Question 1: Labor Process Theory and Understanding of the Functioning Of Modern Organizations


ESSAY (40% of final mark)

Please answer one of the three following essay questions. The essay should be 2000-2500 words.

1.Labour Process Theory presents a useful way of understanding the functioning of modern organisations. Critically discuss this statement.
2.To what extent do you believe that Ritzer’s theory of ‘McDonalization’ can be applied to organizations operating in 2017.
3. The Hawthorne studies have been criticised for making recommendations that merely served the interests of management. Are such criticisms fair and have they reduced the importance of the Hawthorne studies’ contributions to knowledge?

Broadly, your essay should be structured in the following manner

1. Introduction – summary of your ideas and structure
2. Review of the literature
3. Conclusions
4. References



The following general criteria will be used to assess your written work.

Structure – a clear logical format with linked points and arguments.

Background material – evidence of the background research drawing from literature sources. This should include enough descriptive content and factual information from which to derive arguments and assessment of key themes, issues and problems addressed.

Accuracy – in the presentation and description of theories used in the argument

Argumentation – the main argument of the report should relate to the objectives you have initially stated. They should be supported by evidence, both from a variety of sources in the literature.

Presentation – the answers should be well planned – clear, coherent and well constructed. Relevant references and sources should be cited using the Harvard style of referencing. Marks will be removed for poor referencing. If you don’t know how to reference correctly please ask!!

Useful tips on essay writing
Please remember the University’s guidelines on plagiarism. Also, be aware that if you either purchase or commission an essay to be written by a third party it will be discovered!
The contemporary managers are enamored of processes. According to Scott and Davis (2015), the majority of the modern organizations are functional and hierarchical; suffering from isolated departments, poorly coordinated operations, and shrewd lateral communications. In most instances, the operations in these organizations are fragmented and conceptualized with the managers being faced with difficulties in ensuring all operations are implemented. This evolution of the management practice, in particular in the realm of production is seen to be as a consequence of labor organization changes with an increased sophistication, education practices, and work expectations. In light of this, to understand the functioning of modern organizations, it is essential to consider the concepts of labor process theory. The rationale for the application of this theory is hedged on its conventional and rightly listing as one of the critical analytical resources in the Critical Management Studies. Besharov and Smith (2014) demonstrated that the theory identifies the labor as an interaction between the working individuals and the natural world in a way that the different forces of the latter are strategically disoriented in a purposive approach. In addition, the theory assists business practitioners in understanding the different inequalities in the market relations and the capital-labor interactions in the workplaces. In this regard, this essay will focus on evaluating the application of Labor Process Theory in understanding the functioning of modern organizations.
Literature Review
Labor Process Theory
In an organization, the functioning and structure identify the formal relationship between all stakeholders. There are multiple requirements to enable a modern organization to complete all its activities (Smith, 2015). One of such major requirement is ensuring that the employees are working efficiently and effectively in some strategic structural orientation. This is eloquently explained in the Labor Process Theory that expounds on how an organization can succeed in planning, organizing, leading and controlling of its entity resources irrespective of whether it operates in a communist or a socialist environment.
Adopting the definition of Mihret (2014) the distinctive application of labor process theory (LPT) is hedged on its capacity to demonstrate the difference…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Please pay $10 to receive the entire task or contact our team for more information