HRM2SPR 5ODTB Part B Organisation Development


  • Origins of OD, leading towards contemporary definitions, learning theory ideas, psychological and behavioural science, social and organization learning, and organizational systems theory

Organisation development (OD) is a multifaceted concept with multiple definitions sharing common features despite of the varied meanings. Irrespective of the definition used, the OD has developed over the years to be identified as a critical practice that can be adopted in an entity for the sake of embracing and maintaining performance levels within a rapidly changing environment. According to CIPD (2020), the history of the OD has its roots in the US in the 1940s and 1950s. It is linked initially to behavioural sciences, sociology, and psychotherapy. One of the theories that demonstrate on the origin of the OD and the modern definition is the Maslow self-actualization theory Velmurugan and Sankar (2017) that is anchored on the view that individuals have a high likelihood of achieving a sense of self-actualization in an event there are conditions of openness and personal recognition. A successful establishment of such an environment leads to increased motivation hence performance. Also, McGregor Theory Y and Theory X (Daneshfard & Rad, 2019) which note that people react more positively under Theory y (participatory and democratic) as opposed to Theory X (oppressive & authoritarian). Overall, the contemporary definition of OD is streamlining processes and reducing wastages and human interactions analysis for creating specific behaviours and actions.

According to Goldie (2016), learning theory identifies the extent to which knowledge is created and its application within an entity. In the context of OD, the theory stipulates that learning assist organisations in being more innovative and competitive. This is since organisations are expected to be adapting and evolving for their survival. This is further expounded by CIPD (2020a) by providing examples of RAD, SCARF, and AGES learning models that are used in promoting effective learning by harnessing the learning designing and delivery.

Behavioural science is used in establishing an understanding of the extent to which people react psychologically and respond behaviorally. This is to interventions, environments, and stimuli. In context of OD, CIPD (2020b) note that behavioural science theory is applicable in developing the HR management, reward systems, and effective organisation performance. These aspects alter the organisation members behaviours hence improving their overall performance.

The social learning theory this is instrumental in establishing a goal-oriented behavior among the employees and managers. According to Akers and Jennings (2016), the relevance of social learning theory is its capacity to identify attitudes, values, and orientations that an individual view as right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable, justified or unjustified, appropriate or inappropriate. From this point, the employees would be managed appropriately with minimal follow-ups by the senior management hence translating to increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Lastly, the organisation systems theory identifies the extent to which an organisation interacts with the organisation as a whole, market, or industry. As noted in Small business (2018), it influences the issues of work-life balance, productivity, adaptability, and effectiveness. In my current organisation, these theories are in active practice since the workforce has changed over the years with expectations in terms of remuneration and good working environment changing. This is on top of the changing clients demands with their interest being on issues of quality, product delivery, and competitive pricing.

  • Summary of Key points relating to the Project

In the project, its rationale is informed by the view that organisations usually are operating in a constantly-changing environment externally and internally. In this context, CIPD (2020) noted that the OD would have to be a constant practice characterized by continually reviewing the set organisation goals, effectiveness in their achievement and performance, and mitigating risk of an organisation drift to complacency and declining. As such, the project can capitalize on empowering the current leaders in the organization and on harnessing their performance in their position.

To evaluate the success of the OD initiatives, the 360-degree evaluation. According to CIPD (2019), the 360 feedback is a strategy of gathering feedback from different sources such as peers, direct reports, senior colleagues, and customers. The wide range of feedback can provide the organisation line managers with a wide-ranging view for assisting them in improving their performance management in a more objective and fair approach. Also, for the program to be successful, there would be a need to overcome prevailing cultural issues of the processes, the establishment of elaborate performance expectations, and to put down in-depth position descriptions. According to Turi and Sorooshian (2019), increased employee participation is essential for facilitating an improved development of all members of an organisation including the leaders and managers, which is a critical factor in the organisation development. Albeit the effects of the changes in the organisation, after several years, short-term gains would be imminent. These short-gains would be characterized by improved succession planning and improved output of all the employees. In terms of long-term benefits, this would include an increased number of individuals who are qualified to occupy the available positions in their organisation hence improving their future leadership strategies.

For the models, the models that can be taken into account include;

  • Kurt Lewin’s Model

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