Nursing Leadership Course Burns Assessments and Treatments

patient c scenario #3 – 10 year old and 1 year old burn victims a ten year old (40kg) victim of a house fire arrives to the er and has suffered 2nd & 3rd degree burns. the entire head, both thighs, and half of one lower leg is burned. based on the provided information, what is this patient’s percentage of burns using the lund and browder chart? a 1 year (12.5kg) suffered burns from being scalded when he pulled a pot with hot water off the stove top. half of his head and half of both lower legs were burned. what is this patient’s percentage of burns based upon lund and browder’s chart? 1. in 3 or more paragraphs, compare and contrast the various stages of burns including evidence-based treatment modalities. 2. provide 3 top priority nursing diagnoses for a patient who has sustained 3rd degree burns to >40% of tbsa. provide 6 interventions with rationales for each nursing diagnosis selection. list resources utilized to plan care. 3. calculate the normal urinary output for the 10 year old patient weighing 40 kg. be very specific and display your work. what resources did you utilize to answer this question? 4. calculate the normal urinary output for the 1 year old patient weighing 12.5 kg. be very specific and display your work. what resources did you utilize to answer this question? 5. in addition to the 1 year and 10 year old burn victims, you are asked to assess a 25 year old burn victim who was involved in a meth lab explosion. prioritize in which order you would round on each patient. provide evidence-based resources and summarize in 2-3 paragraphs why you decided to round on each patient in the specific order. 6. the 1 year old burn victim has 3 saturated diapers since 6 am; 160ml wet diaper at 8 am, 105 ml at 10 am, and 140 at 12 noon. the dry diaper weight is 35. what is the total urinary output? is this within normal range for the patient? display your work. what resources did you use?
Burns Assessments and Treatments
1. A ten year old (40kg) victim of a house fire arrives to the hospital and has suffered 2nd & 3rd degree burns. The entire head, both thighs, and half of one lower leg is burned. Calculate the total percentage burns.
10year 40KG
2nd and 3rd degree burns
Entire head = 5.5%+5.5%=11%
Both thighs = 4.25% + 4.25% × 2 = 18%
Half of one lower leg = 1.5% + 1.5% = 3%
Total Percentage burns = 11% + 18% + 3% = 32%
A 1 year (12.5kg) suffered burns from being scalded when he pulled a pot with hot water off the stove top. Half of his head and half of both lower legs were burned. What is this patient’s percentage of burns based upon Lund and Browder’s chart?
1 year 12.5kg….Please click the Paypal icon below to purchase full solution for only $5