CIPD Level 7 (7ODD) Organization design and organization development


Write a 3000 word report in which you:

  1. Critically analyse TG’s current organisational structure Evaluate its appropriateness for the future.
  2. Provide a detailed analysis of external factors currently affecting TG and the impact that these may have on change and organisational development at TG.
  3. Produce organisational development and design recommendations of how TG can achieve its sustainability goal. In doing so you should consider the extent to which organisational culture can be changed and whether a culture change is important in achieving the sustainability goal. You should use research evidence and your knowledge of organisational practice to support your recommendations. Consideration should also be given to possible implementation issues and/or tensions.
All submissions should be in the region of 3,000 words plus or minus 10% and references should be added in the Harvard Referencing Format.


Table of Contents

Executive Summary. 3

1.0 Introduction. 4

2.0 Organisational Structure and Analysis. 4

2.2 Analysis of the Structure. 4

2.2 An Analysis of Appropriateness of TG Organisational Structure for Future. 7

3.0 External Analysis of Factors Affecting TG and their Impact on Change and Organisational Development 8

4.0 Organisation Development and Design Sustainbility Goal Achievement Reccomendations. 12

4.1 Sustainability Goals Achievement Strategies. 12

4.2 Organisation Culture Change. 13

4.3 HR Role in the Identified Culture Change Recommendations. 14

5.0 Potential Implementation Issues and Tensions. 15

6.0 Conclusion. 16

References. 17




Executive Summary

This report provides an evaluation of organisation development and design in the TG organisation that operates in the travel industry. To achieve the intended objective of this assessment, the areas of focus have included an evaluation of organisation development and design, TG organisation structure and its appropriateness for the future and external factors affecting TG and their impact on change and organizational development have been evaluated. The need for organisation change has been informed by the current issues facing the organisation operations such as duplication of functions, differences in terms and conditions and differences in job descriptions. Also, there has been a need for achieving a sustainability organizational practice to attain FTSE4 good sustainability index. Since having the right organizational culture is critical, a model has been used to evaluate TG culture. The analysis has been informed by the different external factors affecting the business environment where TG operates.

In the end, organisation development and design recommendations of TG attainment of its sustainability goal have been provided. This is since a successful merger to TG with the other local organisations has led to a transition from a divisional structure to a more functional structure. As evidenced by the external business environment analysis, there still prevail issues that limit successful change management in TG. As such, several recommendations have been provided with the problems faced and potential mitigation identified.



1.0 Introduction

In the contemporary business environment, sustainable organisation practices and coping up with consistently evolving business environment, require alignment of structural, cultural and strategic approaches. To achieve this, organisation design and development identified by CIPD (2020a) as a process and outcome of shaping an entity structure for aligning with business purpose and context of its existence is evaluated. While organisation development assists in maximizing the value accrued from organisation resources (CIPD, 2020b), organisation design ensures that an organisation is successful in influencing HR activities and shaping outcomes of organisation development (CIPD, 2019a). Therefore, it can be argued that organisation development strategies are used in facilitating potential change management which support an organisation design and realignment of the outcomes. This is, however, dependent on organisation culture, norms and behaviours. To underscore the importance of organisation development and design, this report focuses on Travel Group (TG) established through mergers. The current organisation structure of TG and its appropriateness for the future and external factors affecting TG and their impact on change and organizational development has been evaluated. In the end, organisation development and design recommendations of TG attainment of its sustainability goal have been provided.

2.0 Organisational Structure and Analysis

2.2 Analysis of the Structure

In a strategic organisation change such as TG merger process, the hierarchy would change significantly to ensure set goals attainment. To affirm this, Tortorella and Fogliatto (2014) note that in a change process, organizational culture is influenced by the structure. Currently, in future, part of TG strategies would be enhancing elaborate purpose establishment for a compelling vision and management of resistance. As identified in the case study, TG has different operational divisions which are elaborately defined with an independent sphere of competency (see figurer 1).

Figure 1: TG’s Current Organisational Structure

From this description, the structure is divisional since all operations and functions are separated distinctly.  According to CIPD (2015), the relevance of an organisation structure in change is informed by the fact that it plays a vital role in governance, policies implementation and employees division. Therefore, inadequacies that characterize TG has a direct implication on their current operations. In particular, TG is directly affected by functions duplication with different negative impacts (see figure 2);

Figure 2: Current TG organisation structure challenges

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