ICS Learn Formative Assessment 1 – 7LMD Leadership and Management Development


You have recently read a journal article that the use of leadership and management can improve the level of organisational performance. Whilst discussing the idea over lunch with a work colleague, your co-worker seems less than amused by the idea. Discuss in report format the advantages and disadvantages of leadership and management development and the reasons why (or otherwise), with the aid of research, that it can improve organisational performance. 

The word limit is 1500 words and the style required is business report. 

All submissions should be in the region of 1,000 – 1,500 words and references should be added in the Harvard Referencing Format. There is a Harvard Referencing tutorial in the Resources Area which outlines the formatting required.


Organizations are increasingly recognizing that to be competitive they must invest in leadership and management development. Over the last decade, organizations and their leaders have experienced major changes in the workplace, including rapid technological change, increased globalization, changing organization structures and major changes in the dynamics of careers. Leaders and managers are considered a highly influential group in terms of creating high-performance organizations. Organizational capability at a management level in an organization is considered

essential to improve competitiveness and ensure future growth.

The context within which management and leadership development occurs is both

complex and dynamic. We focus here on four dimensions of context: globalization, structural change, the knowledge-based economy and diversity.

Globalization is understood as growth in the functional integration of national economies, with the ties between countries becoming stronger. It is driven by powerful economic factors including market cost, and competitive market factors such as the growth of common customer preferences largely created by successful global branding. In terms of cost, globalization is said to offer the advantages of economies of scale and standardization, such as cost advantages in advertising, material sourcing and economies of scale due to larger market potential. Also, globalization has reduced the requirement for manual work and fostered new kinds of skills such as those found in customer service work and call centres. It has enabled managers to work across spatial boundaries with increased use of forms of virtual teamworking. Leadership and management development will focus less on gaining manager commitment and loyalty and more on manager engagement. It also requires that managers are skilled to take decisive action, and in some cases to take tough decisions. Changes to the organizational structure such as downsizing and delayering bring significant demands for managers. They are expected to be able to respond rapidly to changing conditions, to ensure that customer expectations are met while at the same time matching the supply and quality of labour with demand cycles ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Please contact our team to receive guidance and support on this assessment in its entirety based on your organisation of work, experience and level of expectations

Email address: rankedtutorials@gmail.com