5ELD Evaluating L&D in a knowledge economy


1.1 Define evaluation and related terms followed by an identification of different
types of evaluation and at least three purposes of evaluation.

1.2 Explain how evaluation fits within L&D processes and systems.

1.3 Consider the importance of learning transfer into the workplace

2.1 Compare and contrast at least three theories for evaluating L&D

2.2, 2.3 Explain the key steps in the evaluation process and identify sources of data and methods of analysis that can be used.

3.1 Consider atleast three challenges that can act as barriers to evaluating L&D

3.2 Explore the characteristics of acknowledge economy and their implications for 3.2
evaluating L&D activity.

3.3 Consider the key issues, in relation to evaluation, raised by intellectual capital

Evidence to be produced/required
A set of slides, with related notes pages which amplify and develop the key content on each slide equating
to approximately 3000 words in total(allowing around 2,500 words for the notes pages)
Please note: you do not have to deliver the presentation.
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate
(these should be excluded from the word count).


1.1 Define evaluation and related terms followed by an identification of different
types of evaluation and at least three purposes of evaluation.

In a Learning and Development (L&D), identify the different types of evaluation and purposes of evaluation. As indicated in CIPD (2020), evaluation is a process in which feedback is gathered to establish its effectiveness in achieving the previously identified learning needs. The importance of assessment is also informed by the fact that an L&D strategy is supposed to be inclusive of an entity evaluation approach and describing the extent in which it impacts on an individual program or series which is measured. This is affirmed by Training Journal (2014) report that noted that evaluation is essential as it indicates the effectiveness of training as an integral segment of an entity achievement of its set organizational goals.

The related terms of evaluation include assessment and validation. In learning, the assessment is identified as a process which involves evaluating a learner engagement in the learning process and the extent to which they develop knowledge, understanding and skills set. On the other hand, validation is defined by EQAVET (2020) as a certification that the trainees have attained essential skills and knowledge the L&D was intended to achieve. In this case, the content offered to the learners to improve on their skills and knowledge either through the online platforms or a classroom environment is identified at this level.

As noted in CIPD (2020b), report, evaluation types are informed by the fact that the process can be done in the initial phase of the learning to identify needs, milestones for progress and as such establish individual learning plan. Formative assessment is done as the learner progress and lastly the summative assessment at the end to identify the overall learning outcomes.

Lastly, for evaluation, the purposes include;

Capturing overall learner achievement–  Evaluation is based on the individual learner’s needs. As such, in the end, the learning needs are compared with the outcomes to identify the achievement level

Assessing teaching effectiveness–  As noted in ELearning Industry (2014), assessing the teaching effectiveness in an L&D involve knowledge by performing a role-play, ability to educate others on subject mastery and skills assessments.

To inform return on investment– The core objective of L&D should be ensuring that the learners improve on their performance and harness their role performance. This is in terms of being productive in their roles and ensuring an organisation achieve high-level productivity.

Assisting in future decision-making– According to CIPD (2019), the L&D outcomes from evaluation inform on organisation decision about workforce capabilities, essential skills and competencies and overall business strategy.

1.2 Explain how evaluation fits within L&D processes and systems

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