ICS Learn Formative Assessment 4 (40572/29) 7LTD


Discuss, using any examples from the workplace and or academic referencing, the role of politics in learning and talent development and how you would work collaboratively, yet ethically, with a group of influencing stakeholders in the organisations. What obstacles would you encounter and how would you overcome them?

Your line manager has asked for a business report in the region of 1000-1500 words

All submissions should be in the region of 1,000 – 1,500 words and references should be added in the Harvard Referencing Format. There is a Harvard Referencing tutorial in the Resources Area which outlines the formatting required.


Executive Summary

Politics in an organisation are identified as a normal occurrence for most of them in contemporary business sector. From a general point of view, politics in an organisation in most instances negatively impact employees performance level in their assigned functions and capacity of collaborating with different stakeholders in an ethical manner. This report focuses on evaluation of the various functions of politics in promoting success in implementing the LTD in modern organisations being offered. Further, the most appropriate strategy of collaborative work with the rest ethically in the middle of increased communication issues have an influence on various roles of the stakeholders evidenced. All the evident obstacles have a potential of occurring which can similarly be mitigated. It is evident that organisation politics are defined and successfully mitigated. It is evident that the organisation politics are defined by an inhibitive impact or zero effects on workplace LTD. For establishing a supportive politics, this ends up promoting collaborative work. This report has recommended the necessity for coming up with a relevant culture for ensuring organisation politics are not inhibitive but progressively implemented.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction. 3

2.0 Organisation Politics in Learning and Talent Development 3

2.1 Organisation Politics and Power 4

2.2 Organisation Politics and Rivalry. 4

3.0 Working collaboratively in Group of Stakeholders in an Organisation. 5

4.0 Obstacles Encountered and Overcoming Them.. 6

5.0 Conclusion. 6

References 8


1.0 Introduction

In operations of the organisations in business environment, the politics represent a common factor in most of modern entities. Using the meaning in Chitescu and Lixandru (2016) the organisation politics are represented by power relations and influential practices in an entity. This definition is also supported by CIPD (2019) identifying the process as inheriting power dynamics and unwritten legislations offering a case of uncertainties in social case. In context of the Mintzberg theory of organisation politics, Nawaz et al. (2019) note the politics as being defined by a situation where an attack and blame to the rest is evident. In success of L&D strategies, in an event the environment is defined by attaching or passing blame to the rest, employees assume an increased relaxing positioning in their L&TD. Additionally, organisation politics would have a negative implication on employees working carelessly for formal learning with an inappropriate attitude evident. In light of this background information, organisation politics in the case for L&TD are defined with existence of both the negative and positive implications. In this report, a focus on the review of the various impacts offering appropriate suggestions and collaborative work roles. This is when there is a success in their mitigation. Part of this report include an evaluation of the scope of politics in the L&TD and collaborative work for influencing different stakeholders.

2.0 Organisation Politics in Learning and Talent Development

Counterinsurgency game is used in identifying the various features of the organisation politics. This phenomenon is defined by Dyson (2020) noting the process to be defined by employees putting into account of their need for learning and executed effectively informally with relevant experience gained. This is similarly attained with guidance from the other players which positively incur a challenge and increase concentration scope. The different findings sourced from the study note that without presence of this form of political behaviour, the organisations are not able to succeed in the various L&TD strategies. Albeit of this occurrence, Drory and Vigoda-Gadot (2010) evidence that the presence of this type of political behaviour has an impact as an inhibitor contributing to problems with demotivation.

Conversely, for the insurgency game political environment, Newfield et al. (2005) note that this is inclusive of an advanced support in terms of experience and increasing the confidence scope and making sure all participants have awareness of entire issues in consideration. The insurgency game politics are in most instances characterised by age distinction, interests of individuals in controlling the overall L&TD, putting into account of threats and rigidity in job functions. In my current organisation, there were evidently claims passed by the organisation that supervisors of the young employees as opposed to the elderly staff. This contributed to politics for being treated unfairly which made them to lose their overall, morale. The outcome of this was emergence of differences which impacted successful implementation of the L&TD strategy.

2.1 Organisation Politics and Power

In regard to the power, there exist two form of categories of the organisation politics evidenced as being episodic power (CIPD, 2018) and the expertise game noted in Skyanakis and Bellas (2011) which can be prioritised. In an environment of learning which is comprised of an episodic power, the informal learning is the preference for assisting in increase on the accuracy scope of numerical data associated with the functions of the employees. However, the presence of episodic power led to an assumption of feeling of lack of capability and contributing to issues on competencies of L&TD practice. The rationale of this is that the political environment is defined with failures of accommodating and integration of various participants views and their overall expectation.

Additionally, the expertise game organisation politics environment are defined with sourcing encouragement of the participants in taking an active role in the L&TD for having an increased rapport with the rest and subordinates in the L&TD strategy. In various rare occurrences, this form of politics is defined as contributing to an increase in frustrations levels, increased stress levels, and demotivation in participating in the organisation practices and eventually having an intention of leaving their organisations.

2.2 Organisation Politics and Rivalry

As evidenced in the Cacciattolo (2015), the various behaviours are inclusive of practices to blame the rest, working with rival camps and line vs staff. A case example is attack or passing a blame to the rest, employees L&TD which is further facilitated and supported by entire participants in a more relaxed practice being used. However, their negative impact entail the likelihood to instil carelessness on achieving formal learning strategy and attitude of failing in taking part in the L&TD strategy actively. Additionally, Nejad et al. (2011) highlighted that achieving or blame of others politics in an organisation include underinvesting in the appropriate office space and other important resources needed to pursue successful L&TD practice. The inexistence of these resources act as a limitation of the success of the various L&TD strategy, lacking an elaborate track of the entire process and limiting an active correspondence to assigned job roles. Further, line managers and the employees are in most instances defined as organisation politics contributing to prevalence of conflicts hindering success in implementing the L&TD maximumly for gain of an entity in their operations.

3.0 Working collaboratively in Group of Stakeholders in an Organisation

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