BSPN Strategic Human Resources Management: organisation’s approach to strategic human resources and best practice models

Question: Assessment Briefing Assignment Question Conduct a comparison of your organisation’s approach to strategic human resources against a minimum of two best practice models and produce a set of recommendations for improvement. It is expected that your assignment will include reference, but not be limited to: • A comparison of the organisation’s current practices against at least two best practice models covered on the module (e.g. Resource Based View as illustrated by the Pfeffer mod...
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Digital and Social Media in the Automotive Industry and the Automotive Retail Market Assessment

Question: Assignment Briefing You are asked to write a Business Report to your senior management and the board:o To identify what role you see as “digital and social media” having in theautomotive industry and the automotive retail market over the next five years.o In the light of the above, critically evaluate the “digital and social media activity”that your organization currently undertakes.o Future changes and developing of digital organization. The 5 I’s of Digital Marketing1. Identif...
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Leading Strategic Change Impacts of Value Added Tax (VAT) in UAE Assessment

Question: Assignment BriefingProvide an assignment report which will cover the following;Part 1: (50% of the marks)Identify a specific identified change impacting your organization now or in the future(within 12 month).Value added tax of 5% (VAT) will be introduced in UAE starting January 1st, 2018. Howwill that affect the business “your organization”, consumers, economy etc.. and is thecountry ready?, are the business ready for such change?Describe:a) What is “Leading Strategic” change?b) ...
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Consumer Purchasing Behavior and Retail Experience In the Automotive Sector – UAE Market

1. Assignment QuestionThis work based assignment builds on the work undertaken as part of theRetail Marketing Strategy Module.The assignment looked at customer engagement and the changing nature ofthe marketing mix.That assignment looked at the world from what we as retailers/dealers ‘do’to customers.This assignment addresses the issue from the perspective of buyer behavior.2. Assignment TaskYour task is to identify, review, and analyze the current key influences onbuyer behavior in your par...
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16BSPN04 Retail Marketing Strategy Assessment Solution

Question: Assessment Briefing1. Assignment Question The nature of automotive retail marketing has changed quite dramatically inrecent years. For the past 5 – 7 years describe and account for the changes in terms ofboth content and emphasis, on the type of marketing and marketingchannels used in the sector. You should use wider reading and referencing to apply a theoreticalunderpinning of marketing and marketing channels to support yourassessment. (60% of the marks) What do you anticip...
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ICS Learn 7HRC Human Resources Management in Context Assessment 2

Question: When you have completed your assessment, please submit it below. Before submitting please ensure your assignment cover sheet is inserted as page one and all the details are complete. Without this information your assessment cannot be marked. In the CIPD exam you have three hours to complete the paper. Section A is a case study and in Section B you are required to answer five questions. The two sections are equally weighted - so you have roughly 1.5 hours to answer Section B. The...
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CIPD Level 7 7LMP Leading, Managing and Developing People Assessment 3

Question: In the CIPD exam you have three hours to complete the paper. Section A is a case study and in Section B you are required to answer five questions. The two sections are equally weighted – so you have roughly 1.5 hours to answer Section B. There are five questions on this paper, so aim to complete it in 1.5 hours. There is no word limit. These questions have been taken from recent CIPD exam papers for this module: In 2011 the results of an international online survey about empl...
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Assessment 5 (40572/07B) 7LMP Leading, Managing and Developing People

Question: Part 1 Some HR managers argue that their approach towards employees is ethical simply because it complies with all the expectations of employment law.To what extent do you agree with this conception of HR ethics and why?Drawing on up to three examples, explain how employment regulations sometimes permit employers to act unethically, while still staying firmly within the law.Despite some reduction in recent years, it remains the case in the UK that 28% of men and 10% of women wor...
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7LMP Leading, Managing and Developing People Assessment 5

Question: Part 1 Some HR managers argue that their approach towards employees is ethical simply because it complies with all the expectations of employment law.To what extent do you agree with this conception of HR ethics and why?Drawing on up to three examples, explain how employment regulations sometimes permit employers to act unethically, while still staying firmly within the law.Despite some reduction in recent years, it remains the case in the UK that 28% of men and 10% of women wor...
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ICS Learn Assessment 4 (40572/07) 7LMP Leading, Managing and Developing People

Question: The following questions have been taken from recent CIPD exam papers for this module: Increasing a workforce's flexibility often involves employers reducing their employees' security. A consequence is a tendency for staff to be less committed to the organisation.Which forms of flexible working tend to decrease job security?What approaches would you advise your own organisation to take in order to increase flexibility while retaining the loyalty and commitment of its staff?Some argu...
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