5C001 Task One Strategic planning meeting report


Task One  Strategic planning meeting report

an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of two different types of organisational structures in different types of organisations, the range of products, services and customers associated with each, and how they link to organisational purpose. (AC 1.1)

an analysis of the way in which organisational strategy should be linked to products, services, customers and revenue (AC 1.2)

an analysis of the current and ongoing impact on organisations of the range of external factors and trends. (AC 1.3)

an assessment of two current issues and causes that identify key priorities within organisations that will affect product/service delivery, and the impact this may have on people practice and solutions. (AC 1.4 & AC 3.3)

an explanation of the ways in which people practices can impact on organisational systems and structures, and therefore affect the effective employment, management and development of people (AC1.5)

an exploration of the impact that technology has on people, work and working practices, and the current and emerging scale of the use of technology within organisations. (AC 1.6)




This is a strategic planning meeting report evaluating the aspects of organisational structure, strategy and broader organisation operations environment. According to Ren et al. (2018) “organisational culture represent a core factor contributing to organisation success as it has an impact on overall employees behaviours”. Hence, it is appropriate exploring the link of structure, culture and broader world of work in the commercial context. Thus report is structured into six different sections as evidenced in the table of contents above. This is evaluated in context of the BMC organisation operating in Manchester on top of their business portfolio in Leeds, London, Nottingham and Glasgow.

1.1 Advantages & disadvantages of organisational structures in various organisations. Range of products, services and customers linked with each, link to organisation purpose

Advantages and disadvantages of Organisational Structure

In People management (2018), organisation structure is identified as “staple of every large business which evidence on how an organisation ensures things are done”. Also, the structure ensures a smooth communication from the top of the organisation to the lower levels with clear hierarchy of interaction relationship identified. The common forms of organisation structure are as shown in figure 1;

Figure 1: Categories of Organisational Structure

Matrix Structure

As evidenced in Indeed (2021), a matrix structure is where “workplace format in which employees report to two or more managers as opposed to one manager overseeing the aspects of the project”. An example of the organisation using this structure is Starbucks which is a popular coffee global chains (see figure 2);

Figure 2: Starbucks Matrix Organisation Structure

The various advantages of using the matrix organisational structure include;

  • High-level communication efficiency- This facilitates various departments to communicate and collaborate appropriately in their operations
  • Improved employee motivation- In matrix structure, employees leverage from a high autonomy and input to the project. This harness scope of contribution with high value placed to the employees
  • Increase in teamwork- in different projects pursued and departments, employees work in collaboration

For the disadvantages, they include;

  • Likely conflict among the managers and projects– Since this structure demands the managers to update occurrence in particular projects, potential conflicts would emerge among the managers and projects.
  • Lowered employees effectiveness– Often, employees are assigned with immense tasks in different projects. The outcome of this is lowered effectiveness and an increase in employees ambiguity.

Divisional Organisational Structure

Adopting the definition of Accounting tools (2021), a divisional organisational structure entails “organising activities of a business around geographical, market or product and service groups”. This means that a divisional organisation structure is fit for an organisation operating in Saudi Arabia and at the same time in Europe. An example of an organisation using this structure is Samsung (see figure 3);

Figure 3: Samsung Organisation Structure

The advantages of this include;

Accountability– The structure facilitates organisation divisions to account for their operations. The successful departments are identified with those making loses noted.

Team Working– This facilitates all employees working as teams and actively interacting with others

For disadvantages, they are;

Ineffective for small organisations– This structure is not applicable for smaller organisations as they need immense resources to be invested.

Miscommunication amongst divisions– Failure of embracing an active communication among the various departments would mean failure of achieving their objectives and set goals.

Range of products, services and customers linked with each

Matrix– As noted in Info.co.UK (2021), products and services in a matrix include “organisations creating more innovative products and services”. Their services involve the adoption of technology and innovation approaches. Customers include newly relocated business where they are needed. Also, for the customers, when a new project is initiated, there are no challenges in aligning with these changes.

Divisional– This structure include products or services in self-contained divisions. Also, the products and services are customised depending on customers handled and geographical areas served (Info.co.UK, 2021a). The effectiveness of this is the customers being served based on their interests and how they feel the practice as effective.

Link to the Organisational Purpose

Matrix–  According to Project manager (2018), the link with organisational purpose is evidenced by the scope in which “it speaks to both the product of the project and function of management in its production”. Hence, organisation purpose is achieved as multiple departments communicate in ease and collaborating for the project implementation.

Divisional– This link with the organisation purpose at the point in which the divisions are facilitated with all required resources and functions for supporting product line/geography. Also, in organisation purpose achievement, all the departments work towards the goals collaboratively and with enormous success.

1.2 Ways Organisational Strategy Link to Products, Services, Customers and Revenue

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