Assessment ID / CIPD_5HR02_21_01 Task One- Presentation Pack


Task One- Presentation Pack


This presentation focuses on the key contemporary labour market trends and their significance for workforce planning

Part of this presentation also entail focusing on turnover and retention trends and factors influencing people choosing or remaining

  1. Organisation Strategic Positioning in Competitive Labour Markets

Employer of Choice– As evidenced in CIPD (2022), employer of choice identify the scope of organisations set strategies, policy development, benefits and conditions at workplace promote the organisations operations. In UK for example, organisations which are an employer of choice are categorised in the Sunday Times 100 organisations of working (AwardList, 2022). As evidenced in CIPD (2022), employer of choice is important for ensuring an organisation successfully achieve organisation benefits. This entail increasing employees loyalty, attraction of new opportunities, engaging highly and happier employees with maximum business outcomes attained which is in form of profitability. By becoming an employer of choice, Mouton and Bussin (2019) highlight that an organisation is appropriately positioned in attracting the best employees. This is while employment relationships being promoted. An appropriate reputation, advancing in their career and work-life balance.

Competitive Analysis– As evidenced in CIPD (2022a), this is achieved through providing the employees with total rewards system, flexible working opportunity and work shadowing. The importance of this is owing to the view that an entity need to come up with progressive initiatives aligned with the aims and objectives of an organisation. According to Bryson and George (2020), for these approaches identified, in BMG organisation, this ensure appropriate management of strategic plans on their existing competitiveness. Therefore, the organisation options would include leveraging on competitive advantage, putting optimum input to improve their operations and withdrawal from their sector of practice.

  1. Impact of changing labour market conditions on resourcing decisions

The tight labour markets is identified as existence of immense rivalry for people with critical features or qualification important in consideration of the effects of decisions for resourcing by labour market changes (CIPD, 2022b). This is different from loose labour markets being defined as limited job opportunities being available while multiple employees available for filling these job positions.

Employment Market

According to ONS (2021) study, the UK employment sector has increased with approximately 0.5% to reach 80%. As evidenced in Bell and Blanchflower (2020), in UK case, approximately 35 million individuals are currently involved in labour market operations more than previous year in 2021.

In an event there are different individuals occupying various job positions, resourcing strategies end up being strict for ensuring they are recruiting the best employees. Also, skills, experiences and knowledge are considered to determine their readiness in achieving their roles. This is different from a situation where limited number of employees are existing in a job market influencing ability of prioritising on qualification issues with experience being less.

Labour Supply

 As evidenced in Cai (2020), for UK, since 2019, upto 90% of the entire labour market employees are aged between 35 to 49 years. In the last ten years, the employees aged below 24 years has significantly reduced with those of above 50 years increasing (ONS,2021).

The labour supply has an impact on the demand for resourcing highly skilled staff. This is while skills-job mismatch being appropriately managed. This is by ensuring that available employees are provided with appropriate opportunity to pursue career growth.

Attitude to Work

According to the findings in Chandola et al.(2019), 40% of the employees prefer working through a flexible working arrangement. This has increased from the previous 20% in year 2017.

The impact of this factor to resourcing approaches is that employees retention has been substantially affected. The retention of affected employees imply that such a company is consistently engaging in the process meant to recruit most qualified employees at all time. By using recruitment agencies, it is possible to engage highly qualified staff.

Ageing Population

For success in resourcing, Atchison et al. (2021) argue that ageing population has an influence of work patterns and trend of retirement. Therefore, entities prefer recruitment of new employees for working under mentorship of elderly staff. Further, for attracting millennials and Generation Z employees, resourcing approaches ought to include the need for adopting modernised resourcing approaches.

  1. Role of government

Incentives to invest on  L&D strategies- This make sure that future skills are achieved by the government through provision of appropriate opportunities to enrol in various government initiatives to pursue the L&D opportunities (Haer et al., 2019). For instance, in line with Finlay et al. (2021) findings, the UK government today offer all organisations/employers with relevant incentives for identifying the need for improving the development of skills. In specific, considering the organisations providing employees with opportunities to pursue their career development, they are offered with tax deduction opportunities. The result of this is making sure entities are at all times receiving updates on core/likely future skills.

Apprenticeships– To meet the demand for future skills, experience is instrumental. By government investing in appropriate apprenticeships, there is a possibility of noting the ability of people to work in a professional oriented business environment (Bravenboer, 2019). Therefore, by apprenticeships, employees are offered with an appropriate opportunity for improving their future skills. As a best practice, this ensure they establish and match their skills to meet future skills demands.

  1. Role of Employers

Succession Planning- To achieve future skills, succession planning make sure future-based process is pursued to maintain talents pipeline. According to CIPD (2020), this is to identify their knowledge scope, skills and behaviours. Through a successful succession planning, any unplanned loss of the employees from the organisation is achieved.

Organisation culture– Employers can ensure that they have an appropriate culture which take risks and attempt to new and creative strategies and to work on approaches which ensure that they are prepared for future. Continuous knowledge acquisition imply that such an entity is appropriately positioned for upgrading their skills and updating future skills. 

  1. Role of Trade Union

High-Quality Learning- As evidenced in Itzchakov et al. (2022), this is achieved through providing good system meant for improving skills acquisition. For future skills achievement, through a leverage on quality learning process, there is a possibility of creating increased job opportunities (CIPD, 2022b).

Learning Representatives- For achieving future skills, learning representatives support employees in acquisition of relevant skills. This is at the same time collaboratively engaging employers to guarantee employees with an opportunity for further learning.

3.1 Turnover and retention trends

In line with Cai (2020) report findings, approximately 48% of the American employees are engaged in active job search and leveraging on available opportunities. For UK context, according to CIPD (2022a), upto 20% of employees are affected by issues of employees turnover.

3.1 Factors influencing why people choose to leave or remain

Decision to remain

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