CIPD Assessment Activity 3RAI Activity 2-Written Report with Data


Different Approaches to Data Collection and Recording

In Al Ain Zoo, human resource data is an instrument as it guides decision making on the progress of organization and human resources capacity development. Types of data collected include turnover, absenteeism, motivation, and satisfaction.

Other than surveys, data is sourced through holding regular meetings with employees to understand their experiences, issues affecting them and areas of improvement. After a successful analysis, data is recorded either in hardcopy or electronically for an easier future retrieval in an event Al Ain Zoo management demand to have access to any information. In the context of Al Ain Zoo, the data on turnover is collected through annual surveys and later through an interview for understanding reasons prompting them to quit an entity. Also, exit interviews are often conducted but not as regular as the surveys.

It is a mutual requirement for entities to collect and record HR data for meeting legal demands, supply management information, training needs analysis and turnover data and hiring needs. As noted by Kovner et al. (2014), these processes are carried out for proving that an entity is hiring at an equal opportunity and required qualifications. Also, the data acts as proof that any hiring conducted by the organisation is in line with the prevailing regulations. Considering Activity 1 data, it is evident that the collected data is suitable for determining if Al Ain Zoo is hiring the appropriate employee and in line with the UAE labor act. Ultimately, from this strategic data effort that elicit mutual benefits to the organization and employees is gained.

Legal Requirements

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