Avado 3SCO Supporting change within organisations CIPD Level 3


Introduction to the Report

This report entails an evaluation of change management for XXX, a limited company in Saudi Arabia. Since its inception in 1988, XXXX has specialised in manufacturing and research on advanced electronics for diverse roles, including communication and defence. The central goal of the organisation is to establish local capabilities in strategic field, including product support, advanced manufacturing, and communication systems. The company’s size is 1,000 employees and annual revenue of $ 500 million as per 2018 statistics. In the last three decades, XXXX has demonstrated remarkable growth in evolution across various areas of designing, manufacturing, repair, technical solutions, and maintenance. This report examines the company’s reasons for change, factors involved in the change process, key stages in the change process, and behavioural responses in the organisation.

1.1 Why Organisations Need to Change with Reference to Internal and External Factors.

A company’s change is influenced by several factors, including internal and external. Acknowledging these factors is vital for the company’s growth and development.

Internal Factors

Mission and vision: The company’s mission and vision are vital in determining the overall objectives of the firm and the aspects to focus on. For XXX, its mission is to be recognised as the leading technology solution company in the region, while the mission focuses on the customer’s priorities and new capabilities.

Expansion: This reflects on the company’s growth in size and other regions. The firm’s interests in harnessing more opportunities reflect on the creation of long-term partnerships.

Customers’ feedback: According the CIPD (2019), the customer is a major driving force of change. The success of an organisation is determined by the client’s satisfaction. The feedback by customers informs the company on the areas of need. For XXX, the customer’s feedback is the foundation of its priorities to foster satisfaction.

External Factors

Dynamism in customers’ demands: There is a global transformation in customer needs and preferences. In the technology sector, there is a shift in customer’s preferences, including big data technologies. The organisation should conform to these needs to ensure a competitive advantage and a large market share.

Technology: Technology is one of the elements in the PESTEL analysis (CIPD 2020). Notably, technology is transforming to include new and advanced approaches across various realms. The firm is, therefore, promoted to adjust its strategies and keep current with the technological changes and trends.

Economic conditions: The economic performance of the country or region influences its change in various aspects, including the number of employees and expansion. Issues such as tax, inflation rates, and GDP determine the company’s performance and future approaches.

  • How Change Can Impact an Organisation’s Business.

Organisational change is vital for every organisation to promote its goals and objectives. The firm’s leadership and management are required to demonstrate competence in managing change and establishing ways through which employees can be involved without resistance. Ways through which change impacts an organisation include;

Staying current with the present industrial trends: One of the external factors that influence organisational change is customer dynamics. For XXX, the increasing customer needs, including communication and aerospace, are the foundation of establishing new approaches. Organisational change ensures the firm is current with these trends, including customer needs.

Establish new opportunities: Embracing new approaches helps companies to establish new opportunities. Among the elements in the XXX mission, for instance, is to harness new opportunities, which are achieved by altering its strategies to meet consumer demands and preferences.

Promoting the company’s competitive advantage and efficiency: Establishing new work approaches and strategies are critical in ensuring customers are satisfied, and their needs are met. Also, change fosters efficiency in business operations, which is essential in fostering the growth and development of the organisation (CIPD 2014).

2.1 Main Factors Involved in the Change Process.

Most firms undergo change at a certain point. For XXX, potential changes include new working culture and structure, leadership, expansion, and new technologies. It is, therefore, critical to understanding the factors involved in the change process.

Organisational leadership and culture:

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