Case Study: Fujitsu: Co- Creating Digital Business Assignment Questions

Case Study: Fujitsu: Co- Creating Digital Business

Assignment Questions

  1. Environment Fujitsu Operate In

Fujitsu operates in a business environment which is characterised by high-level competitiveness. Their headquarters being in Japan, the organisation operate in the sector that focus on development of ICT products, solutions and services. Also, operating in more than 100 countries, a specific country environment cannot be used to identify the environment in which the organisation operates from. In the case study, it identify that the organisations operating in this business environment which give  Fujitsu competition include International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), General Electric Digital, Microsoft Corporation, Amazon.Com Inc. and PTC. Among these companies, Fujitsu is ranked as a significant player and being ranked with Oracle Corporation to be in the same level. As all the sectors of business environment experience change and demand for innovation, similarly, Fujitsu has been working extra hard in ensuring that they embrace the best practice in technology development with new opportunities for growth presented.

For ensuring Fujitsu edge out their competitors in the business environment, they have been investing in different areas which ensure they are successful in their operations. These areas are identified as incorporating machine learning, deep learning and visual recognition in their visual recognition into the digital solutions and services. This has also included pursuing an in-depth research in various areas including neuroscience, the social receptivity, and simulation which an intention of complementing the distinct human workflows as opposed to replacing the humans. Despite of Fujitsu being edged out from the business environment, they have managed over time to maintain their agility in their capacity of responding to technological, social and economic change which is core for their survival. The organisation has a unique and also a compelling employee value proposition with a detailed service offerings. Apart from this, a leverage on the internal expertise for developing new products and services has been popular for Fujitsu.

  • Fujitsu Developing State-of-the-Art Technologies such as Aptamer Technology

For Fujitsu to be in a position of developing the different State-of-the-Art Technologies including Aptamer Technology, the organisation has been leveraging on research and development. This could be informed by Sadeh et al. (2020) which note that for the ICT sector organisations, to maintain their ability of leveraging on competitive advantage and market dominance, investing on R&D is instrumental. Also, by partnering with international institutions which possess staff with the skills of pursuing a specific area of practice, an organisation is in a position of coming up with these technologies. For example, as evidenced in the case study, for Fujitsu to develop the Aptamer Technology, they had partnered with Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) for establishing a research facility in Southeast Asia. This took the organisation 10 years of research and development (R&D) in the nano-biotechnology from 2010. Additionally, by embracing uniqueness, Fujitsu also ensure that they have sufficient resources both financial and human to be able to implement these investments. This view is affirmed by Huang et al. (2019) which note that for holistic investment in new innovations, resources are core for coordination of all their activities, embracing appropriate business model with the improvement areas including workers safety and………….

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