Producing a Supply chain map in a specific spend category based on selection in a particular organisation
Using the map in analysing and contrasting the different strengths and weaknessess evident from the supply chain and discussion them based on their relevance on a specific unit of business and a broader organisation context
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 COMPANY Background.
1.2 Category of Spend Background.
1.3 Current situation.
Chapter 2 – Supply chain map for maintenance of Company telecom network.
2.1 Supply chain map.
2.2 Category Scope and spend.
Chapter 3 Analysis the category of spend.
3.1 Stakeholder Analysis.
3.2 Supply chain Ownership pass and visibility.
3.3 Analysis category by using Karljic Matrix module supplier positioning.
3.4 Analysis and identify potential strength, weaknesses and risk by using SWOT.
Chapter 4 The challenges on the supply chain management
4.1 Definition of supply chain management
4.2 The main challenges on the supply chain management
4.3 Sources of Added Value
Chapter 5 Supply chain Strategy.
5.1 service provider Corporate strategy
5.2 Company Corporate strategy
5.3 Generic Strategies (Current Strategy)
5.4 Recommended strategy.
Chapter 6 -Conclusions and recommendations.
List of Appendixes
• Appendix I Company Matrix Structures.
• Appendix II supply chain process map
• Appendix III Sub categories Scope and spend
• Appendix IV SWOT analysis.
• Appendix V category Risks
Executive Summary
Company core business is related to the extraction of crude from wells ,the category of Spend selection was on service comprises of maintenance support services including telecom networks for Company assets in different geographical fields.
Supply chain map for maintenance of Company telecom network demonstrates the downstream and upstream with relation to the goods and services ,downstream is Company costumers and upstream are Tier 1: Service provider, a party to a subject contract they are directly controlled by Customer, Tier 2: Suppliers providing goods other than Service provider and are directly controlled by the Service provider and Tier 3: OEMs or Distributors providing goods to the supplier and are controlled by suppliers.
Stakeholder Analysis, Porter’s Value Chain, Karljic Matrix module supplier positioning and SWOT analysis used to identify and analysis each part of supply chain map for maintenance support services including telecom networks for Company assets.
Then identify main challenges on the current supply chain management by using category high risks then apply sources of added Value to build up final strategy
Finally identify Service provider and company corporate strategy and agreement generic Strategies to build up following recommended strategy which is main output of this study.
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1- COMPANY Background
‘’Abu Dhabi for Onshore Petroleum Operations LTD (trading as ADNOC Onshore),was established in 1971 , Company produces 1.6 million barrels of oil and 5.6 billion cubic feet of gas per day’’. Company core business is related to the extraction of crude from wells, segregation of fluids and then the transfer of each component to its path, for example the gas is sent to another sister company for further processing. Taking Company function would basically identify that its core business ultimate’s it to be the upstream product producer and consequently other sister companies utilizing the final products as their initial product. Company owns many remote site locations and all together are controlled by specified control philosophy which implies that control system in all fields might not be the similar although functionality would be the same.
Procurement division is under the Corporate Services function of Company matrix structure and is responsible for the tendering and procurement of services and goods required for the business. Other stakeholders within the organization work in a collaborate manner in order to achieve business requirements which includes drilling, operations, finance, HR and HSE. (Accessed 29th July 2019).
1.2- Category of Spend Background.
The selected service comprises of maintenance support services including telecom networks for Company assets in different geographical fields distributed among the owned assets by ADNOC as explained above. Maintenance of such systems would be highly required for maintaining the safety functionality of the fields. The telecom system basically consists of two types of telecom networks namely SDH/PHD system running over fiber Optic cable and CCTV system. ……………….Please click the paypal icon below to receive this assessment in full for only $15