3RAI Formative Assessment


Consideration Factors for Conducting a Survey

The competitiveness of an organisation is centred on sufficient information regarding employee satisfaction and the working environment. Organisational managers are tasked with obtaining insights from employees about the working environment to establish the areas of improvement. This paper entails some of the consideration factors in conducting a survey to determine workplace issues, including the preferences for rewards. The analysis is based on the OMG Ltd, which is a large and national manufacturing organisation with an array of factories and distribution hubs.

Data That the HR Should have for the Activity

To conduct the survey, the HR and workforce analytics are essential. The people’s data is essential in decision making process (CIPD Factsheet, 2020). These include the total number of individuals at the organisation, their positions, responsibilities, and divisions. Previous performance records should also be available from performance management process. All the details regarding the employees should be available to the HR, including emails and phone numbers. The availability of the employee’s data is to allow for decision making on a suitable communication channel with the employees. Notably, some of the employees are not available most of the time; thus, access via email may be challenging. Information about the individual’s position is essential in determining the duration the employee can be available for the survey.

Distribution and Recovery of the Survey

During the survey, the distribution of the questions and the recovery of the answer sheets play a vital role in ensuring a successful process. Key factors to consider in completing the survey are the challenges in accessing some employees via email, anonymity, and the need by the responders to know the division that the survey has come from. Another consideration factor is the range of factories, warehouses, and distribution hubs around the UK. This implies the challenge of completing the survey at the same time by all employees. Distributing the survey should, therefore, be physical to avert the issues emanating from using emails.

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