Assignment 5LBF Managing the L&D business function


Assessment brief/activity

Activity 1

You have applied for a position as an L&D manager and have been invited for interview. As part of the selection process you have been asked to give the panel a presentation on your understanding of the L&D function, different delivery models and if appointed, how you would manage the function based on the updated job description provided when you were short-listed. In your presentation, you should:

 Identify the key purposes of the L&D function in organisations. You should include in your notes pages how this has evolved over the last five years.

 Identify at least three L&D activities that contribute to business improvement.

 Compare and contrast at least three different roles in L&D.

 Present a critical assessment of the relative merits of at least three different models of delivering L&D services.

 Explain at least four of the key roles and responsibilities of an L&D manager.

 Give at least three examples of how you have or would provide leadership, guidance and support to members of an L&D team.

Activity 2

You have also been asked to devise and provide to the panel, an example of a oneyear L&D plan. Your plan should include:

 At least three L&D objectives and key activities with timelines for achieving these.

 Success indicators for each objective and plan for monitoring and evaluation

 Any additional resources required

 Projected costs of delivery of the plan with a set of assumptions (you only need to include additional costs in the plan i.e. not current staffing or indirect costs)


The L&D function may exist as part of an all-embracing HR function (e.g. a center of excellence), although in some smaller organizations there may not be a distinct function – L&D will be one of the responsibilities of HR generalists (Wright, 2008). L&D is sometimes but not often a separate function.

The aims of the L&D function are to:

● Ensure that L&D strategies support the achievement of business goals, satisfy the learning and development needs of employees and are integrated with complementary HR strategies

● Creating and sustain a learning culture, i.e. an environment which promotes learning because it is recognized by all concerned as an essential organizational process to which they are committed and in which they engage continuously

● Identifying organization, team and individual learning needs

● Developing organizational learning strategies to meet organizational needs

● Encouraging and facilitate workplace learning for individuals and teams

● Planning and delivering learning events and programmes designed to satisfy identified needs

● Evaluating the effectiveness of organizational learning, workplace learning and learning programmes and events

This report presents an explanation to a panel on the understanding of the L&D function, different delivery models and if appointed, how you would manage the function based on the updated job description provided.

Slide 3: Key Purposes of the L&D function (Rational of L&D)

In regard to the paradigm shift, this is informed by the increased volatility and change in all their operations with the employers appreciating the capacity of fast learning as opposed to the prevailing competition as a fundamental differentiator of organizational success (HR Grapevine, 2018).

In the L&D functions, whether centralized or distributed in the overall business operations, this paradigm shift is significantly transformational.  The new order of things will require L&D to play a more pro-active,  strategic role. To do this effectively will require an increased focus on professionalizing the function’s approach, policies and practice. 

The new paradigm shift has contributed to an increased face to face learning process, coaching practices for professional growth and leading an organisation change that is strategic and more effective.Heading

Slide 4: The Purpose of L&D Function…………………………………………………………………………Please contact us to receive guidance on this assessment in full based on your organisation background and any other instructions

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