Avado 5HR01 Task 2 – Training session (presentation pack and supporting notes)


Design a short training session for line managers of REBU, addressing how they can manage conflict in the workplace. Your presentation pack and supporting notes should include:

  • An explanation as to the differences between organisational conflict, misbehaviour and what is meant by informal and formal conflict (AC2.1) and an analysis of the key causes of employee grievance within REBU (AC3.2).
  • An explanation of at least two skills required to successfully handle grievances and disciplinaries at work and the importance of handling these effectively so REBU can avoid legal claims (AC3.3, 3.4).
  • A table, outlining one official and one unofficial action an employee might take during conflict, explaining their key features and distinguishing between them (AC2.2).
  • An assessment of the emerging trends in conflicts and industrial sanctions (AC 2.3).
  • A distinction of the following three methods (conciliation, mediation and arbitration) that REBU can use to resolve conflict formally before it escalates to an employment tribunal. Include similarities, differences and key features of your three chosen methods (AC2.4).
  • An explanation of the principles of the key legislation relating to unfair dismissal law and outline the process an employer should follow with regard to with capability and misconduct issues within REBU (AC3.1).


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  • In this presentation, a training session for REBU line managers is develop
  • This is on best practice of conflicts management in workplace
  • The relevance of this is from evaluation of current issues affecting REBU leading to conflicts
  • Line managers play an instrumental mandate in conflicts management


Being line managers in REBU, this presentation is being offered to you


A training opportunity is being offered to you as a best practice of the process implementation


Management of conflicts which is a core area of your operations is being evaluated by evaluating REBU Context

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2.1 Differences of Organisational Conflict and Misbehaviours


While the organisation conflict is evidently occurring in an event idea of employees, their decisions and actions for a particular job role is advanced. This is as opposed to their expectations, or an instance two people get along well.

Misbehaviours is an act where an individual know something is wrong and unacceptable in their workplace but proceed to execute it. According to Forbes (2020), this result to disruptions of processes and systems. Further CIPD (2021) idenfify the workplace conflicts as being an occurrence which is common in moern organisations and at all times in place in guiding organisation operations. In REBU case study, the organisation conflucts contribute to stresses an issues increased by misbehaviours contributing to reduced productivity, profitability.

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2.1 Informal and Formal Conflicts


In line with Avgar (2020) meaning, the informal conflicts entail a set of issues incurred by supervisors, managerial teams with senior management not being in good terms with the rest. This is with the formal conflicts being influenced by a set of entity issues in a holistic manner.

On the other hand, Van Gramberg et al. (2020) identify informal conflicts a being a characteristic of the employees or other stakeholders failing to understand on issues presented. The rationale of this is failing in embracing a common direction to solve faced issues.

In REBU case study organisation, informal and formal conflicts management is distinct and advanced in an unique manner.

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3.2 Key causes of Employees Grievances within REBU

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