CIPD 5PEL Enhancing Participant Engagement in the Learning Process


Learning outcomes 

The learner will:

Assessment criteria 

The learner can:

1         Be able to use stakeholder analysis to inform their learning activities 


1.1       Develop a stakeholder map for their learning environment. 

1.2       Assess different stakeholders’ power, positions and interests.


2         Understand motivation theory as it relates to the learning process 2.1       Critically assess a number of motivation theories. 

2.2       Demonstrate how motivation theory can be used to build and maintain learner engagement.


3         Be able to use neuroscience and psychology to enhance engagement throughout the learning process 


3.1    Outline the neuroscience most pertinent to learner engagement. 

3.2    Explain the individual and group psychology most pertinent to learner engagement.

3.3    Provide examples of learning and development practice underpinned by psychology and neuroscience.




Effectiveness in learning and development is achieved by the audience participating in the activities. According to CIPD (2020), participant engagement can be maximized by applying psychological and theoretical models in the learning process. Other core elements are to employ a stakeholder analysis, which informs the learning activities and relating the learning process with the motivation theory, psychology, and neuroscience. During the preparation phase, the facilitator outlines the objective, stakeholders, reasons for stakeholders’ attendance, and the actual activities for the learning and development process. Promoting interactivity during the session, some of the core activities include a questions and answers session, group work, and introducing various challenges for the members.

This report entails a session plan for a learning and development workshop titled ‘enhancing participant engagement in the learning process.’ The report entails two sections. Activity 1 comprises of the plan for the workshop, identifying the participant engagement activities for use, stakeholder map, objectives, attracting the participants’ attention, and the resources required for the workshop. The second session involves the written rationale for the session plan demonstrating understanding and application of the psychology and motivation theories. Two key guiding factors for the workshop’s activities are the one-hour duration and 20 confirmed attendants.

Activity 1

AC 1.1: Stakeholder Map, Session Plan, and AC 1.2: Different Stakeholder’s Power, Position, and Interests

A successful workshop commences by an effective preparation. As demonstrated in the flow chart below, there are four categories in the preparation phase. This also helps in defining the stakeholders. The first category is determining the reasons for the sessions. This question evaluates the objectives of the workshop session in broad. The next category during the preparation is determining the attendants or the stakeholders. This is followed by establishing the reasons for the stakeholders’ attendance to the session. Finally, the preparation entails determining if the facilitator requires assistance, from who, and the required aspects. The preparation phase for this workshop session is as outlined in figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Preparation Phase

Why this session? This session entails ‘enhancing participant engagement in the learning process.’ This session will outline some of the key ways that the employees or the individuals receiving the training can adequately participate in learning and development.

Who is coming? The workshop is being attended by 20 individuals with diverse backgrounds and active in their organisations’ learning and development department. The participants comprise the training managers, human resources management representatives, and information and communication technology personnel.

Why are they coming? These individuals are interested in understanding how participant engagement can be enhanced during the learning process. The individuals are also interested in learning if there are required resources, the role of ICT, and any other aspect that may be crucial in enhancing the participant engagement.

Do I need help? Yes, assistance is required to set up the workshop and facilitate the day’s different activities, including groups, question and answers session, and simulation activities. The workshop will also involve a short lecture at the start, which should also be set up. Any ICT –related activity will also require assistance.

The next stage after preparation is to conduct a stakeholder analysis. This information is essential in determining the workshop content. A stakeholder map is therefore essential. In this workshop, there are different categories of participants. The stakeholders are mostly experienced and well-known learning and development professionals. The individuals are interested in various aspects related to enhancing the participant’s engagement during the learning process. There are five categories of individuals as stakeholders. These include HR professionals, training and management personnel, ICT personnel, learning and development professionals, and students. The stakeholder analysis is as shown in table 1 below. The stakeholder evaluation comprises of the background and interests from the workshop.

Stakeholder Background Interests
HR professionals Professionals with a HRM background and interested in training and development. Understanding the role of HR in promoting participant engagement during the learning process.
Training and development personnel Individuals with diverse background but positioned in the training and development category. These professionals are central in the training and development and need to understand how the learning process can be enhanced.
ICT personnel Professionals with a background in ICT and its wide application, including the learning process. Understanding the role of ICT in fostering participant engagement.
Students Students in various educational backgrounds, including HR and ICT. Equipping themselves with adequate knowledge about learning and development.
Learning and development professionals Background and experience in learning and development. Evaluate my understanding of the learning and development process and participant engagement

Table 1: Stakeholder’s Background and Interests

The stakeholder’s map that demonstrates the power and interests of the different stakeholders is shown in figure 2 below. The stakeholder map is informed by table 1, comprising of the stakeholders’ interests and power.

Figure 2: Stakeholder Map

Workshop Activities

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