ICS Summative Assessment 7IBI


Selected Topic: A Business Report about the effects of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Management and if it can enhance candidate experience and a short reflective report


A Strategic Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Resource Management (HRM) in Enhancement of Candidate Experience During Recruitment and Selection. A case Study of Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs (MNG-HA)


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Investigating Business Issues in Human Resources- Module (7IBI) (40572/14)

Date of Submission:

Executive Summary

In the current business report, a detailed analysis of the effects of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Management and its impact on enhancing candidate experience has been carried out. This is through a focus on the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs (MNG-HA) organisation in Saudi Arabia (KSA). The rationale of conducting this research is guided by the need to evaluate the Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption in Human Resources Management (HRM) and its impact in enhancing the candidate experience.  The employees who work in the organisation HR function have been identified to be used in this report for achieving the set project objectives and aims. In conducting an evaluation of this report, a critical literature review of the Artificial Intelligence on Human Resource Management (HRM) has been carried out. A theoretical analysis note that Artificial Intelligence approaches for HRM approaches have a direct impact on the employees readiness from the time of their resourcing. This is while ensuring a holistic selection of the employees and their eventual retention in a modern organisation. The findings of this study evidence that by embrace of technology in resourcing, the most appropriate candidates are selected, appropriate approach in the resourcing followed with the outcomes being acceptable among all the impacted stakeholders. Also, the best employees capabilities are evidenced for promoting the scope of achieving an entity identified goals. Since the AI has a positive implication on the HRM and candidates experience, appropriate networking is appropriately achieved which harness the overall resourcing strategy of an organisation equally contributing to an organisation being categorised as a Great Place of working. This is with their employer brand being categorised as significantly high.

The rationale of carrying out this study is guided by the information that there exist a large literature gap in the area of AI application in employees recruitment and how this influence employees experience development. There still exist significant gap in the literature reviewed for the concept and how it can be integrated as part of the organisation resourcing culture. This is particularly the phenomenon due to the high-level technology popularity in modern business environment. Also, the use of AI has particularly increased in its relevance in the current COVID-19 pandemic and as a future best practice with resourcing being a core area of best employees with appropriate experience achieved. It is possible to integrate the varying measures noted with resourcing being a success to ensure the best practice in their resourcing process.

In entirely, it is elaborate from the findings of this research that integrating AI in HRM and candidates experience are dependent on the experience and qualifications of the people professionals in general. It is also evident that from the existing literature, as evidenced in the various research outcomes, relevant findings are sourced. It is evident that AI and other modern technologies have a significant implication on promoting the employees candidates experience specifically in the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Finally, in this report, a set of recommendations have been generated. These include;

  • As part of the MNGHA organisation career development plan, integrate capacity development program to improve the employees experiences in their varying roles

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction. 4

1.1 Context of Research. 4

1.2 Organisation Overview.. 6

1.3 Aims and Objectives 7

Research Question. 7

Research Aim.. 7

Objectives 7

2.0 Literature Review.. 7

2.1 Chapter Background. 7

2.2 Background of Artificial Intelligence Concept 8

2.3 AI Application in the HR Recruitment and Selection. 9

2.3.1 Screening. 9

2.3.2 Human Bias 10

2.3.3 Best fitting candidate. 10

2.4 Candidates Experience and AI Application in Recruitment and Selection. 10

2.5 Critique Analysis of the Findings from the Literature Review.. 11

2.6 Conclusion. 13

3.0 Research Methodology. 13

3.1 Background. 13

3.2 Research Philosophy. 13

3.3 Research Design. 13

Type of Data- Quantitative/Qualitative. 13

3.4 Data Collection and Sampling. 14

3.5 Data Analysis Method. 14

3.6 Ethical Considerations. 15

3.7 Research Limitations 16

3.8 Threats of the Data Findings 16

3.9 Reliability and Validity of Findings 16

4.0 Research Findings of Primary Research. 17

4.1 Respondents Background. 17

4.2 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the HRM Recruitment and Selection. 19

4.3 Discussion Integrating Primary and Secondary Analysis. 23

4.4 Evaluation of Options for Improvement 26

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 26

5.1 Conclusions. 26

5.2 Recommendations. 27

References and Bibliography. 30

References 30

Bibliography. 34

Appendices 37

Reflection Report 37

Appendix 1: Questionnaire. 38

Appendix 2: Ethics Form.. 41

ICS Learn Investigating a Business Issue. 41

Appendix 3: Implementation Plan of Recommendations 47

Appendix 4: Cost Benefit Analysis 48


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Context of Research

Currently, the Human Resources Management (HRM) encounters immense challenges compared to the past 12 months. As noted in CIPD (2021) this include and not limited to hybrid workforce, virtual recruitment and an increased prioritisation on diversity and inclusion. The identified changes have positively contributed to introduction of fresh dynamics while intensifying the prevalent. To cope up with the identified challenges, HR Executive (2021) note that in the current highly competitive business environment, resourcing of the most qualified talents demands an enormous lift from the HR teams. Through an embrace of the Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is possible for the HR function to operate with substantial speed, accurate and personalised practice. A summary of the popularity level of AI is as summarised in figure 1;

Figure 1: Summary of the popularity of AI

In regard to the candidates experience, CIPD Asia (2018) report which evaluated on the scope of adoption of AI in context of Asian countries, relevant findings were obtained. The study evidenced that the AI is a highly innovative and promising technology and best applicable for recruiters and candidates. This is in terms of sourcing of the best candidates in different databases, online and offline, shortlisting and matching of candidates in line with their jobs and requirements and also sharing automated emails and responses. These findings are affirmed in Gartner (2020) report which was based by Artificial Intelligence Survey which evidenced that the AI-based solutions are increasingly being adopted in the HR function. This is with a projection of 30% of the HR functions to use it by 2022 From the study findings, it is evident that the HR functions gains through an increased cost savings, accuracy of the data-based decision making and improving the employees experience representing the main reasons for AI deployment. It is projected that the application of the AI will continue to surge in the modern business environment with the percentages of these reasons being as summarised in figure 2;

Figure 2: A summary of the HR function and AI Adoption for candidates experience

Despite the effectiveness of the AI in use in the HRM strategies, Alt et al. (2020) noted on the need of appreciating the candidates experience. Often, the process can be relevant for majority of the organisations but the candidate encounter negative experience. For instance, the AI solutions for the HR are in most instances in a specialised manner, narrowed and focusing on a single point of view. In this regard, it is relevant for modern organisations to ensure they evaluate both the candidates experience as they put into consideration of the evident benefits to their HRM operations.

1.2 Organisation Overview

Since 1983, the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs (MNG-HA) has been operating as a government-funded health system in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (MNG-HA, 2021). The organisation is a subsidiary of the Ministry of National Guard and the Saudi Arabian National Guard operating different medical cities in the entire region in Riyadh, Jeddah, Al-Ahsa, Dammam and Medina. The organisation significant spread in entire Saudi Arabia is as a consequence of embrace of substantially integrated deployments of the centralised Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. Specifically, in the current COVID-19 pandemic, the organisation has been playing a significant role in guaranteeing its effective mitigation. This is in the areas of the patient flow, controlling infections and offering an emergency care. The most popular subsidiary of the organisation is the King Abdulaziz Medical City which is engaged in provision of all forms of care to the National Guard Solders and their families. This is in the areas of primary health care to the tertiary specialised care. By 2012, the organisation has been appreciated as a major center for international level in conjoined twin separation surgery. The success of this organisation in its operations is credited by investment in HR functions.

In line with the provided background information, this research intention is evaluating the Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption in Human Resources Management (HRM) and its impact in enhancing the candidate experience. The rationale of this is informed by LinkedIn (2021) report which identify the MNG-HA as the best in having the most integrated deployment of centralised Electronic Medical Records system in the entire Saudi Arabia. Similarly, the extent in which the organisation can invest on AI would be evaluated and the extent in which this positively harness the candidates experience in their resourcing strategies being put into account. Currently, the organisation employs approximately 7,779 employees and recruits new employees around the year (Yousef et al., 2020). An increased investment in AI in their resourcing strategies would potentially contribute to positive implication on the candidates experience.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

Research Question

What is the impact of artificial intelligence on the human resource management on the candidate experience in MNG-HA organisation?

Research Aim

The aim of this report is to evaluate the impact of artificial intelligence on human resource management on the candidate experience. This would be evaluated in context of MNG-HA Organisation case study


  • A critical review of literature on the impact of artificial intelligence of the HRM
  • A literature review on the impact of the AI on harnessing the candidates experience
  • To assesses the positive impact of AI and challenges of implementation in MNG-HA organisation
  • To analyse the best practice for MNG-HA adoption of the AI to achieve successful Human Resources Management Experience
  • To generate relevant recommendations on the most appropriate approach for success in Artificial Intelligence to achieve a holistic candidate experience

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Chapter Background

In this chapter, a detailed review of the concept of AI impact on HRM in terms of achievement of appropriate employees experience has been carried out. The lack of an appropriate employees experience indicate that their commitment

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