5DVP PDP Log entries in a personal and professional e-portfolio (PPP)


There are 3 key elements to this assignment:

1. Review Progress Against Original PDP

In the first assignment (5DVP) you put together an initial PDP for the duration of the programme. What you need to do is to review your progress against this.

You can either add extra columns onto the end of your existing plan, or a commentary after each section. This should state what stage each intended development area is at (completed/not started/part complete/ no longer relevant).

You should also add additional notes – if it is completed, what did you do and what did you learn? If it is not complete, how far have you got and what were the reasons for it not getting completed so far? If it is no longer relevant, what changed during the 8-9 months that altered this?
2Set Out New PDP for Next 6-12 Months

Using the exact same format as the original PDP, set out a new one looking towards the next 6-12 months following the programme. What are the next steps in your development? What are you looking to do to build on what you have achieved over the duration of the programme?

We are looking for between 4-6 development areas, again with clearly laid out activities to achieve these, a specific deadline and clear, measurable and trackable success criteria that will help you monitor progress and let you know when you have achieved your goal.

3. Review & Analyse Key Learning Points From EACH Module

This is the final section – pull out 2-3 key learning points that you have taken from each of the 8 modules that were covered in-class. Explain what they were and either how you have already used them in your role, or how you intend to in the future.

That is the Final PDP that wraps up your last submission for the programme.


Updated Development Plan

  What do I want/need or to learn? What will I do to achieve this? What resources or support will I need? What will my success criteria be? Target dates of review and completion Updated Development Plan
1 Improve my HR skills to be more professional by understanding many HR areas. Attending CIPD course Support from my manager, attend PWC CIPD course Complete course requirements, New information about HR January Active engagement with all stakeholders to understanding individual roles Using the skills gained from LDN in understanding the best practice in recruitment and selection and performance analysis. Using the skills from DES, I would engage HR in L&D on the practice in different HR areas for their success Being in a position of delivering learning and development activities as part of HR development
2 Understand how actions in their own area can affect other areas and impact on colleagues Spending some times in different HR divisions Emails from my manager and HR manager Collect more information from all HR divisions to develop my knowledge February Being in a position of reviewing individual strengths and weaknesses to be integrated in the development actions DES offers an appropriate opportunity of appreciating the interaction of L&D and their influence on the overall employee performance As part of the creation of a positive learning environment, all stakeholders are actively involved in the process.

Please contact our team to receive guidance, support and tutorial services on this assessment particularly the Review Progress Against Original PDP, Set Out New PDP for Next 6-12 Months, Review & Analyse Key Learning Points From EACH Module

Email address: rankedtutorials@gmail.com