Avado Evidence-Based Practice 5COO2


Table of Contents

Report: Part One. 3

Background. 3

1.1 Concept of Evidence-based practice and assessing approaches use in offering insights for supporting sound decision-making and judgments for people practitioners in a range of people practices and organisational issues. 3

Evaluating Evidence-Based Practice. 3

Sources 5

1.2 Analysis Tool, Method to recognise and diagnose current and future issues, challenges, and opportunities 6

Method Selected. 7

1.3 Critical Thinking Principles, Application in both Individual and Work Colleagues Ideas for Objectivity and Rational Debate  7

Principles of Critical Thinking. 8

1.4 Ethical Theories and Perspectives, understanding Informing and Influencing Moral Decision-Making  9

Inform and Influencing Moral Decision Making. 10

2.3 Approaches of People Practitioners Identifying Potential Solutions for a Particular Issue linked to People Practice  10

3.1 Organisation approach in measuring financial and non-financial performance. 12

Financial Measure. 12

Non-Financial Measure. 13

3.4 People practices adding value to an organisation, methods used in measuring impact of people practices 13

Meaning of Impact and Value. 13

People Practices adding Value. 14

Methods to measure people practice impact 14

Report Part 2: Data Analysis and Review.. 15

2.1 Analytical Data used in Tools and Methods. 15

Percentages of Turnover Rates in Each Department 16

2.2 Reviewing Evidence for Identifying Key Insights into People Practice Issues. 17

2.4 Decision-based evaluation of benefits, risks and financial implications of different solutions  20

3.2 Key Systems and Data for People Practice Measures of Work and People Performance Calculations  21

3.3 Key Findings For Stakeholders from People Practice Activities and Initiatives. 23

References. 25


Report: Part One


Currently, organisation operations are in an appropriate environment influencing success in integrating an evidence-based strategy in making decisions. In my position as a recruiting coordinator in Saudi Aramco, this report is based on this. The impact of evidence-based approaches in informing relevant decision making in area of people practice and business have been put into account. This is at the same time making sure risk management, progression, monetary and non-monetary relevance in making decisions.

1.1 Concept of Evidence-based practice and assessing approaches use in offering insights for supporting sound decision-making and judgments for people practitioners in a range of people practices and organisational issues

Evaluating Evidence-Based Practice

As evidenced in the new CIPD HR professional Map 2018 (CIPD, 2021), the evidence-based practice is grouped in the purpose and values. In particular, it is expressed as “process used in making decisions guided by evidence from various sources to aid making sure business outcomes are achieved”. This is through an active leverage on various techniques for diagnosis, evaluation, analysis and synthesising sourced information. Additionally, in line with Avado Notes lessons, evidence-based practice entail use of critical thinking and all the most appropriate resources to make appropriate evidence. For success in evidence-based practice, the steps adopted are as summarised in figure 1;

Figure 1: Steps followed in Evidence-Based Practice

Source: Avado Notes

Additionally, in Horntvedt et al. (2018), a different meaning is generated of the practice as a practice “used to integrate all available resources with their sources being unique”.

For people practice professionals, there are different skills and knowledge which are instrumental for meeting the evidence-based practice. These promote their capacity to appropriate use the evidence;

Figure 2: Evidence-Based Practice among People Professionals

Source: Li et al. (2018)

Additionally, in line with Chow et al. (2018), at the start, evidence-based practice was initiated as a medicine-sector aspect. In particularly, Halalau et al. (2021) elucidate “concept as at the start having been developed by Gordon Guyatt at that time working as McMaster University program director (190 to 1997)”.


Stakeholders Data– Quanbeck et al. (2018) identify this as inclusive of stakeholders reflecting on their belief on relevance and essential impact on reactions for possible results in organisation decisions.

Professional Players– Entail the business leaders, executive teams in an entity and admin involved in sourcing essential knowledge and information for various areas.

Internal organisation data- As evidenced in CIPD (2021a), this is inclusive of the policies set in internal entities, programs management, initiatives informing success in implementing entity goals and objectives setting.

Scientific Literature- According to CEBMA (2021), this entail the application of published works which offer insights on a specific area of interest.’

For Saudi Aramco entity where I am currently based, due to prevalence of COVID-19 pandemic and eventual negative effects on the economy, the need for reviewing contracts of employment was essential (part-time, full-time and remote working). I employed Mendelow Analysis Tool (ConceptBoard, 2021) for gaining insights on impact on employment contracts. This is with their professionals also being involved in flexible working with cost-savings attained.

In this regard, the most approaches of making sound decisions are;

Rationale Model– According to Zhang et al. (2020), “rational model include the ability to note on all assumptions, selecting the cost fitting with limited costs being incurred with entire gains attained”. This is for instance popular in Saudi Aramco where they adopt this model for highlighting on the best practice in mitigating effects of COVID-19.

The merits of this approach entail Saudi Aramco having the ability to identify all encountered problems, noting on the solutions and relevance identified. The alternatives conversely entail prioritisation of the best solution noted. Disadvantages include what CEBMA (2021) note as “instances of irrationality sometimes” contributing to inaccurate information.

Bounded Rationality– In Wheeler (2018), this is identified as a set of human-based decision-making approach prioritising on satisfaction contrary to optimisation.

The main advantage of this approach in use in Saudi Aramco include an improved decision making cognitive based with entire imperfections mitigated with sufficient time use noted. Disadvantages on the other hand entail COVID-19 pandemic contracts of employment decision making, a need arise for expertise input, managing costs and a lot of time used.

Individual Vs Group Thinking– According to Thakore et al. (2021), with the individuals tending to adopt their intuition and views as part of decision making, the groups adopt multiple vies and relevant approaches with their results entailing improvement of decision making. For Saudi Aramco Case Study organisation, making of decisions in the group entail preferring their pay issues which impact different people in an organisation.

1.2 Analysis Tool, Method to recognise and diagnose current and future issues, challenges, and opportunities

Analysis Tool

The selected analysis tool here is Porter’s 5 Forces. According to CGMA (2013), this tool is applied to recognise and diagnose existing and future issues, challenges posed and opportunities available. As summarised in figure 3, the analysis tool evidence on profitability and dominance of the organisation. The tool note on current and future issues encountered, challenges and opportunities;

Figure 4: Analysis Tool

In Saudi Aramco, through the application of analysis tool, it is possible to note on strategies identifying core forces in specific area of operations and noted areas of interest in active strategy.

Method Selected

In Saudi Aramco context, survey method have been applied (Chapel & Wang, 2019). The relevance of using this method is diagnosing today and future problems, prevalent challenges and opportunities. This is implemented through the application of statistics/quantitatively. For instance, through surveys use in today COVID-19 pandemic, questionnaires sharing with employees for evidencing the scope of employee’s turnover in today context and remote working implemented.

The advantages of use of this method include improved opportunities with a mitigating of issues encountered through an embrace of relevant HR strategies. The success of this entail improving the ability to improve employee engagement, harnessing retention levels and appropriate work environment established. Besides, for weaknesses, they entail hesitancy of the employees participating in different surveys. Further, a more simplified manipulation of outcomes impact direct evidencing of the problems incurred, issues and recommendations of the most appropriate chance for leveraging.

1.3 Critical Thinking Principles, Application in both Individual and Work Colleagues Ideas for Objectivity and Rational Debate

In Raflee and Halim (2021) definition, “critical thinking represent a core skill for the HR and people practice professionals informing the ability to think well and objective reflection on set ideas, opinion and arguments of others. The rationale of this is to solve immense problems, appropriate decision making, being clear from any issue and increasing success possibility. In a different context, Ulger (2018) note the critical thinking as being instrumental for highlighting, analysis and solving entire problems impacted in a systematic manner as opposed to instinctive and intuitiveness. For critical thinking success, various steps are essential for adoption amongst the people practice professionals (see figure 5);

Figure 5: Critical Thinking Approaches

Source: Summarised from Ulger (2018)

Principles of Critical Thinking

As evidenced in Rahman (2019), the critical thinking principles entail a process followed to question, note issues, examine evidence, analysis and biasness mitigation, avoidance of emotional reasoning, oversimplified, avoidance, priority on different interpretations and toleration of ambiguous factors. The various principles include;

Information search (holistic)– Prior success in implementation of critical thinking, Wechsler et al. (2018) note this principle as being evidenced by information literacy. This represent a trend for information sourcing, interpreted and integrating critical thinking. For Saudi Aramco organisation, after COVID-19 pandemic emergence, Strategic and total reward system have been adopted for recommending on the employees affected. This has been inclusive of implementing critical thinking on staff monetary and non-monetary rewards with success in their integration.

At the start, for the ideas of others different stakeholders and professionals were engaged with the most appropriate knowledge and process appreciation prioritised. For Saudi Aramco case study, a past best strategy entailed stakeholder analysis to evaluate and analysis of the situation. Further, in regard to my views, a holistic market research had been taken into account holistically for noting the mutual common approach by the different stakeholders. An appropriate Pay-out, selection strategy for total reward system staff prioritising overall interests set.

Application- Prioritising on the remote working issue in Saudi Aramco, application of various sources and journal, papers are relevant for appreciating the correlation of Saudi Aramco appropriate strategies and applied resources.

For the ideas of others, in regard to their relevant use, Coccia (2018) note that the causative and effect diagram are used to link the cause of an issue and appropriate measures with mitigation strategies highlighted.

Synthesis– As part of critical thinking, this entail identifying inputs and projected results and the information background.

To use other people ideas, Hains (2018) identify the need for evaluation of evaluation of my financial and non-financial rewards. Also, in Saudi Aramco, to use the views of others, I ensure that I evaluate all the impacts of a total reward system. This normally result to relevant plan for appropriate planning for achieving successful implementation of the project. In my practice, I ensure that I achieve the appropriate strategy.

Taking Actions– A success in synthesis contribute to the need to prioritise on various set strategies with appropriate criteria adopted. For my ideas working in Saudi Aramco, I ensure that I prioritise on cost savings, increasing employees’ resources prioritisation. For other people ideas, relevant and holistic plan is implemented to resource appropriate planning, engaging various stakeholders to meet their interests.

1.4 Ethical Theories and Perspectives, understanding Informing and Influencing Moral Decision-Making

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