ICS Learn Professional Behaviours and Valuing People (5CO03)


1) Define the term professional and explain what it means to be a ‘people practice professional’.(1.1)

2) Discuss the concept of ‘ethical values’, and how at least three ethical values that you hold personally impact (or could impact) on your work as a people practice professional. (1.2)

3) Drawing on work or personal examples, analyse how you would/have: – made an engaging and well-informed contribution to discussions to support the application of good people practice (1.3) –

taken responsibility for your work/actions, including recognising and rectifying mistakes (1.4).

– known when and how to raise concerns when issues such as organisational policies or leadership approaches conflict with ethical values or legislation. (1.5)

4) Provide a robust argument for ethical people practice that is supported by academic theory and details both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued, and fairly treated. (2.1)

5) Using your own example of providing a people practice solution to meet a particular need, or a hypothetical example such as introducing a new policy or reward initiative, comment on how you would/have: – ensured the ‘design’ of the solution was informed by engagement with others, particularly those most affected by the solution. (2.2)

– evaluated the impact of the solution in terms of how well it met the needs of and engaged all those it was aimed at. (2.3)

Task Two – CPD portfolio

This task combines a number of activities to produce a continued professional development (CPD) portfolio.

The activities require you to demonstrate your understanding of, commitment, and approach to CPD.

Activity 1 – The Context of Professional Development

As an introduction to your portfolio, explain the following:

▪ The concepts of CPD and Reflective Practice

▪ How the role of a people professional is changing and the implications this has for CPD. (3.1)

Activity 2 – Self Assessment

The first stage of CPD is to understand where we are and where we want to be.

▪ Undertake a self-assessment against the following three CIPD Profession Map core behaviours, at associate level: Ethical Practice, Valuing People, and Working Inclusively.

Your self-assessment should include conclusions derived from other people’s feedback as well as your own reflections, on your behaviour and performance. (2.4, 3.2)

▪ From your self-assessment, identify your weaker areas and your development objectives for addressing these. Determine the most appropriate professional development activities to meet your objectives, and add these to your Professional Development Plan (PDP). (3.2, 3.3)

Activity 3 – Reflective Practice

A key element of CPD is reflecting on the impact of our learning and development, so that we can make further decisions about how to progress.

To compete this assignment, provide a reflective record of how key aspects of your (formal or informal) learning and development, over the last 12 months, have impacted your performance at work and/or general behaviour. (3.4).



Table of Contents

Task 1: Presentation. 5

Briefing Document: Ethical Practice in Business. 19

Introduction to Briefing Note. 19

1.1 Professional and requirements of a people professional 19

1.2 Ethical values explanation. 19

1.2 Personal values and its effects working and relationships. 20

1.3, 1.5 Discussions for ensuring people practices are applied. 20

1.3 Effectively communicating in engaging and influencing others. 21

Task 2: CPD Portfolio. 24

Activity 1- (3.1) Context of Professional Development 24

How People Professional Role is Changing. 24

Impact of Changes on CPD. 24

Key characteristics of a good-practice CPD. 24

Activity 2- Self Assessment 25

3.2 Strengths and weaknesses setting Personal Development Objectives Included within Professional Development Plan  25

3.3 Meeting the development objectives. 26

Activity 3: Reflective Practice. 29

1.4 Taking responsibility of my work/actions 29

Example 1. 29

Example 2. 29

2.4 Reflections 29

Example 1. 29

Example 2. 30

Activity 4: (3.4) Assessing the Impact of Learning and CPD. 30

References 31

Appendices 32

Appendix 1: Self-Assessment 32

Ethical Practice. 32

Valuing People. 33

Working inclusively. 35

Appendix 2: PDP Development Plan. 36

Appendix 3: CPD. 37

CPD Record. 38























Task 1: Presentation




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Welcome to this presentation that focuses on the ethical practice in business with an in-depth explanation of the business case for these people practices. This presentation is structured into different sections with an intention of linking the ethical practices and people professional practices.






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Reflecting to my current organisation which operates in UAE property sector, the relevance of ethics to people practice has been evaluated. In CIPD, CIPD (2021) had noted that immense scandals in modern workplaces on harassment and poor treatment of employees. These occurs when ethics are not integral to the way organisations are operating.


Ethics are heart of HR professionalism as it influences transparency scope and trust with standards of integrity being essential in advising business leaders.






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As noted in ACP (2021), from a traditional context, professional was being identified as an individual receiving pay from particular knowledge or experiences. This has since changed where May (2019) identify a professional to include moral or ethical foundation in this practice of specific and well-established expertise.


Professionals are governed by distinct codes of ethics, professing commitment to competencies, integrity and morality, altruism, and promotion of public good. They are accountable to those they are serving and society.






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Adopting the definition of CIPD (2021a), people professional is appropriately positioned in driving positive change in their world of work. This is achieved by ensuring they understand, communicate, and unlock people value. The outcome of this is achieving sustainable business outcomes for all people gains.


There is a total of five rationale of becoming people professional:

  • Support people– This is identified in CIPD (2020) as upholding professional standards and assuming a strategic, expert approach, recognition of impact and value people teams lead to organisational goals.
  • Work anywhere– As evidenced in CIPD (2021a), a people professional can work in media, engineering to banks and even charities, even industries and companies hire expertise of people professionals.
  • Progress your career– According to CIPD (2021b) there are a total of 12 career areas where a people profession pursues. These are broadly categorised into HR generalists and specialists.
  • Great earning potential– Qualifications and experiences contribute to an increased earning over time.

Considering my current positioning as a people practice professional in MNGHA in Saudi Arabia, by integrating the use of the map, the core areas of interest are;

  • Core KnowledgePeople Practice– As evidenced in CIPD (2021b), this entail the engagement of experts in the knowledge of people, work and change process. A core area of this is embracing core knowledge of a range of people practices and appreciating the scope of various practices influence each other and working collaboratively in an integrated manner.
  • Specialist KnowledgePeople Analytics– According to CIPD (2021c), this entail gathering and use of data and information for offering insights into people issues and guiding decision making. It entails an appreciation of research design, questions framed and quantitative and qualitative technique’s assisting addressing of entity issues/challenges.

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In context of people professional CIPD (2021c) define the ethics as offering moral compass by which we are living in our lives and making decisions.


As noted in Qayyum et al. (2019) ethics in people profession influence how the decisions affect relationships in workplace. This has an eventual implication on organisation reputation.

Three examples of my own personal values have been identified which have had a direct effect on the quality of relationships that I was developing in my current workplace.


In people practice, ethical values can be applied in the following areas:

  • Decision making
  • Challenging others in their decisions
  • Transparency on what we are doing and why
  • Role-modelling of professional values, principles, and integrity





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As evidenced in New CIPD HR Professional Map 2018, professional courage and influence is a core behaviour (CIPD, 2021d). This involve demonstrating courage in speaking up and skilfully influencing the rest in gaining a buy-in.

As part of actively influencing the others, there is a need to practice an active courage, challenges when resistance occurs or opposition, speaking up when aware of something that is not right and taking a strong stand when it is the right thing of doing.

As a HR professional, I ensures that I am effective and establish sustainable relations with the rest for understanding varying views, presenting any concern and needs. This is while embracing the best strategy of communication for achieving positive outcomes.


In my position as people practice professional, my core function include an embrace of core ethical values in CallisonRTKL which entail;

  • Taking responsibility of my action– While working in CallisonRTKL, when COVID-19 pandemic emerged, after returning to work successfully, I was tasked with a role of conducting a succession plan and contingency planning. I decided to pursue internal approach of succession planning. For the individual who was selected to fill the position, they were not effective in terms of their skills and knowledge possessed. After a successful recruitment of the employee, he underperformed. This is since they lacked appropriate skills and knowledge for successful implementation of their roles. I was ethical to note that this was my mistake and I had failed in following an appropriate resourcing strategy.
  • Handling personal data and information professionally– In my organisation CallisonRTKL, I have recently introduced exit interviews. This is done for all employees leaving the organisation either voluntarily or involuntarily. Over the years, there has been issues with potential of the data being inappropriately used by unauthorised individuals. Nevertheless, I ensure that I safely guard the data from an access by unauthorised people. The data is safely stored and I require the management and administration to only use it for their organisation progress.
  • Demonstrating honesty in dealings with others– As a head of people practice in CallisonRTKL, I always ensure I provide constructive feedback to all my subordinates. For instance, there is at one time where the security department was characterised with immense absenteeism and lateness. I had to ensure I offered constructive feedback as the department was not working appropriately in terms of performance. I ensured that the feedback was not demeaning but to best practice.








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As evidenced in CIPD (2015), ethical and legislation conflicts are a common occurrence. It is the core function of a people profession to effectively recognise when the ethics and legislation conflicts emerges. According to Rubab (2017), this is due to issues relating to illegal practices, toxic workplace culture, technology and property and expectations of the community.


As evidenced in Small Business (2019), raising the issues of ethics and legislation conflicts would include the following aspects:

  • Knowledge on the law- This includes evidencing knowledge on all these areas. For best execution
  • Setting appropriate workplace expectations
  • Training the employees
  • Fairness in application of policies






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