5CSL Facilitating Collective and Social Learning Different Models of Collective and Social Learning

Experiential Learning Model

The model by Kolb and Kolb (2009) is founded on the assumption that the learning process is inclusive of knowledge creation through a transformation of experience. The model is based on the cyclical model of learning that is comprised of four distinct stages as evidenced below;

Figure 1: Experiential Learning Model

Source: Kolb and Kolb (2009)

In the first stage of the model that involves gaining concrete experience, the learners are actively involved in depicting their experiences on activities that include the lab sessions and fieldwork. This is closely followed by the second phase of reflective observation where the learner is actively involved in reflecting back on the gained experience. McCarthy (2010) observed that the abstract conceptualization involves a process where the learner makes relevant attempts to conceptualizing a particular theory or modeling of observations.  The last step which is active experimentation involves a process where the engaged learner makes attempts of planning on the best approach of testing the model for planning on forthcoming experience. The effectiveness of this model, as opposed to the others, can be attributed to its identification of different learning styles applicable in facilitating improved learning by learners. They include the assimilators who learn better when offered with sound logical theories for consideration, converges who include those engaged in better learning and practical applications of concepts and theories. Also, the accommodators are part of the model who learns best when offered with hands-on experiences.

Knowles Andragogy Learning Model

The model can be attributed to having been founded by McCarthy (2010)

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