ACC530 Reflective Report


Dear Students


As you know, this course is considered as one of the courses that aims at highlighting behavioral aspects at business world. Accordingly, going for traditional exams will not serve the main learning outcomes and will not be suitable for you all in looking at what you have learned and how did you learn it. This is the reason for looking for a different approach to find out the value of this course for each student individually. So, i have decided to introduce Reflective Report as an approach to make sure that you have gained the minimum level of knowledge and skills when dealing with governance, ethics and responsibility at various situation.  This report is the one that each student writes individually to express what and how did he/she learn during the course by giving all relevant details. Kindly look at the attached files that include a guide for reflective writing and an example for this report. These files are not the best ones in the world, and everyone can look for others to help him in understanding the objective and structure of the reflective report.

Accordingly, you are required to:

1. Go through the attached files.

2. Search for more information about what are reflective reports.

3. Write a reflective report that show your learning journey in this course.

4. The report should be between 400-500 words.

5. You have to submit the report 3 days after the deadline of submitting the final project for this course.

6. The report will be graded for 15 Marks.


Reflective Essay

In my entire Masters Degree (EMBA), reflecting on the overall course, there are core areas which I ensure I prioritise and follow-up in the progress of the course. There are core areas which I have managed to learn in the entire course which are critical for my success as a leader in my current organisation and to the broad society. This is particularly in regard to the insights I have gained on the importance of corporate government in an international context and different organisation levels. Initially, prior I embarked on learning in this course, I did not have any tangible understanding on how the Information Technology and innovativeness could be integrated in corporate governance as part of implementing COBIT, ISO standards and ITIL Frameworks. Nevertheless, by working on this unit, I have been able to gather these insights which I will be carrying to my future and integrating them to a best practice in areas of my practice. Despite of my success in this area, I am yet to appreciate on the link of ethics, corporate governance and social responsibilities and how they interrelate. I hence need to gain more insights in this area.

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