ICS Learn Formative Assessment 3 (40572/18) 7RTM Resourcing and Talent Management


You have just landed your first graduate role working in a call centre undertaking some resourcing for the business. The call centre is constantly busy, but you are expected to get the staff in and interested in the role. Discuss how you would effectively, efficiently, lawfully and professionally conduct yourself in such an environment. What short/term planning would you undertake and how would you go about it?


Executive Summary

This report examines how to undertake the resourcing for a business to ensure that the staff get in the organisation and are interested in the job position. The report is based on the call centre, undertaking some resourcing. The procedure for achieving the resourcing in an effective, efficient, lawful, and professional manner in the environment is examined. Also included is the short-term planning and the procedure or process. The key aspects to note in this case is the importance of ensuring that the resourced individuals have the right competencies and do understand that the requirements of the centre. This will reduce the risk of high turnover of the new employees.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary. 2

1.0      Introduction. 4

2.0 Effective and Efficient Conduct in the Environment 4

3.0 Professional and Lawful Conduct 5

4.0 Short Term Plans. 5

5.0 Key Activities for the Plans. 6

5.1 Using the Social Media and Referral Program.. 6

5.2 Create Compelling Descriptions for the Position. 6

5.3 Collaboration with Other Stakeholders. 7

5.4 Consideration of the Resumes Posted Previously and Past Candidates. 7

6.0 Conclusion. 7

References. 9

There are several human resources management (HRM) dimensions, including training, compensation, HR planning, and recruitment and selection. In the resourcing context, it is crucial for the organisation to employ individuals with remarkable competence according to the firm’s needs and the job’s responsibilities (CIPD, 2020). According to Alsabbah and Ibrahim (2014), competence has been theorised in terms of attitudes, skills, and knowledge about the job. The competences are the underlying elements of an individual, including their abilities and knowledge about the position. Notably, competent employees enhance the success of a business. Drawing from the general systems theory, competent employees, as shown in figure 1 below are key inputs to the organisational processes. The employees aid in achieving the desirable outcome, which involves the job performance. In this report, therefore, the effective, efficient, lawful, and professional conduct of oneself in the environment for the resourcing process is examined.

Figure 1: The Human Resources Management System (Alsabbah and Ibrahim, 2014).

2.0 Effective and Efficient Conduct in the Environment

The core challenges in this environment are that it is busy and that the job is the first graduate’s role. This implies that one needs to understand the core constructs of the call centre and the environment. To achieve the goals and objectives of getting the right staff and those that are interested in the position, the first aspect is to understand what the call centre is looking for in the resourced individuals. This will be important in defining the job and responsibilities during the advertisement. To achieve this, I will need to schedule a meeting with the HR and the head of the call centre to establish the key competencies that the firm is looking for among other factors, such as compensation. An effective and efficient manner entails following a structured approach to achieve the objectives. The second step would be to identify the possible areas where these individuals can be sourced. This would be followed by establishing a suitable sourcing procedure.

3.0 Professional and Lawful Conduct

Lawful and professional conduct reflects on the need to conduct the process according to the employment regulations. These include advocating for a fair and just process. During the development of the sourcing plan, the organisation should ensure that every individual has an equal opportunity and that there are no claims regarding discrimination in the process. Also, the resourcing process should be aligned with the organisational culture and structure. Culture, according to Chion et al. (2019) entails the shared beliefs, values, behaviour throughout the organisation. Structure, on the other hand, involves the system defining how various activities are conducted to meet the organisational objectives. The activities may include responsibilities, roles, and rules. The structure describes how the information flows within the organisation (Banerjee and Srivastava, 2017).

4.0 Short Term Plans

To profoundly achieve the first graduate role, there are three short terms plans as outlined below;

  1. To understand the dynamics and characteristics of the call centre environment. This will aid in determining the mix of competencies for the employees.
  2. To develop a comprehensive process for the resourcing.
  3. To engage with potential individuals across various platforms and sources to enhance their interests in the role.

5.0 Key Activities for the Plans

To meet the three objectives and short-term plans listed above, some of the core activities include;

5.1 Using the Social Media and Referral Program

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