C19IN Semester 2 Innovation Management range of Innovation Management concepts and how they could be applied in practice in organisations

The purpose of this assignment is to have you explore, in reasonable depth, a range of Innovation Management concepts and how they could be applied in practice in organisations. The assignment will also help to further develop your team working, organisational, communication & time/project management skills.


1) You should establish a small group of three or four as soon as possible. The names of the group members should be registered in that week’s tutorials by that date. One assignment should be completed per group.

2) You need to produce a business report, complete with executive summary which addresses the question below. To do this, start off with the following:

Watch the video on disruptive innovation at http://www.claytonchristensen.com/key-concepts/

Read the article: Markides, C., (2006), “Disruptive Innovation: In need of Better Theory”, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 23, 19-25

Read the article: A Printed Smile, The Economist, 30 April 2016, available at:

Undertake some searching of websites, journal articles, textbooks and newspapers for additional information to answer the following:

“3D printing – is it a disruptive innovation?” In researching and writing your report you will be expected to approach the theory as well as the practice of organisations and analyse one in relation to the other.

a. Use Markides’ and Christensen’s ideas as a starting point; identify and review further literature on disruptive innovation.
b. Compare the information you have found on 3 D printing with the literature on disruptive technologies, referring to relevant theory. In doing this critically review why or why not 3D printing can be considered as a disruptive innovation.
c. Conclude, answering the question, with recommendations for the literature identifying any gaps you have found.

(Remember to keep note of all sources of information and ensure appropriate referencing in your report.)

3) In an appendix to the report, your group should critically assess how they managed the assignment. The following questions should be answered:

a. What did you do? (Description)
b. How did you do it? (In answering this question analyse the process that you undertook, e.g. how did you, allocate time, allocate roles, prioritise the work, analyse the data obtained, organise and write the report?)
c. How well did you do? (Evaluate how your group performed, e.g. how long did the assignment take? were there any critical incidents? etc)
d. Identify the skills that you have used to complete this assignment and identify any new skills that you have started to develop during the coursework.
e. How did the process of completing the assignment enhance these skills?
f. If you were to undertake a similar group assignment at a future date, what improvements would you make?

• As part of this section your group MUST provide a brief statement of acknowledgement at the end of the assignment which gives an assurance that the work is theirs and states that the group members are aware of the University policy and regulations on copying, plagiarism and collusion in assessed work. Non-inclusion of this statement will be penalised.

• The group must also complete the peer contribution declaration and include it in the submission.

4) Given the likely volume of work required for this assignment, it is essential that you work in a small group of three or four.

5) Students will be invited to ask questions about this assignment at the end of lectures, so it is important to attend lectures.


The assignment should be a maximum of 2,500 words.

Two appendices should be included but these need not be part of the word count. Your appendices should include one on the self assessment and another with your Turnitin email receipt for the group.

Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word count. Some guidance on the allocation of time, effort & words per section can be obtained from reading the assignment assessment criteria.


• Assignments should submitted via Turnitin on VISION by 16:00 Wednesday 1st March.

• A paper copy of the assignment should be submitted via the Hoppers outside the School Office on the first floor, by 16:00 Wednesday 1st March.

• Late assignments will be penalised (See School of Management and Languages U/G Student Handbook).

• A printed Turnitin email acknowledgement should be submitted with your assignment as an appendix to the report.
Executive summary
The concept of Disruptive innovation has gained significant preeminence among scholars and business management practitioners. It is evident that the capacity of a small new entrant displacing a fully established incumbent is an aspect of major consideration in the context of management and innovation research. In light of this, this study has established a clear analysis of considerable literature regarding products/services, entities and markets/industries that have been characterized with a phenomenon of new entrants companies disrupting the normalcy and edging out incumbents. The foundation of the report has been hedged on Christensen and Markides’ analysis of how disruptive innovations tend to start with a small, simple, cheap to more reliable and convenient products or services basically distinguished from the existing technologies.
The evaluated literature has offered a clear and elaborate correlation of the implication of the disruptive innovation in context of 3D printing. Despite the technology existing since the 1980s, majority of scholars and news outlets have categorized it as a disruptive innovation. There are current low-priced, consumer-friendly 3D printers contrary to the traditional ones. The purpose of this report was to demonstrate on the relativeness of 3D printing to the disruption innovation theory…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Please pay $10 or contact our team to receive the entire task