ICS Learn Assessment 4 (40572/07) 7LMP Leading, Managing and Developing People

Question: The following questions have been taken from recent CIPD exam papers for this module:

  1. Increasing a workforce’s flexibility often involves employers reducing their employees’ security. A consequence is a tendency for staff to be less committed to the organisation.
    1. Which forms of flexible working tend to decrease job security?
    2. What approaches would you advise your own organisation to take in order to increase flexibility while retaining the loyalty and commitment of its staff?
  2. Some argue that it is necessary for organisations to restructure themselves regularly in order to encourage people to share their ideas widely and to avoid ‘silo thinking’. An organisation that wants to promote creativity, innovation and learning needs to shake itself up every few years through regular structural change.
    1. What disadvantages can you see might follow if an organisation embarks on a programme of ‘change for the sake of change’?
    2. Explain how far you agree with the idea that structural change increases an organisation’s capacity for innovation and learning. Justify your answer.
  3. The recession of 2008-10 was one of the deepest the UK has experienced. Our economy lost 6% of its value in 18 months. Unemployment rose during this time, but by nowhere near as much as it did in previous, much shallower recessions. The main reason was the adoption of flexible working practices which have enabled firms to minimise compulsory redundancies.
    1. Why does flexible working tend to move up the HR management agenda during periods of recession?
    2. In what ways can flexible working initiatives be used to minimise compulsory redundancies?
    3. Why has total unemployment in the UK continued to rise after the recession, despite the economy resuming growth again?
  4. It is often argued that the main published models of effective change management are fundamentally flawed because they assume that the process is rational, whereas in practice it is an emotional and highly political process.
    1. Why are change processes often political in nature and people’s responses to them seen as being irrational?
    2. Identify a change management episode that you have observed or participated in. To what extent did political considerations govern the way in which it was handled by managers? Justify your answer.


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