Avado 5HR01 Employment Relationship Management

Table of Contents

Task 1- Briefing Paper 2

1.1 Emerging developments to employee voice and engagement. 2

1.4 Interrelationship of employee voice and organisational performance. 3

1.3 Assessment surveys, suggestion schemes and team meetings. 4

Surveys. 4

Suggestion Schemes. 4

Team Meetings. 5

1.2 Employee involvement and participation. 5

1.5 Concept and design of better working lives. 6

Task 2- Written Answers. 6

2.1 Differences of organisational conflict and misbehaviour; informal and formal conflict and resolution. 6

Organisation conflict and misbehaviour. 6

Informal and Formal Conflicts. 7

3.2 Causes of employee grievances. 7

3.3 Skills for handling grievances. 8

3.4 Importance of handling grievances 8

2.2 Official and unofficial action of employee during conflict 9

2.3 Emerging trends in conflicts and industrial sanctions. 9

Short and Strategic Organised Strikes. 9

Social Media. 9

2.4 Conciliation, mediation and arbitration. 10

Conciliation. 10

Mediation. 10

Arbitration. 10

3.1 Principles of key legislations of unfair dismissal 11

4.2 Employee bodies; union and non-union forms of employee representation. 12

4.1 Statutory recognition procedure. 13

4.3 Purpose of collective bargaining. 13

References. 15

Task 1- Briefing Paper

1.1 Emerging developments to employee voice and engagement

Adopting the definition of Investopedia (2022) employee engagement identify the scope of enthusiasm and dedication an employee feels in their jobs. The outcome of this is caring for their work and performance of organisation while feeling their efforts are making a difference. Conversely, CIPD (2022) define the employee voice as “the way people communicate their views to their employer and influence issues impacting them in work”. Hence, through a successful employee development and voice, trust is promoted, innovativeness, performance and organisation operations improved.

For emerging developments, they are;

New ways of work– In Deloitte (2022) report which evaluate the future of work, it identify this as impacting how organisations operate. Working in Saudi Arabia (KSA) IT sector, popularity of technology has informed how they operates. This is particularly evidenced by increased employee voice channels with innovation embrace.

Gig Economy– As evidenced in CIPD (2022a) the impact of this to the voice and engagement is defined by the fact that it is characterised by the demand of transitioning to a remote, flexible and contract work characterised by multiple freelancers and self-employed.

Social media– Considering employee voice and engagement is significantly defined by communication and interaction scope, social media has re-defined the practice. As evidenced in CIPD (2013), social media improve employees voice and engagement through increasing the sense of high value and interrelations improved.

For the different recommendations, they are;

R1– In the different employment lifecycle phases, the employee voice and engagement need to be integrated (see figure 1);

What Is The Employee Life Cycle? Know The 6 Stages | Personio

Figure 1: Employee lifecycle model

To integrate this, it would require a period of 5 months and would cost 5,000SARs and human resources being engaged. In all the identified phases, employee voice and engagement would be a priority.

R2: Continuously evaluate and measure the success of the employee voice and engagement initiatives. To do this, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) would be adopted for the process evaluation. According to Chron (2018) this can include clients satisfaction, internal process quality, employees satisfaction and financial performance index. This would account for approximately 50,000SARs and pursued within a timeline of 3 months.

R3: There is a need for integrating social media platforms as core area of voice and engagement. To manage these platforms, approximately 10,000SARs would be used and in a 3 months timeline. As evidenced in Chron (2018) this harness link of co-workers improving employee engagement, performance and morale.

1.4 Interrelationship of employee voice and organisational performance

Reviewed sources have evidenced existence of a direct correlation of employee voice and performance. In the CIPD HR Professional Map, the employee experience is categorised as a specialist knowledge (CIPD, 2022b). This entail initiating a holistic strategy on engagement which facilitate the employees to initiate a holistic approach on engagement enabling them having a voice and work in optimum.

Innovation- By quoting an IBM survey, Achievers (2020) it noted that organisations with high employee voice and engagement benefit from 50% increase in innovation and ability of embracing modern technology. This in turn improve the performance through management of administrative costs, enhancement of employees satisfaction in their areas of working.

Profitability and dominating market– As evidenced in Insync (2022), organisations with a high-level engagement and voice with 13% higher than their overall returns to their shareholders. In KSA IT sector, through employee voice, they gain from 60% increased ability to launch new systems of operations.

Considering the High Performance Workplace CIPD (2017) defined this as “vision based on an increase of clients value through an active differentiation of an entity products or services and transition towards customisation of its offering to the needs of an individual”. This means that for HPW can be achieved through increasing the overall employee voice and engagement levels.

1.3 Assessment surveys, suggestion schemes and team meetings


According to AIHR (2020) the surveys represent an approach/method for offering the employee with a voice. In particular, for KSA IT sector, this is used in offer an overview of issues and employees perception in the entire organisation. The rationale of this is leading an organisation into acting on the feedback and improving the quality levels of workplace and relations.

The strengths of this process include the creation of a positive work environment. This is since they assume a feeling of being valued with their opinions being prioritised. Since surveys include an inclusion of multiple respondents, effective outcomes are gained. For disadvantages, Quantum Workplace (2019) argue on the potential of employees morale being reduced and failure to holistically embrace a feedback. Also, it is not guaranteed honest-based answers would be adopted.

Suggestion Schemes

In Mowbray et al. (2021), suggest schemes represent a formal channel encouraging employees in suggesting ideas which could assist to solve or avoid issues or improve work process or the work environment. In KSA IT sector, through application of suggestion schemes, the organisation is in a position of encouraging their employees in sharing ideas, identifying likely areas of improvements and managing issues faced.

The strengths of this approach in promoting the employee voice include an increased culture of continuous improvement and all employees involvement. This is for their organisations achieving set goals hence increased performance. However, for drawbacks, there are instances of uncoordinated comment which is not shared to management in person. Further, irrelevant feedback and comments could lead to time and resources wasting.

Team Meetings

The team meetings are identified by Mowbray et al. (2022) as knowledge and understanding the progress in an organisation and the expectations for meeting for the purpose of organisation success. The rationale of team meetings in KSA IT sector is establishing a culture of continuous improvement for gaining an increased employee voice.

The strengths of the process is allowing the teams in discussing challenging issues and talking through the ideas and solutions. Also, this approach ensure that prompt message is shared successfully. For disadvantages, this method often take immense time away from productivity hours. This is with some individuals dominating the discussion.

1.2 Employee involvement and participation

Employee involvement is defined in Tortorella et al. (2021) as a direct participation of the employees for assisting an entity fulfil its mission and achieve core objectives. This is by use of their individual ideas, expertise, and efforts towards management of problems and decision making. Conversely, Saffar and Obeidat (2020) define employee participation as an approach for employees assuming a holistic control of their work and their conditions through an incorporation of their involvement in decisions pertaining their work. The outcome of this is sharing decision-making power on tasks and superiors.
As evidenced in García et al. (2019) one major difference of employee involvement and participation include noting a situation of employees being demanded to offer their input on issues in an entity. The participation note how the employees are engaged in pursuing their set objectives.

The other difference is that Torlak et al. (2022) identify employees involvement having an influence on decision making contrary to representatives. Further, the participation include identification of relevant strategies for staff to work, reviewing performance and capacity development.

In regard to building relationships; involvement and participation has a positive correlation. The rationale of this is that entire issues are managed which include lack of diversity and inclusion and increased turnover. This lead to what Greenhalgh et al. (2019) identify as leading to all stakeholders being actively engaged in the organisation operations. For KSA IT sector, this is achieved through a highlight of relations and engagement of all practices.

1.5 Concept and design of better working lives

According to CIPD (2022c) the concept of CIPD Good Work Index is used for benchmarking job quality. This is in regard to core aspects of their work roles and employment while offering insights for driving improvement in work lives. Hence, designing better working lives entail improving job quality and identifying work-life balance, health and wellbeing, job security and increased cost of living. In KSA IT sector, all these approaches have been adopted harnessing the better working lives.

To promote good physical and mental health, Søvold et al. (2021) noted on the necessity for an entity to put in place relevant frameworks to support employees. In KSA IT sector case, they pursue a voluntary reporting process. This is for ensuring inclusion of all staff and progressing in integrating the entity and assume a significant strategy to manage staff. Further, in KSA IT sector, they provide appropriate training strategies, support of their health and physical wellbeing.

The result of an embrace of appropriate health and physical wellbeing end up lowering turnover. The rationale of this is employees assuming a feel of having a zero intent to leave their employer. Performance and market dominance in the entity is holistically pursued.

Task 2- Written Answers

2.1 Differences of organisational conflict and misbehaviour; informal and formal conflict and resolution

Organisation conflict and misbehaviour

Organisation conflict is defined in Indeed (2022) as “an……..

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