Organisational learning and attainment of a strategic agenda are achieved by establishing relevant changes in the learning locus. According to Correa et al. (2010), in collective and social learning, the process is implemented in a participation framework rather than an individual mind. Nevertheless, this form of learning does not imply that specific individuals are overlooked but all individuals are actively integrated as being an integral part of the community. In such a phenomenon, the strategic agenda of such an organisation is elaborately stipulated and clear pathway set for active implementation.
Also, the social nature of the organisation learning in the collective and social learning positively enables a successful interpretation and apprenticeship of distinct learning situations. In this case, any activity is implemented in a social perspective hence attracting multiple stakeholders in the activity’s participation. Active engagement in the performance process is guaranteed and all levels of an organisation being involved in the social practice. A socially communicated strategic agenda tend to be more effective and integrated into the minds of organisation stakeholders as compared to a formalized approach. A similar concept is highlighted by Vogus and Sutcliffe (2012) who pointed out the issue of different actors’ interaction with results being derived from distinct actors’ memberships in social worlds and sub-worlds.
The collective and social learning is in most instances problem-directed (Gasson & Donaldson, 2018). As a consequence,
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