(Solution) NURS 804 Individual Critique Assessment


Research, both the execution of research studies and the application of findings, is a communal activity. All participants bring their own unique readings of the research, which leads to a more complete evaluation of the article. The synchronous onlinemeeting critiques are an opportunity for you to experience the communal process of research critique.  You are encouraged to reflect on the class discussion prior to completing the written critique, as your fellow students may offer insight that will change or guide your individual opinion. 

Each synchronous onlinesession is an individual grade worth 10% of the final grade.


Pleace contact us to receive guidance on the Critique of the article by A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL TO REDUCE PRE HOSPITAL DELAY TIME iN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME (ACS) or any other article that you may need

Email adress: rankedtutorials@gmail.com