Unit No: 7012V1 – Strategic human resource planning


Task 1 – Answer (750 – 850 words)

A.C. 1.1 – Assess the strategic importance of current, future and anticipated HR requirements

A.C. 1.2 – Analyse how HR planning impacts on the strategic plan

Task 2 – Answer (700 – 800 words)

A.C. 2.1 – Evaluate the current legal requirements influencing a HR plan

A.C. 2.2 – Describe a process for recruitment and selection of new staff that complies with current legislation and organisation requirements

Task 3 – Answer (750 -850 words)

A.C. 3.1 – Discuss how organisational culture affects recruitment and retention of staff

A.C. 3.2 – Evaluate work life balance issues and the changing patterns of work practices

Task 4 – Answer (800 – 1000 words)

A.C. 4.1 – Identify the process to be followed in a grievance situation

A.C. 4.2 – Describe the stages of a discipline issue that results in dismissal

A.C. 4.3 – Explain the role of ACAS, Employment Tribunals and other external agencies that could be involved in grievance, discipline and dismissal processes


Task 1

  • Topic of investigation with a Strategic Implication

The selected topic is; to evaluate the implementation of cloud accounting from traditional accounting strategies to align with the new UK government and HMRC requirements. A case study of UK Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

  • Aim , Scope and Objectives of the Project


The aim of this research is to identify the best strategy of implementing cloud accounting as opposed to the traditional accounting and the associated benefits to their customers (accountants and bookkeepers). Also, part of this evaluation would include an evaluation of the costs, risks or customers informed by the need to embrace the new UK government and HMRC requirements.


The new UK government and HMRC requirements represent a new UK government initiative  used in setting out a vision for the end of the tax return and transformed tax system in 2020 (GOV.UK, 2019). This policy is intended to ensure that the tax administration is effective, more efficient and simpler for taxpayers. It is nevertheless not clear on the extent to which the transition from the traditional accounting strategies to cloud accounting would influence the level of adherence to the set government regulations. It is not also clear on whether the costs incurred in the transition from traditional to cloud accounting would be more than the potential risks. This will also create new research that can be adopted in the UK SMEs to successfully transition to the use of cloud accounting with minimal costs incurred and low risks accrued.


To evaluate the managerial relevance of transitioning from traditional accounting to cloud or internet-based accounting in UK SMEs

To analyse whether the costs incurred in the implementation of cloud accounting overcome the risks or challenges encountered in the use of traditional accounting methods in UK SMEs

To evaluate the potential customers’ reactions from the implementation of cloud accounting in UK SMEs

To recommend the best practice that can be adopted in transitioning from traditional accounting to cloud accounting in the UK SMEs

  • Justification of the Investigation Topic, Aim, Scope and Objectives

The constant fluctuations in business environment and economic recession directly affecting the SMEs environment necessitate the change in business approach to a level that can include a change in business scope of activity. According to Christauskas and Misevičienė (2012) continuous change demand an adjustment of an organization strategy on the basis of global changes in areas of science, technology and business with influence on key performance indicators of a business.  The modern global economic context necessitates different organisations to source for new efficient approaches for improving efficiency and business profitability. To affirm this, Gatautis and Vitkauskaitė (2009); Karabasevic et al. (2016); Melnikas (2010) pointed out that digital technologies improve on the decision process quality of modern businesses. The accounting system adopted in an organization is a critical determinant of economic efficiency as information and objectives are achieved in a timely manner. According to Pannicke et al. (2013); Nunan and Di Domenico (2013), the financial information sourced by organisations are used in serving multiple purposes including the business valuation, decision-making process, financial analysis, planning and controlling. Hence, Ionescu et al. (2013) argued that management information systems are critical to offering financial information despite in most instances proving to be poorly supporting the business. This is particularly the case when organisations are still adopting the traditional informational technologies as they lead to inadequacies in applying business particularities information systems. Hence, the investigation topic intends to influence the extent to which SMEs replace traditional informational technologies to a new paradigm influenced by new data processing strategies and storage.

The selected aim of the study is informed by Van der Velde et al. (2008) study that suggested that an appropriate aim must highlight the reason for doing research, the intended achievement and reasons for achieving the outcomes. Hence, the reason for doing the research is to demonstrate how the SMEs can integrate modern accounting strategies to be in line with UK set policies and also to improve on their profitability. As a player in the UK SMEs, development of a strategy of implementing the transition would harness the success of implementation and costs incurred. The scope of the research is informed by the fact that limited studies are available in UK that have evaluated the aspects of modern accounting transition from traditional accounting. The available studies such as Akbar (2010) have focused on other countries such as India and only focused on the concept in a broad management accounting change.  Informed by Jankowicz (2002) study, the objectives are an integration of the management environment and contribution to the organization. This is since the objectives would lead to gaining experience of the management environment of their operations and contribution to SMEs from the beneficial outcomes.

  • Project Research Methodology, Project Structure and Research Base

As aforementioned, the aim of this research is to evaluate the implementation of cloud accounting from traditional accounting strategies to align with the new UK government and HMRC requirements. In this case, descriptive research would be adopted. According to Nassaji (2015), this approach is used in describing a phenomenon and its characteristics with the observation and survey tools used in gathering the data.  In the active data collection process, a mixed methodology would be followed which includes the use of quantitative methods such as survey and secondary research as a qualitative method. Considering the research aim, it is worth noting that the adoption of modernized accounting systems is a progressive activity whose change is influenced by different macro variables.  The SME’s operations are also not constant since they always evolve from low maturity levels to higher ones. Therefore, the use of interpretivism philosophy Leitch et al. (2010) would be best suited for understanding the factors that influence transition from the traditional accounting to cloud or modernized accounting in the SMEs and how this is influenced by the new UK government and HRMC requirements.  To a significant extent, the positivism philosophical position would also relevant. This is since it generates an opportunity to examine causal link existing between the transition from the traditional accounting to modern accounting strategies in other dimensions such as UK government and HRMC requirements, size of the SME and flow of information. For instance, it would be relevant to adopt quantitative data for determining whether the costs incurred in the implementation of cloud accounting overcome the risks or challenges encountered in the use of traditional accounting methods in UK SMEs.

In terms of research strategy,  a case study that includes an investigation of a phenomenon of interest (i.e. transition from traditional to modern accounting strategies) in its real-world context (UK SMEs) would be used (Gibbert et al., 2008).  The rationale of following a case study strategy is that it generates insights past what other strategies including survey can provide. It is equally applicable in theory complementation in a specific field through the provision of insights on a research problem (Bell, 2014). It is worth noting that a focus on a single case study (i.e. UK SMEs) is an indicator that study findings generalization would not be past the SME sector. In data collection, a survey questionnaire would be used. The respondents would include the people involved in accounting strategies implementation in SMEs such as managers, accountants and bookkeepers. A simple random sampling would also be used to select the respondents as it facilitates a representative study that ensures all respondents are granted equal chances of participation (Fuller, 2011). Desk research would be used to collect secondary data. In the end, the secondary sources would be analyzed using themes and information linked to research objectives with statistical tools such as Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20) used in the quantitative data analysis.

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