Avado Level 5 5HR02 Task 2- Workforce Planning and Recruitment Pack


2.1 Impact of Effective Workplace Planning

Workforce planning can be identified as a process followed to align organisation needs and people professional practices (CIPD, 2021b). Workforce planning is important to ensure an organisation gain market and sector awareness for guiding them to manage encountered issues and challenge, prepared for relevant strategy. This is at the same time ensuring all issues are managed and employees being ready for long-term practice (see figure 1);

Figure 1: Workforce planning process summary

Forecasting demand for labour

Through the implementation of workforce planning, there is a possibility for OcMara is application of the internal sources of supply which can include labour and talent pool and government policies. Also, as identified in Liu-Farrer et al.(2021), internal factors are important since they evidence the growth level and use of technology in an entity practice.

In regard to primary data, quantitative/qualitative analysis is implemented for evaluating the demand and supply level. This is at the same time Naik (2019) noting external factors as including measurement of Human Capital Readiness Index (HCRI). The benefits of this include the ability of measuring supply in terms of the ability to establish supply of labour demand and existing gaps in line with the level and amount of knowledge demanded. For the drawbacks of this, it include failure to successfully achieve an increased performance in terms of recruitment and attraction of highly qualified talents and identifying future gaps. 

Forecast supply

As it is defined in Makumbirofa and Saayman (2018), this is well used in noting the employees number in an entity core for achieving a specified need. This is in regard to quality and quantity of the importance of the employees in guiding achievement of their goals.

The benefits of this include ensuring good position is achieved to forecast labour demand by identifying the indicators of success. The drawbacks of this on the other hand include challenges in achieving a good investment of resources and success in Human Capital Development.

2.2 Approaches of Promotion and Demotion, Turnover and Critical Incident Analysis

Promotion/Demotion Rates- For employees lifecycle, the promotion rates impact on need to adopt appropriate resourcing approach, good structure and allocated job functions. The advantage of this include an effective matching of the employees roles and responsibilities and their organisation goals. Its implementation also incur minimal costs and time. Their drawbacks include need for immense policies in place to implement the process. This constrain its effectiveness in implementation. Considering OcMara, the organisation fails in possessing holistic appreciation of practice to execute workforce planning.

Employees Turnover Rates- As defined by CIPD (2021c), the employees turnover represent people number leaving an entity in particular timelines (annually). This evidence overall workforce numbers. Therefore, through workforce planning, rates are appreciated with issues including lack of capability, misconduct and failing in executing their roles during probation, redundancy and violating organisation policies noted. The strengths of this process include initiation of positive change such as engagement of new and highly qualified staff. The drawbacks of this include the process being deceiving in identifying the outcomes of turnover. Also, in implementing the exit interviews, the employees are hesitant in disclosure of all reasons leading to leaving their organisations (Sengupta et al., 2018).

Critical Incident Analysis– By use of Pedagogical theory, this appraisal tool is relevant for identifying employees behaviour in particular cases. It highlight the level of performance effectiveness which need to be pursued (see figure 2);

Figure 2: Critical Incident Technique

The strength of this approach is that OcMara would be successful in appropriate positioning for evidencing entire cases which could be impossible with the other approaches. Also, limited costs are used in implementing the process albeit being of high quality/rich information offered in distinct cases. Further, according to Marinkovic et al. (2020), a significant disadvantage entail the possibility of incidents being misrepresented in process of reporting. They end up being forgotten or lacking elaborate or holistic evaluation in line with entire expectation and meaningfulness in the job implementation process. In OcMara case organisation, since they work in the energy sector, this is the most appropriate practice for workforce planning. This is with all skills sourced as best practice for performance improvement in an organisation and stakeholders engagement.

2.3 Appraisal; Progression, Contingency Planning and Risks Mitigation

Career Progression– According to CIPD (2021d), by successful performance appraisals, employees are in a position of attaining career goals. The rationale of this is that job satisfaction contribute to increased motivation and performance. In OcMara, the organisation is in a position of capitalising on appraisal strategies on employees performance for different subsidiaries. The importance of this is to identify strengths and weaknesses faced. The outcome of this is achieving CIPD HR Professional Map capacity development which entail an improved practices (CIPD, 2021e).

Contingency Planning– This process is relevant for aiding course of action initiated for assisting an entity in responding to a case which has already occurred/ought to occur (Burgner et al., 2020). In performance appraisal, to identify the best contingency planning, Plan B is used being alternative course of action when things are ineffective based on planning. Also, according to Wu et al. (2020), considering the recent COVID-19 pandemic, contingency planning has been instrumental to be prepared, analyse, responding and monitor ingpractices. In OcMara case, the strengths of this entail effective resourcing readiness to manage their situations. Besides, their drawbacks include lacking capability of developing a broad talent pool as a sustainable-based practice.

Risk Mitigation– For OcMara organisation operating in the energy sector, a lot of regulations are in place and complexity which lead to capability issues affected for obtaining good talent pools. According to Lebre et al. (2020), through pursuing holistic performance appraisals, OcMara organisation could be in an appropriate positioning in risks management linked to HR function and attrition rates effectively managed. The incurred challenges could be evident in OcMara by being defined with lack of capacity for managing lack of appropriate skills and understanding gap.

2.4 Social Media and Advertisements for Employees Recruitment

Recruitment Methods

Social Media-

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