existence.

1.2 Ethical Values; 3 Ethical Values

The ethical values play a significant role in making decisions. As evidenced in CIPD (2022c), ethical values is presented in the CIPD HR Professional Map as offering a good moral compass for people to live and determine bad and good. People values are also evidenced as desirable and influence people practices and act as a guidance to people lives. The personal values possessed are fairness, valuing others and accountability.

Fairness– In my role working as a people practice professional in MNGHA, I make decisions which are not biased or favoring any party. I ensure that all engaged individuals are fairly treated with zero prioritisation on the differences such as their age, gender, race or even ethnicity. In particular, Nugent et al. (2020) argue that fairness is best implemented during the time recruitment and selection.

Valuing others– Considering that I have managed to introduce a complete practice of inclusion and diversity, this evidence my ability of valuing others. I view the differences in my organisation as a positive aspect. According to Jimenez et al. (2019) as a best practice, this include ensuring that diversity and inclusion is implemented for promoting personal growth and innovativeness.

Accountability– Considering my level of being accountable and responsible, this is substantially high. My practice is supported by Pas et al. (2022) noting on the need for owning up any form of mistake which is made and to accept the entire results. For instance, after COVID-19 pandemic, in my organisation, performances had declined. Through my responsibility, I managed to evidence issues and assumed holistic responsibility for their emergence.

A major influence of the noted beliefs in work relations and from other colleagues reflect my active teamwork and avoiding conflicts. Through an embrace of fairness, all colleagues in my organisation held a feeling of appropriate treat and as such increased satisfaction and commitment. Through ensuring accountability, workplace conflicts are managed and mistakes owned up.

1.3 People Professionals Contributing Confidently to Discussions, and ways of doing this


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