CIPS impact of leadership and management on organisational behaviour

CIPS impact of leadership and management on organisational behaviour


2.0 Impact of Leadership and Management on Organisational Behaviour

The leadership and management concepts are noted in some research works as being used interchangeably. Core to most of the interpretations, CIPD (2021) identify the leadership as noted as including a process of development of an initial vision and inspiring others on the process of achieving a vision. This is with management including translation of vision into reality through a guidance of actions and behaviours of a group of people every day. In CIPS CIPS (2021) define leadership as being linked with a process followed to influence, encourage ad motivate others. This is with management being linked with control, telling, and implementing tactical actions. Further, while leadership embraces other people, two-way communication, feedback and empowerment, management represent dictation, controlling, authority and the process followed. Hence, in line with the provided definitions, it is evident that both have an appropriate position in an organisation. Often, the managers operate over leaders.

2.1 Leadership and/or Management in Eco2Solar

In Eco2Solar organisation, owing to the nature of their procurement and supply department, they operates both leadership and management. To affirm this, for Eco2Solar organisation to achieve an installation of energy systems to more than 20,000 buildings in UK solar Power Portal (2021) such as learning institutions, hospitals, medical centers, universities and distribution centers, this has been due to an effective management and leadership. For instance, in the organisation, the great managers ensures a smooth and effective running of these projects and ensuring all things are done. They harnessing planning, organising and coordinating all the operations in the identified projects. On the other hand, the leadership in Eco2Solar follows the best practice to inspire, motivate and innovate. For instance, through an appropriate leadership in the procurement and supply department, Solar Power Portal (2019) note that the organisation was able to sign an exclusive supply deal with house building firm Redrow Homes and partnered with heat battering firm Sunamp for delivering pilot project for Solar PV-Powered domestic heating.

For affirming that Eco2Solar organisation has both leaders and managers, the RACI Matrix can be used. As evidenced in CIPS (2020) this is a model used in understanding and managing various stakeholders in a particular project. The project of focus in this case is the recent installation of 20,000 Buildings in UK. The project RACI Matrix is as illustrated in figure 3;

Figure 3:RACI Matrix

ResponsibilityAt the initial phase of the project, the procurement manager was to source all materials not available in Eco2Solar organisation for purchasing. This is with the HR leader being tasked with a role of resourcing the best employees to be part of the installation process.

AccountableAs a leader of Eco2Solar, the board of directors leader and CEO had been tasked with the implementation of the project. The positive outcomes of the project would successfully be credited for the process.

ConsultedPrior making the decision making, the finance department manager and also the innovation managers would be engaged in the process and consulted in the entire installation process.

Informed– The top leadership and management in Eco2Solar would be engaged actively in the process implementation. This is with their needs being engaged in the process implementation.

Further, in terms of impact on organisation behaviour, Champoux (2010) note that leaders and/or managers have an influence of how people behaves in an organisation as an organisation does not behave. For the sake of demonstrating the impact of existence of leadership and management in Eco2Solar organisation, PESTLE Analysis can be used. As evidenced in the CIPS NOTES, Nadler and Tushman (1980) model of diagnosis of the organisational behaviour, the factors as shown in figure 4 can be used;

Figure 4:Model of diagnosis of organisation behaviour impacts

Source: Nadler and Tushman (1980)

Hence, as shown in figure 4, the impact to organisation behaviour is dependent on how the PESTLE Analysis factors influence the demand and also the response of system (people, culture, tasks and formal systems).


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