
Prepare and submit a presentation, of up to 8 slides with notes of 600 words, summarising how the HR activities support your organisation.

Include in your presentation: •A description of how 3 of your organisation’s HR and L&D activities support its strategy, goals and business objectives (AC 3.1) •An explanation of the role of your HR and L&D functions in supporting line managers and staff. Give 3 examples of activities that HR and L&D undertake to support colleagues. (AC 3.2) •A description of the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment:  what you knew about your HR and L&D functions before you attended module 1; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing the presentation.

You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your findings.  Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a reference list provided.


Slide 1:

This presentation focuses on evaluating the concept of HR and its role in an organisation operations, progress and overall performance. This is informed by the fact that HR plays an instrumental role in talent alignment to the business strategy (Farndale et al., 2010). In the active operations of the EDC is characterized by a HR that is already equipped with sufficient tools, competencies and capabilities which are all provided for harnessing a strategic support for the organisation to harness their strategy. The significant roles played by the organisation HR include harnessing an alignment of the organisation vision and values as a solid foundation for strategy, maintaining culture top of mind as an enabler of strategy, and assisting their leaders in gaining an elaborate identification and articulation of the people components of their strategy.

Slide 2:

In EDC, the HR plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing development of fresh blueprints and assisting change implementation. Their strategy is based on integrating ideal skills, behaviors, culture and leadership styles. HR activities support this by having all required skills to put the organization in a high ranked position, aligning their behaviors to the short and long-term goals of the organization and using the appropriate leadership goals.  Hence, aligning these factors with organization goals and objectives leads to improvement of an organization effectiveness and its business performance (Monks et al., 2013). In addition, in EDC organization strategy, the L&D practices are involved in supporting the organization strategy by assisting it in making preparations for their future to create optimum value and increasing insights through technology. The HR activities achieves this by enhancing the alignment of organization goals with their practice……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Please contact our team to receive guidance, support and tutorial services on this assessment based on your organisation background, level of experience and any other expectations

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